Medical Records and Google calendar

Dates for taking up medical records will be organised by the students using Google calendar. The dates for doing this should coincide with the days you have outpatioent clinic or clinical ward at Ullev?l and clinical ward at Ahus.

Password to the Google calendar is: barnemottaket 5

You can only be 2 students present in the paediatric acute ward at the time. If you are an exchange student you should pair up with a regular student, but please note that it is not possible for two students to hand in a record based on the same patient.

Remember to write down the blood test results in the journal. This is important information that must be applied to the journal. If you cannot wait until the results are ready, you must return the following day to obtain this information.


Published Aug. 17, 2016 8:13 AM - Last modified Aug. 17, 2016 8:29 AM