Information about meeting point and time schedule for the OSCE-exam for Modul 6 the 14th of June 2016:
Information about meeting point and time schedule for the OSCE-exam for Modul 6 the 14th of June 2016:
A registration desk will be set up in front of the entrance to the seminar rooms. You need to bring a picture ID (student card, passport, bank card with photo, driver license). Line up to register and have your ID ready. You will then receive a white coat and a candidate number to pin on your coat.
All candidates will leave their personal belongings behind in the seminar rooms. You may bring food and beverages. After a short information session, you will be guided into the closed area where the examination takes place.
Group 1, 2 and 3 will have to wait until 12.45 before you can leave. The last half of group 4 will have to wait until ca 14:30 to start your exam. Everyone in group 4 can leave when you are finish with the exam.
If you are uncertain of you candidate number, please consult the StudentWeb.
Group 1
Candidate numbers: 1-10, 12-19.
Meeting point: Seminarrom 1 B2.U001 RH (the stairs down from Medisinsk bibliotek).
Registration between 07:00-07:30 am.
Students who show up after 07:30 am will be rejected. The exam starts 08:00 am sharp.
Group 2
Candidate numbers: 20-37
Meeting point: Seminarrom 1 B2.U001 RH (the stairs down from Medisinsk bibliotek).
Registration between 08:30-09:00 am.
Students who show up after 09:00 am will be rejected. The exam starts 09:25 am sharp.
Group 3
Candidate numbers: 38-53
Meeting point: Seminarrom 1 B2.U001 RH (the stairs down from Medisinsk bibliotek).
Registration between 09:50-10:20 am.
Students who show up after 10:20 am will be rejected. The exam starts 10:50 am sharp.
Group 4
Candidate numbers: 54-67, 69-89
Meeting point: Seminarrom 2 B2.U002 RH (the stairs down from Medisinsk bibliotek).
Registration between 12:00-12:30 am.
Students who show up after 12:30 am will be rejected. The exam starts 13:00 am sharp.