Message from Module Leader Anne Flem Jacobsen

Dear students on Module 6.
We look forward to “see you” in Zoom lectures next week.
The teachers  are excited and ready to start. Please be patient as we figure this out together.
The lectures and seminars will be recorded and downloaded as resources in the schedule (timeplan).
Small groups will be run in Zoom as well, but not recorded or downloaded. So be active and  feel free to join the discussion.
Some teachers may post a requirement for you to give presentations in the small group classes, and there will probably be some room for preparations during the classes. Please check your small-group schedule in advance to be prepared!
We look forward to  see you
Best regards
Head of module 6
Anne Flem Jacobsen
Overlege, Professor
F?deavdelingen, seksjon Ullev?l, OUS
Inst for klin medisin, Med fak, Universitetet i Oslo
Tlf dir 23 015762, eksp. 22 119800, mobil 928 14 298
Published Mar. 20, 2020 9:17 AM - Last modified Mar. 20, 2020 9:18 AM