Sensuren for skriftlig digital konteeksamen p? modul 6 avholdt 09.08.23, er n? tilgjengelig i Studentweb.
Innsyn i egen besvarelse og sensorveiledningen
Hvis du ?nsker innsyn i din egen besvarelse og sensorveiledningen, er dette mulig onsdag 23. august.
Sted: M?terom Fortunsdalen, 1. etasje, Sogn Arena (Klaus Torg?rds vei 3)
Mellom kl. 09.00 – 11.30 eller kl.12.30 – 15.00
NB: Her kreves det elektronisk p?melding. Du kan melde deg p? fra det tidspunktet sensuren er publisert og til og med kl.14.00 dagen f?r oppsatt innsyn.
Vi ber deg om ? si ifra senest dagen f?r, dersom du likevel ikke kan m?te til p?meldt innsyn.
The result for the digital exam MED5600 (module 6) held 15.06.23 is now available in Studentweb.
If you have questions about the results or any other academic question you can contact Henrik Holmstr?m.
If you have any other questions contact: Nina Lind, Section for Student Affairs.
Reviewing your exam paper and the assessment guidelines
Once the results of your exam have been published you are given the opportunity to review your answer paper, the exam questions and the assessment guidelines. The review can take place on either 21.06.23 or 28.06.23.
Place: Meeting room Fortunsdalen, ground floor, Sogn Arena (Klaus Torg?rds vei 3)
Time: Between 09.00 – 11.30 or 12.30 – 15.00
Please note: You need to sign up in advance via an electronic form. The form opens when the results are published and...
The result for the OSCE MED5600 (modul 6) held 13.06.23 is now available in Studentweb.
Attention, Incoming Exchange Students: please do not register for a new semester - you can see your results by clicking the menu icon in the upper left hand corner. Thanks!
If you have questions about the results or any other academic question you can contact Henrik Holmstr?m by phone 980 04 055 on Friday 23 June from 09-11am or Katariina Laine by phone 402 85 464 on Monday 26 June from 12 noon- 2pm.
If you have any other questions contact: Nina Lind, Section for Student Affairs.
Incoming Exchange Students can contact Anne Westheim, Section for Student Affairs.
A registration desk will be set up in front of the entrance to the seminar rooms. You need to bring a picture ID (student card, passport, bank card with photo, driver license). Line up to register and have your ID ready. You will then receive a white coat and a candidate number to pin on your coat.
All candidates will leave their personal belongings (including your wristwatch) behind in the seminar rooms. You may bring food, beverages and something to read (carry this in your hands. Bags/purses are not allowed). After a short information session, you will be guided into the closed area where the examination takes place.
Group 1 will have to wait 1 h 15min after the examination before you can leave.
Group 3 will have to wait 30 min after the examination before you can leave.
The rest of ...
Dear students,
Friday 9. June is the deadline for returning your yellow books (Room B1.3099 at Rikshospitalet)
Please remember this, since attendance must be approved before you can sit your exams.
If you have problems handing in your book on time, please make contact.
Your teachers will appreciate it if you can make the time to fill inn the gyn/obst. check lists in the booklet
Kind regards,
Ellen Rosenberg
Module coordinator
A clarification to students about OSCE-stations with actors:
I said yesterday that you only should address the actor. However, in some tasks you are told to address the examinator at a certain point, and if so, it is clearly stated.
I have changed the second line in this slide correspondingly.
Regards, Henrik Holmstr?m
?Dear Module 6 students?,
As you know, you were provided with a link to a preliminary (non-electronic) version of the planned quiz for obst/gyn and “other subjects” this semester,
As the IT platform system at UiO e-learning at the Medical Faculty is undergoing a change and our excellent weekly quiz plan was technically delayed till the Autumn.
Some of you have identified mistakes, that actually are correct in the saved system, but that appear wrong in your version.
One example of this question about unexposed estrogen and endometrial cancer risk:
MRQ2: Which are risk factors for the development of endometrial cancer?
3. Longterm exposure to unopposed estrogen (anovulation, nulliparity, late menopause, use of Tamox...
Dear students,
Unfortunately, due to technical difficulties, you have not received the weekly knowledge check in paediatrics this semester.
Here's an older link to all the questions:
The questions are based on the main take-home messages from the lectures you have had. There are some bugs, and some questions that could have been phrased more accurately (e.g. the one about pyloric stenosis) - but because of the ongoing technical difficulties, I have not been able to fix them. Please notify me of any bugs you find, so I may fix them for the next semester.
Good luck with the exams!
Joel Selvakumar, clinical fellow in paediatrics, Campus Ahus
NB! Vi har v?rt i kontakt med Helsedirekoratet og har f?tt bekreftet at det ikke er noen endring i forhold til tidligere praksis p? modul 6 til innmelding av midlertidig lisens. Studentene meldes fortsatt inn til Helsedirektoratet samme dag de har tatt eksamen.
Endringen gjelder kun autorisasjon/modul 8.
Dear students,
Some teachers in Gyn/obst and Paediatrics will meet students on Zoom or in an Auditorium for a Q&A before the exams. The meetings will show in your time schedules as soon as they are booked.
It is possible to send the teachers listed questions in advance.
Dear students,
To make the CPR teaching as efficient as possible your teachers urge you to go through the two tutorials (My Studies, in resources for the activity) beforehand. They are about 1 hr and 15 minutes in total. For the course, 3 groups will be divided into 2 slots. Please find the schedule in My Studies.
The aim is fewer students and more time for the teachers to help you individually. If you need to change groups, you will have to find another student to swap with, so group sizes remain approx. 6 students.
Kind regards,
Ellen Rosenberg
Module coordinator
Dear Students,
We discovered one error in the Qviz about EMERGENCY CONTRACEPTION sent to you Wednesday this week:
Which of the following cannot be used as an emergency contraceptive?
1 Hormonal IUD
Answer: cannot be used
2 Progesterone only pill
Answer: Can be used if you use the compound with this indication, Levonorgestrel 1,5 grams within 72 hours or Ulipristalacetat 30 mg within 5 days
3 Copper IUD
Answer: Can be...
Hello all medical student at Module 6, UiO; Spring 2023
As informed previously, our planned weekly quiz related to the topics of the week, has not been possible to be distributed this term.
This is due to circumstances beyond our control (a new IT program system for web learning being introduced this term at the Medical Faculty).
Many of the students have expressed strong wish to test themselves with these quiz tasks.
We are there hereby giving you access to the link to Gyn/obst and “Other subjects):
As for the link to the Pediatric qui...
Fristen for ? s?ke tilrettelegging i modul 7 er 1. mai -
Retningslinjer for tildeling av tidlig valgnummer ved valg av praksisplass i modul 7 – MED5700 – Universitetet i Oslo ( </studier/emner/medisin/med/MED5700/praksis-tilrettelegging/index.html>
To students on Module 6
The exam period is approaching, and we at the Skills Centre know that our rooms are used a lot in the period ahead. We fully understand that the period is stressful and that you want to use the time as appropriately as possible.
We would still like to remind you to clean up after using our rooms. Everyone has a collegial responsibility! Feel free to let us know by e-mail if there is a shortage of equipment (email ), and we will replace it as soon as possible. Also remember the rules for booking our rooms; book no longer than 10 days in advance and not more than 2 hours at a time per student (technically it is possible to book longer - don't do it!).
Violation of this will result in the booking being deleted. Re...
Dear students,
Please follow the link below for a message from your teacher Henrik Holmstr?m
Det innvilges ikke tilrettelegging av undervisning for enkeltblokker/terminer, kun for moduler som helhet. S?knad med dokumentasjon m? derfor foreligge innen 1. mai for moduler med oppstart i h?stsemester og innen 1. november for moduler med oppstart i v?rsemester.
S?knader som kommer etter fristen ...
We ask that students do not send emails directly to lecturers about recording.
Recording is done where it is appropriate. The teachers cannot be ordered to make recordings. Some seminars are not suitable for recording and we encourage students to attend the seminars as long as these are not in conflict with other compulsory teaching.
We hope for better attendance on Campus, if you are unable to attend there are handouts covering the seminars and lectures.
Anne Flem Jacobsen
Module leader
Det er Helsedirektoratet som tildeler student-/midlertidig lisens etter avlagt og best?tt eksamen i modul 6:
Lisensen skal v?re klar dagen etter eksamen. Dere/arbeidsgiver vil da kunne s?ke opp HPR-nummeret i helsepersonellregisteret (HPR).
Studieseksjonen sender inn liste over studenter som kan f? midlertidig lisens til Helsedirektoratet, f?r og etter at sensur foreligger. Dersom noen stryker p? eksamen sender vi inn en ny liste over dem og den midlertidige lisensen blir tilbakekalt inntil eksamen er best?tt.
Ved sp?rsm?l ta kontakt med: ved studieseksjonen.
Welcome to the introductory course in paediatrics 1. and 2. February 2023
(Please consult your calendar to see when your group is due to attend).
The course takes place in Ferdighetssenteret - Rikshospitalet.
Through this course, we aim to give you an overview of how to examine children of different ages and how to write a thorough paediatric medical record. It is a group-based course where your group will attend four different stations, 25 minutes each. Most stations are practical workshops where you will be partaking in the activities. The four different stations are as follows:
1) Newborn examination
2) Neurological examination
3) Growth and puberty
4) Critical ill ...
Dear students,
Groups 1-8 will write their records in Ahus, groups 9-24 in Ullev?l
Norwegian students will get access to DIPS at Barnemottaket in the hospital they have been assigned to.
Please find links to calendar and other useful information here: Peadiatrics: Clinical Learning Resources
The records at due no later than 30. May, and you can check your time schedules on this date to see whether your records have been approved.
More information about clinical teaching will follow.
Kind regards,
Ellen Rosenberg
Module coordinator