Dear students in groups 2,4,5,6,8,9,10,12,14,15,17,18,19,21,23 and 24 (groups that have their Gyn Outpatient Clinics at Ullev?l).
One of your gyn.outpatient clinics will be replaced with a session at Sex & samfunn, Skippergata 17.
Sex and samfunn have made a calendar where you individually sign up for a timeslot.
The following times are possible:
? Monday, 3:45 PM - 6:30 PM
? Tuesday, 3:45 PM - 6:30 PM
? Wednesday, 3:45 PM - 6:30 PM
? Thursday, 8:45 AM - 11:30 AM
Sex & samfunn can accommodate for 2 students per time slot.
...Dear students,
Due to some misunderstanding about when to sign up for the Paediatric Emergency Room, the following message goes out:
The students have agreed that the calendar for pediatric patient records (which is available here: Calendar), will be "opened" Monday February 10th at 20:00. Entries added before this time will be removed from the calendar.
Kind regards,
Ellen Rosenberg
Module coordinator
Dear student,
If you were not present for the introductory lecture, you can pick up your signature book from the UiO reception desk, room B1.3099 - 3rd floor, RH
Kind regards,
Ellen Rosenberg
Module coordinator
Dear students!
Welcome to Pediatric, which of course is the most interesting and greatest specialty in medicine. We are of course not biased at all :-)
We have prepared an Introduction Course for you on the 5th of February to give you a taste of what pediatrics is all about! Each student is assigned to a half day course where we will go through some off the basic things you will learn this semester. This will be a very intense half day for you! There will be 4 stations where 3 groups (12 students) will rotate through the stations having 20-25 min lectures (and only 5 mins breaks) on each of the following subjects:
* How to recognize an acute sick child
* Growth and puberty
* Neurological examination in children
* History taking and examination including ENT examination in children – ...
Dear students,
Welcome to a new semester
Please note the following:
9 students will attend Module 6 from Campus South. They will have all their clinical teaching at S?rlandet Hospital, but will follow parts of the plenary sessions in Oslo via Zoom
- Students are expected to attend plenary sessions in person. Only students present in allocated rooms in Ahus and Campus South can attend streamed teaching.
- Students are not permitted to log on from anywhere else.
- All plenary sessions take place at Rikshospitalet. When you also see rooms in Ahus and Campus South listed, this shows that the session will be streamed.
- In Oslo, the days will largely be divided in half, with clinical teaching in the mornings and plenary sessions in the afternoons.
- Some of the clinical teaching will not correspond with the listed time in the time schedule. This applies when students have indiv...