
Published Feb. 20, 2025 11:33 AM

Dear students in groups 2,4,5,6,8,9,10,12,14,15,17,18,19,21,23 and 24 (groups that have their Gyn Outpatient Clinics at Ullev?l).

One of your gyn.outpatient clinics will be replaced with a session at Sex & samfunn, Skippergata 17.

Sex and samfunn have made a calendar where you individually sign up for a timeslot.

The following times are possible:

? Monday, 3:45 PM - 6:30 PM

? Tuesday, 3:45 PM - 6:30 PM

 ? Wednesday, 3:45 PM - 6:30 PM

? Thursday, 8:45 AM - 11:30 AM

Sex & samfunn can accommodate for 2 students per time slot.

Published Feb. 7, 2025 3:01 PM

Dear students,

Due to some misunderstanding about when to sign up for the Paediatric Emergency Room, the following message goes out:

The students have agreed that the calendar for pediatric patient records (which is available here: Calendar), will be "opened" Monday February 10th at 20:00. Entries added before this time will be removed from the calendar.

Kind regards,

Ellen Rosenberg

Module coordinator


Published Feb. 4, 2025 1:09 PM

Dear student,

If you were not present for the introductory lecture, you can pick up your signature book from the UiO reception desk, room B1.3099 - 3rd floor, RH


Kind regards,

Ellen Rosenberg

Module coordinator

Published Feb. 3, 2025 3:32 PM

Dear students!

Welcome to Pediatric, which of course is the most interesting and greatest specialty in medicine. We are of course not biased at all :-)
We have prepared an Introduction Course for you on the 5th of February to give you a taste of what pediatrics is all about! Each student is assigned to a half day course where we will go through some off the basic things you will learn this semester. This will be a very intense half day for you! There will be 4 stations where 3 groups (12 students) will rotate through the stations having 20-25 min lectures (and only 5 mins breaks) on each of the following subjects:

*       How to recognize an acute sick child
*       Growth and puberty
*       Neurological examination in children
*       History taking and examination including ENT examination in children – ...

Published Feb. 3, 2025 7:57 AM

Dear students,

Welcome to a new semester

Please note the following:

9 students will attend Module 6 from Campus South. They will have all their clinical teaching at S?rlandet Hospital, but will follow parts of the plenary sessions in Oslo via Zoom

  • Students are expected to attend plenary sessions in person. Only students present in allocated rooms in Ahus and Campus South can attend streamed teaching.
  • Students are not permitted to log on from anywhere else.
  • All plenary sessions take place at Rikshospitalet. When you also see rooms in Ahus and Campus South listed, this shows that the session will be streamed.
  • In Oslo, the days will largely be divided in half, with clinical teaching in the mornings and plenary sessions in the afternoons.
  • Some of the clinical teaching will not correspond with the listed time in the time schedule. This applies when students have indiv...