It is important to note that this list does not cover all clinical skills required for medical students, but merely some well defined, simple practical procedures that should be learned. The list also describes the skill level to be achieved and suggested learning method(s). The students are responsible for learning the procedures to the specified level.
Explanation of tables
A certain skill level is expected at the end of the semester:
1. Student has observed the skill/procedure being conducted.
2. Student has conducted the skill/procedure on a model/dummy/specimen/student.
3. Student has conducted the skill/procedure on at least one patient.
4. Student can conduct the skill/procedure independently
Learning methods:
Method(s) that can be used for learning a procedure.
A - D refers to four alternatives:
A. During clinical ”bedside” small group teaching
B. At the ward/outpatient clinic, outside of organised teaching
C. In the Ferdighetssenteret (Skills Centre)
D. At specially arranged courses
Continue (cont sem): Indicates whether learning of a procedure should be completed (C) this semester or if it continues in a later semester (e.g. semester 10).
Practical skills-list for the 9th semester