Teaching plan

Teaching facilities:

The course takes place in Domus Medica (DM) and Domus Odontologica (DO) at the University of Oslo.


Professor Odd O. Aalen, Department of Biostatistics, IMB (Responsible for the course)

Associate professor Bettina Kulle Andreassen, Epi-gen, Ahus, UiO

Postdoc Jon Michael Gran, Department of Biostatistics, IMB

Associate professor Tron Anders Moger, Department of Biostatistics, IMB

Research Fellow Morten Valberg, Department of Biostatistics, IMB

Monday 3. September:

08.30-09.00: Registration. (Outside Lille Auditorium in Domus Medica)

Location: GA02 A1.1001, DO

09.00-11.45: Data and descriptive statistics. (Aalen).

Literature: Aalen chap. 1 og 2, Kirkwood and Sterne chap. 3 and 4

11.45-12.30: Lunch break

Location: GA01 0183 PC stue uetg. DM

12.30-13.45: Exercises: Introduction to SPSS.

Exercises: 1 and 2 in the exercise booklet (Aalen)

Location: GA02 A1.1001, DO

14.00-15.45: Basic concepts of probability. (Aalen).

Literature: Aalen chap. 3.1-3.7. Kirkwood and Sterne chap. 14

Tuesday 4. September:

Location: GA02 A1.1004, DO

08.30-09.15: Bayes law. Sensitivity, specificity. (Auditorium). (Aalen).

Literature: Aalen chap. 3.9 and 3.10, Kirkwood and Sterne chap. 36.2

09.30-11.00: Binomial distribution. (Aalen).

Literature: Aalen chap. 4, Kirkwood and Sterne section 15.1 and 15.2

11.15-12.15: Exercises: 9 and 12 in the exercise booklet. (Aalen)

12.15-13.15: Lunch break

13.15-14.00: The normal distribution. (Auditorium). (Andreassen).

Literature: Aalen chap. 5, Kirkwood and Sterne chap. 5

14.15-15.00: Exercises. Exercise 14 in the exercise booklet. (Andreassen)

15.15-15.45: Discussion of exercises.(Andreassen)

Wednesday 5. September:

Location: GA02 A1.1004, DO

08.30-10.45: Introduction to hypothesis testing and confidence intervals. One-sample Student’s test and conf. interval. (Andreassen).

Literature: Aalen chap. 8.1-8.5, Kirkwood and Sterne chap. 4, 6 and 7

Location: GA02 A1.1022 Datarom DO

11.00-12.00: Exercises. Exercise 13 in the exercise booklet. (Andreassen)

12.00-12.45: Lunch break

Location: GA02 A1.1004, DO

12.45-14.15: Two sample Student’s test and confidence interval. (Andreassen).

Literature: Aalen chap. 8.6 og 8.7, Kirkwood and Sterne chap. 7

Location: GA02 A1.1022 Datarom DO

14.15-15.45: Exercises. Exercise 15 in the exercise booklet. (Andreassen).

Thursday 6. September:

Location: GA02 A1.1004, DO

08.30-11.15: Transformations. Non-parametric methods. (Aalen).

Literature: Aalen chap. 8.8, Kirkwood and Sterne chap. 13 and 30.2

Location: GA02 A1.1022 Datarom DO

11.15-12.15: Exercises. Altman 9.2 and 9.4 and exercise 4 (all in the booklet). (Gran, Aalen)

12.15-13.00: Lunch break

Location: GA02 A1.1004, DO

13.00-14.30: Regression analysis, correlation. (Aalen).

Literature: Aalen chap. 11.1-11.3, Kirkwood and Sterne chap. 10

Location: GA02 A1.1022 Datarom DO

14.45-15.45: Exercises. (Gran, Aalen) 3 and 7 in the exercise booklet

Exercises for the intervening period:

You should read through the material from the first period and do the following exercises: 8, 10 and 11 in the exercise booklet We shall go through the exercises at the beginning of the next period.

Monday 17. September:

Location: GA02 A1.1001, DO

08.30-09.30: Discussion of the exercises from the intervening period. (Aalen)

09.45-11.15: Regression analysis cont., multiple regression. (Aalen).

Literature: Aalen chap. 11.4-11.6, Kirkwood and Sterne chap. 11 and 12

Location: GA01 0183 PC stue uetg. DM

11.30-12.30: Exercises. (Gran, Aalen) Exercises: Altman 11.2 + 18 in exercise booklet.

12.30-13.15: Lunch break

Location: GA02 A1.1001, DO

13.15-15.00: Some more about regression. Confounding. Interaction. (Aalen).

Literature: Kirkwood and Sterne chap. 38

Tuesday 18. September:

Location: GA02 A1.1004, DO

08.30-09.30: Epidemiologic design and basic concepts. (Aalen)

09.45-11.30: Principles for organizing clinical trials. (Aalen).

Literature: Aalen chap. 9 og 10, Kirkwood and Sterne chap. 32 and 34

11.30-12.15: Lunch break

12.15-14.00: Statistical analysis of proportions. Odds ratio, relative risk etc.(Valberg). Literature: Aalen chap. 6.1-6.4, Kirkwood and Sterne chap. 15 and 16

14.15-15.15: Exercises. (Valberg). Exercises 16 and 17 in the booklet

15.15-15.45: Discussion of exercises.

Wednesday 19. September:

Location: GA02 A1.1004, DO

08.30-10.15: Analyzing tables (chi squared, exact and Monte Carlo tests). (Valberg).

Literature: Aalen chap. 6.5, Kirkwood and Sterne chap. 17

Location: GA01 0183 PC stue uetg. DM

10.30-11.30: Exercises. (Valberg) Exercises: Altman 10.1a, 10.3, 10.7 (see Exercise booklet).

11.30-12.15: Lunch break

Location: GA02 A1.1004, DO

12.15-14.30: Logistic regression (Moger)

Literature: Aalen Chap. 12, Kirkwood and Sterne, Chap. 19, 20.

Location: GA01 0183 PC stue uetg. DM

14.45-15.45: Exercise 23 in the booklet.(Moger)

Thursday 20. September:

Location: GA02 A1.1004, DO

08.30-09.45: Sample size and power. (Gran).

Literature: Aalen chap. 9.6, Kirkwood and Sterne kap. 35

10.00-11.00: Exercises. (Gran) Exercise 19, 20 and/or 21 from booklet - Rooms 2227b, 2227c, 2228c og 2228d

Location: GA02 A1.1004, DO

11.15-12.15: Survival analysis. (Gran).

Literature: Aalen chap. 13, Kirkwood and Sterne chap. 26

12.15-13.00: Lunch break

Location: GA02 A1.1004, DO

13.00-13.45: Survival analysis cont. (Gran)

Location: GA01 0183 PC stue uetg. DM

14.00-15.15: Exercises with discussion. (Gran) Exercises 5 and 6 from booklet

Location: GA02 A1.1004, DO

15.30-15.45: Summary. (Gran)

Course exam:

A take home exam will be handed out at the end of the course. This should be solved at home and then returned within a specified deadline.

Published June 15, 2012 12:59 PM - Last modified Sep. 11, 2012 2:45 PM