Teaching facilities:
The course takes place in Domus Medica (DM) and Domus Odontologica (DO) at the University of Oslo.Teachers:
Professor Odd O. Aalen, Department of Biostatistics, IMB (Responsible for the course) Associate professor Bettina Kulle Andreassen, Epi-gen, Ahus, UiO Postdoc Jon Michael Gran, Department of Biostatistics, IMB Associate professor Tron Anders Moger, Department of Biostatistics, IMB Research Fellow Morten Valberg, Department of Biostatistics, IMBMonday 3. September:
08.30-09.00: Registration. (Outside Lille Auditorium in Domus Medica) Location: GA02 A1.1001, DO 09.00-11.45: Data and descriptive statistics. (Aalen). Literature: Aalen chap. 1 og 2, Kirkwood and Sterne chap. 3 and 4 11.45-12.30: Lunch break Location: GA01 0183 PC stue uetg. DM 12.30-13.45: Exercises: Introduction to SPSS. Exercises: 1 and 2 in the exercise booklet (Aalen) Location: GA02 A1.1001, DO 14.00-15.45: Basic concepts of probability. (Aalen). Literature: Aalen chap. 3.1-3.7. Kirkwood and Sterne chap. 14Tuesday 4. September:
Location: GA02 A1.1004, DO 08.30-09.15: Bayes law. Sensitivity, specificity. (Auditorium). (Aalen). Literature: Aalen chap. 3.9 and 3.10, Kirkwood and Sterne chap. 36.2 09.30-11.00: Binomial distribution. (Aalen). Literature: Aalen chap. 4, Kirkwood and Sterne section 15.1 and 15.2 11.15-12.15: Exercises: 9 and 12 in the exercise booklet. (Aalen) 12.15-13.15: Lunch break 13.15-14.00: The normal distribution. (Auditorium). (Andreassen). Literature: Aalen chap. 5, Kirkwood and Sterne chap. 5 14.15-15.00: Exercises. Exercise 14 in the exercise booklet. (Andreassen) 15.15-15.45: Discussion of exercises.(Andreassen)Wednesday 5. September:
Location: GA02 A1.1004, DO 08.30-10.45: Introduction to hypothesis testing and confidence intervals. One-sample Student’s test and conf. interval. (Andreassen). Literature: Aalen chap. 8.1-8.5, Kirkwood and Sterne chap. 4, 6 and 7 Location: GA02 A1.1022 Datarom DO 11.00-12.00: Exercises. Exercise 13 in the exercise booklet. (Andreassen) 12.00-12.45: Lunch break Location: GA02 A1.1004, DO 12.45-14.15: Two sample Student’s test and confidence interval. (Andreassen). Literature: Aalen chap. 8.6 og 8.7, Kirkwood and Sterne chap. 7 Location: GA02 A1.1022 Datarom DO 14.15-15.45: Exercises. Exercise 15 in the exercise booklet. (Andreassen).Thursday 6. September:
Location: GA02 A1.1004, DO 08.30-11.15: Transformations. Non-parametric methods. (Aalen). Literature: Aalen chap. 8.8, Kirkwood and Sterne chap. 13 and 30.2 Location: GA02 A1.1022 Datarom DO 11.15-12.15: Exercises. Altman 9.2 and 9.4 and exercise 4 (all in the booklet). (Gran, Aalen) 12.15-13.00: Lunch break Location: GA02 A1.1004, DO 13.00-14.30: Regression analysis, correlation. (Aalen). Literature: Aalen chap. 11.1-11.3, Kirkwood and Sterne chap. 10 Location: GA02 A1.1022 Datarom DO 14.45-15.45: Exercises. (Gran, Aalen) 3 and 7 in the exercise bookletExercises for the intervening period:
You should read through the material from the first period and do the following exercises: 8, 10 and 11 in the exercise booklet We shall go through the exercises at the beginning of the next period.Monday 17. September:
Location: GA02 A1.1001, DO 08.30-09.30: Discussion of the exercises from the intervening period. (Aalen) 09.45-11.15: Regression analysis cont., multiple regression. (Aalen). Literature: Aalen chap. 11.4-11.6, Kirkwood and Sterne chap. 11 and 12 Location: GA01 0183 PC stue uetg. DM 11.30-12.30: Exercises. (Gran, Aalen) Exercises: Altman 11.2 + 18 in exercise booklet. 12.30-13.15: Lunch break Location: GA02 A1.1001, DO 13.15-15.00: Some more about regression. Confounding. Interaction. (Aalen). Literature: Kirkwood and Sterne chap. 38Tuesday 18. September:
Location: GA02 A1.1004, DO 08.30-09.30: Epidemiologic design and basic concepts. (Aalen) 09.45-11.30: Principles for organizing clinical trials. (Aalen). Literature: Aalen chap. 9 og 10, Kirkwood and Sterne chap. 32 and 34 11.30-12.15: Lunch break 12.15-14.00: Statistical analysis of proportions. Odds ratio, relative risk etc.(Valberg). Literature: Aalen chap. 6.1-6.4, Kirkwood and Sterne chap. 15 and 16 14.15-15.15: Exercises. (Valberg). Exercises 16 and 17 in the booklet 15.15-15.45: Discussion of exercises.Wednesday 19. September:
Location: GA02 A1.1004, DO 08.30-10.15: Analyzing tables (chi squared, exact and Monte Carlo tests). (Valberg). Literature: Aalen chap. 6.5, Kirkwood and Sterne chap. 17 Location: GA01 0183 PC stue uetg. DM 10.30-11.30: Exercises. (Valberg) Exercises: Altman 10.1a, 10.3, 10.7 (see Exercise booklet). 11.30-12.15: Lunch break Location: GA02 A1.1004, DO 12.15-14.30: Logistic regression (Moger) Literature: Aalen Chap. 12, Kirkwood and Sterne, Chap. 19, 20. Location: GA01 0183 PC stue uetg. DM 14.45-15.45: Exercise 23 in the booklet.(Moger)Thursday 20. September:
Location: GA02 A1.1004, DO 08.30-09.45: Sample size and power. (Gran). Literature: Aalen chap. 9.6, Kirkwood and Sterne kap. 35 10.00-11.00: Exercises. (Gran) Exercise 19, 20 and/or 21 from booklet - Rooms 2227b, 2227c, 2228c og 2228d Location: GA02 A1.1004, DO 11.15-12.15: Survival analysis. (Gran). Literature: Aalen chap. 13, Kirkwood and Sterne chap. 26 12.15-13.00: Lunch break Location: GA02 A1.1004, DO 13.00-13.45: Survival analysis cont. (Gran) Location: GA01 0183 PC stue uetg. DM 14.00-15.15: Exercises with discussion. (Gran) Exercises 5 and 6 from booklet Location: GA02 A1.1004, DO 15.30-15.45: Summary. (Gran)Course exam:
A take home exam will be handed out at the end of the course. This should be solved at home and then returned within a specified deadline.