
The course is held at Domus Medica (DM), Sognsvannsveien 9.


Associate prof. Jon Michael Gran (course leader), Department of Biostatistics, IMB.
Associate prof. Kjetil R?ysland, Department of Biostatistics, IMB.

Teaching facilities:

Lectures take place in auditoriums Nye auditorium 13, Lille Auditorium and Runde Auditorium at DM. Registration and computer labs take place at other locations as noted in the program.


It is recommended to buy one of the following two books:

  • B. R. Kirkwood and J. A. C. Sterne: Essential medical statistics, 2nd ed. Blackwell, 2003.

  • In Norwegian: O. O. Aalen et al: Statistiske metoder i medisin og helsefag. Gyldendal, 2006.


    Participants can also consider the following book, which also cover the topics in many other PhD courses in statistics (chapter 1-5 and 11 is most relevant for this course):

  • Veier?d MB, Lydersen S, Laake P (eds.): Medical statistics in clinical and epidemiological research. Gyldendal akademisk, 2012 (


All exercises used in the course can be found in a separate exercise booklet, available on Fronter.




Monday May 30th:

Auditorium: Nye auditorium 13, DM

08.30-09.00: Registration. Location: Reception at DM (by the main entrance).

09.00-11.45: Data and descriptive statistics (Gran). Litterature: Aalen kap. 1 og 2, K&S kap 2, 3 og 4.

11.45-12.30: Lunch

12.30-13.45: Exercise 1 and 2 in the exercise booklet. Introduction to SPSS (Gran, R?ysland). Location: Computer room 2nd floor DM/Computer room R-211 DM (new building).

14.00-15.30: Basic concepts of probability (R?ysland). Literature: Aalen chap. 3.1-3.7, K&S chap. 14.


Tuesday May 31st:

Auditorium: Lille auditorium, DM

08.30-10.00: Bayes law. Sensitivity and specificity (R?ysland). Literature:   Aalen kap. 3.9 and 3.10, K&S chap. 33.

10.15-10.45: Binomial distribution (R?ysland). Literature: Aalen chap. 4, K&S chap. 15.

11.00-11.45: Exercise 9 and 12 in the exercise booklet (R?ysland).

11.45-12.00: Joint discussion of exercises (R?ysland).

12.00-12.45: Lunch

12.45-14.00: Normal distribution (Gran). Literature: Aalen chap. 5, K&S chap. 5.

14.15-15.00: Exercise 14 in the exercise booklet (Gran).

15.00-15.30: Joint discussion of exercises (Gran).


Wednesday June 1st:

Auditorium: Runde auditorim R-105, DM tilbygg

08.30-10.15: Introduction to hypothesis testing and confidence intervals. One-sample Student’s test and confidence intervals. (Gran). Literature: Aalen chap. 8.1-8.5, K&S chap. 6, 8.

10.30-11.15: Exercise 13 in the exercise booklet (Gran, R?ysland). Location: Computer room 2nd floor DM/ Computer room R-211 DM (new building).

11.30-11.45: Joint discussion of exercises (Gran).

11.45-12.30: Lunch

12.30-14.15: Two sample Student’s test and confidence interval (Gran). Literature: Aalen chap. 8.6 and 8.7, K&S chap. 7.

14.30-15.30: Exercise 15 in the exercise booklet (Gran, R?ysland). Location: Computer room 2nd floor DM/ Computer room R-211 DM (new building).


Thursday June 2nd:

Auditorium: Nye auditorium 13, DM

08.30-10.30: Analysis of proportions (Gran).  Literature: Aalen chap. 6.1-6.4, K&S chap. 15, 16.

10.45-11.30: Exercise 16 and 17 in the exercise booklet (Gran).

11.30-11.45: Joint discussion of exercises (Gran).

11.45-12.30: Lunch

12.30-14.15: Analyzing tables (chi squared and exact tests). (Gran).  Literature: Aalen chap. 6.5, K&S chap. 17.

14.30-15.30: Exercise 10.1a, 10.3 and 10.7 from Altman, found in the back of the exercise booklet (Gran, R?ysland). Location: Computer room 2nd floor DM/ Computer room R-211 DM (new building).



Exercises for the intervening period:

You should read through the material from the first period and do the following exercises: 8, 10 and 11 in the exercise booklet.



Monday June 13th:

Auditorium: Nye auditorium 13, DM

08.30-09.15: Joint discussion of the exercises from the intervening period (Gran).

09.15-11.00: Transformations. Non-parametric methods (Gran). Literature: Aalen chap. 8.8, K&S chap. 13, 30.

11.15-12.15: Exercise 4, and Altman exercise 9.2 and 9.4, from the exercise booklet (Gran, R?ysland). Location: Computer room 2nd floor DM/ Computer room R-211 DM (new building).

12.15-13.00: Lunch

13.00-14.30: Regression analysis, correlation (R?ysland). Literature: Aalen chap. 11.1-11.3, K&S chap. 10.

14.45-15.30: Exercise 3 and 7 in the exercise booklet (R?ysland, Gran). Location: Computer room 2nd floor DM/ Computer room R-211 DM (new building).


Tuesday June 14th:

Auditorium: Nye auditorium 13, DM

08.30-10.30: Regression analysis. Dummy variables, confounding, multiple regression (R?ysland). Literature: Aalen chap. 11.4-11.6, K&S chap. 11 and 12.

10.45-11.45: Exercise 11.2 and 18 in the exercise booklet (R?ysland, Gran). Location: Computer room 2nd floor DM/ Computer room R-211 DM (new building).

11.45-12.30: Lunch

12.30-13.00: Joint discussion of exercises (R?ysland).

13.15-14.30: Multiple regression cont. Interactions (R?ysland). Literature: K&S kap 11, 12.

14.45-15.30: Exercise 27 and 28 in the exercise booklet (R?ysland, Gran). Location: Computer room 2nd floor DM/ Computer room R-211 DM (new building).


Wednesday June 15th:

Auditorium: Nye auditorium 13, DM

08.30-10.45: Logistic regression (R?ysland). Literature: Aalen chap. 12, K&S chap. 19 and 20.

11.00-12.15: Exercise 31 and 32 in the exercise booklet (R?ysland, Gran). Location: Computer room 2nd floor DM/ Computer room R-211 DM (new building).

12.15-13.00: Lunch

13.00-14.15: Sample size and power (Gran). Literature: Aalen chap. 9.6, K&S chap. 35.

14.30-15.30: Exercise 19 in the exercise booklet (Gran).


Thursday June 16th:

Auditorium: Nye auditorium 13, DM

08.30-11.30: Epidemiologic design and basic concepts. Principles for organizing clinical trials. (R?ysland). Literature: Aalen chap. 10, K&S chap. 34.

Literature: Aalen chap. 9, K&S chap. 34.

11.30-12.15: Lunch

12.15-13.15: Survival analysis (Gran). Literature: Aalen chap. 13, K&S chap. 26.

13.30-14.30: Exercise 5 and 6 in the exercise booklet (Gran, R?ysland). Location: Computer room 2nd floor DM/ Computer room R-211 DM (new building).

14.45-15.15: Summary (Gran).

Published Dec. 17, 2015 1:54 PM - Last modified Mar. 30, 2016 8:32 AM