MF9180 – Mechanisms of cellular signal transduction

Course content

The course aims to give participants a basic knowledge of mechanisms of signal transduction and the significance of signal transduction in physiology and pathophysiology.

Learning outcome

After completion of the course the participants should have basic knowledge of the components of the main signalling pathways and their functional properties, including different types of receptors and their signalling pathways, G proteins, effector enzymes and ion channels. Intracellular calcium. Phospholipases and eicosanoids. Protein kinases and protein phosporylation. Regulation of target cell responsiveness. Examples of physiological roles (apoptosis, cell cycle regulation, gene transcription) and clinical significance (cancer, cardiovascular disease, learning and memory, immune reponses).


Ph.D. candidates and students at the Medical Student Research Programme will get first priority to the course. Maximum number of participants is 60.


Formal prerequisite knowledge

No obligatory prerequisites beyond the minimum requirements for entrance to higher education in Norway.


The course will be organized as lectures over 5 days (2 + 3 days).

NB! You have to participate in at least 80 % of the teaching to be allowed to take the exam.


A take-home exam will be given at the end of the course. Grading: Pass/fail.

There will also be a home assignment between the two parts of the course, in addition to the course test after the course.

Explanations and appeals


The course is subject to continuous evaluation. At regular intervals we also ask students to participate in a more comprehensive evaluation.

Facts about this course

Every other autumn starting 2009
Every other autumn starting 2009

Autumn semester

Teaching language