MF9230 – Course on clinical, epidemiological and public health research

Course content

This is a course in epidemiological methods for clinical and public health research. Participants learn how to plan and implement a research project. The course covers general aspects of research as well as specific knowledge needed for the application of epidemiological methods in clinical and public health research.

Learning outcome

After the course, participants will:

  • Understand the main principles for the planning and carrying out of epidemiological research in clinical and public health contexts, and for the analysis of data generated in such research
  • Understand how to define and justify the aim of an epidemiological study
  • Have knowledge about the most central epidemiological study designs and how to select a study sample.
  • Have knowledge about central concepts regarding measurements and data analysis
  • Have knowledge about and understanding of the mechanisms for systematic bias in different research projects
  • Have knowledge about central epidemiological measures for diseases frequency and risk
  • Have knowledge of measures of association
  • Have knowledge about how to critically assess research papers
  • Know examples of how artificial intelligence (A) can be used in research and clinical practice and have knowledge about strengths and limitations of AI systems

Skills objectives:

After the course, participants will:

  • Be able to participate in the planning and carrying out of epidemiological research in clinical and public health contexts and analyse data generated in such research
  • Be able to define and justify the aim of an epidemiological study
  • Be able to make and justify choices of study designs, samples, measures and data analysis methods.
  • Be able to assess strengths and weaknesses of different epidemiological research projects
  • Be able to estimate risk and associations from epidemiological data
  • Be able to read and critically evaluate epidemiological literature

Overreaching objectives:

Students have gained epidemiological knowledge that renders them valuable partners in the planning and carrying out of epidemiological research in clinical and public health contexts. Students are able to read and critically evaluate epidemiological literature including assessment of research methods, results and the validity of conclusions.

Admission to the course

Applicants admitted to a PhD programme at UiO sign up for classes and exam to this course in StudentWeb.

Applicants who are not admitted to a PhD programme at UiO must apply for a right to study before they can sign up for classes and exam to this course. See information here: How to apply for a right to study and admission to elective PhD courses in medicine and health sciences

Applicants will upon registration receive an immediate reply in StudentWeb?as to whether a seat at this course is granted or not.

Overlapping courses


The course entails full-day classwork for a period of six days (three +three days) and includes lectures and group exercises.

It is recommended that participants read the course literature after the first course period.

There will also be a home assignment between the two course periods. The home assignment is to write a short protocol for a hypothetical research project.

You have to participate in at least 80 % of the teaching to be allowed to take the exam. Attendance will be registered.


Home exam to be submitted three weeks after the course.?

Language of examination

You may write your examination paper in Norwegian, Swedish, Danish or English.

Grading scale

Grades are awarded on a pass/fail scale. Read more about the grading system.

More about examinations at UiO

You will find further guides and resources at the web page on examinations at UiO.

Last updated from FS (Common Student System) Mar. 13, 2025 9:18:32 PM

Facts about this course

Spring and autumn

Sign up period spring 2025: ?StudentWeb?opens for registration 1.12.2024. The sign up deadline is published on the semester page.

Teaching: Dates will be posted on the semester page.

See information on how to sign up for this course in Admission to the course below.

Spring and autumn
Teaching language