MF9280 - Basic Understanding of Medical Anthropology - 12.4.-16.4.2010
Course programme:
LOCATION: All lectures takes place in Fredrik Holst hus room 218 located at Ullevål sykehus (on the hill above the new cancer center), Kirkeveien 166
MONDAY 12.04.10
09.15 - 12.00 Understanding Culture and society - Professor Benedicte Ingstad
What is medical anthropology?
Basic concepts.
12.00 - 13.00 Lunch
13.00 - 15.00 Medical pluralism - Professor Benedicte Ingstad
TUESDAY 13.04.10
09.15 - 11.00 Anthropological perspectives on risk. - Advisor Per Kristian Hilden
11.00 - 13.15 Lunch/group work
13.15 - 15.00 Anthropological perspectives on the use of medicines - Lecturer Rune Flikke
WEDNESDAY 14.04.10
09.15 - 11.00 The Body in society. Normality, disability and care - Professor Benedicte Ingstad
11.00 - 13.15 Lunch/group work
13.15 - 15.00 Anthropological perspectives on psychiatry and mental health - Professor Benedicte Ingstad
THURSDAY 15.04.10
09.15 - 11.00 Women’s health, survival with HIV- Post.doc. fellow Ruth Prince
11.00 - 13.15 Lunch/group work
13.15 - 15.00 Female circumcision - Professor Aud Talle
FRIDAY 16.04.10
09.15 - 11.00 Chritical Medical Anthropology - Professor Benedicte Ingstad
Poverty and the relationship to power
11.00 - 13.00 Lunch/Groups work
13.15 - 15.00 Medical Anthropology and International Health Issues - Professor Wentzel Geisler