
MF9490 Laboratory animal handling autumn 2015:

Course supervisor:  Knut Tomas Dalen 

Monday 21.09. 
Location: Gr?nt auditorium 1, Rikshospitalet B
09:00-09:15    Introduction, Knut Tomas Dalen, IMB, UiO
09:15-10:00    Animal models for biological research, Gareth Griffiths, IBV, UiO
10:15-11:00    Selecting the Appropriate Animal Model, Siv Eggen, NTNU
11:15-12:00    Comparative genetics in experimental animals, Cathrine E Fagernes, IBV, UiO
13:00-13.45    Ethics in handling of mammals, Henrik Rasmussen, UiO
14:00-14.45    Alternatives to laboratory animals (3R), Henrik Rasmussen, UiO
15:00-15.45    The impact of stress, Olve Moldestad, IMB, UiO

Tuesday 22.09.
Location: A1.1004 Lille auditorium, Domus Odontologica  
09:00-09:45    Transgenic animals, Knut Tomas Dalen, IMB, UiO
10:00-10:45    Legislation and regulation, Siri Kristine Knudsen, UiT?
11:00-11:45    Legislation and regulation, Siri Kristine Knudsen, UiT?
12:30-13:15    Application for animal experiments to FDU, Siri Kristine Knudsen, UiT?
13:30-14:15    Application for animal ethics to FDU, Siri Kristine Knudsen, UiT?
14:30-15:15    Housing, care and environmental factors, Siri Kristine Knudsen, UiT? 
15:15-16:00    Health hazards when working with experimental animals (laboratory- and field-experiments), Siri Kristine Knudsen, UiT? 

Wednesday 23.09.
Location: A1.1004 Lille auditorium, Domus Odontologica  
09:00-09:45    Statistics I, Mats Julius Stensrud
10:00-10:45    Statistics II (group work), Knut Tomas Dalen, IMB, UiO
11:00-11:45    Mice as experimental animals, Knut Tomas Dalen, IMB, UiO
12:30-13:15    Fish as experimental animals, G?ran Nilsson, IBV, UiO
13:30-14.15    Capturing wild animals, Morten Bronndal, IBV, UiO
14:30-15.15    Anesthesia of experimental animals, Andreas Haga, NMBU
15:15-16:00    Anaelgesia of experimental animals, Andreas Haga, NMBU

Thursday 24.09.
09:00-11:30    Demonstration - Animal facility IMB    
1.Mammals (rats and mice) Animal facility at Domus Medica  - divided into two groups    
A: Guided tour in the animal Department, Animal department IMB - Ingfrid 
B: Demonstration animal techniques - mice and rats, 1 Engineers from Norsk transgensent, 1 animal tchnichian - Animal department IMB
C: Demonstration transgenic technologies - at NTS, 1 engineer + leader of NTS
12:30-16:00    Demonstration - Animal facility IBV    
2.Animal facility at IBV, Morten Bronndal, IBV, UiO
3.Aquarium-department, blood sampling of fish, Mark Scott, IBV, UiO, Floriana Lai, IBV, UiO, G?ran Nilsson, IBV, UiO (not present)

Friday 25.09.
Location: A1.1004 Lille auditorium, Domus Odontologica  
Group work: The lecturers will prepare relevant questions from their lectures for discussion in small groups and 

Group rooms booked at Domus Medica (preklinisk I og II):
Rom 2139, 2141, 2176 og 2239 Domus Medica

PBL-rom A1.1024, A1.1026, A1.1027 og A1.1048, Domus Odontologica

Written answers are made from each group. Plenum discussion at the end. 

Exam: The students are to fill out an application to FDU. The lecturers will prepare three optional experiments to 
apply for: Either 1) Field work, 2) Fish experiments, 3) Mammal experiments. Students may work together in pairs
but individual delivery of exams should be performed. The exam should be handed in by Week 41, 9.10.2015

Published Aug. 6, 2015 2:50 PM - Last modified Sep. 16, 2015 12:56 PM