Anusavice, Kenneth J. Phillips' Science of Dental Materials. 12th edition. Elsevier. 2013. ISBN: 9781437724189.
It presents up-to-date information on materials that are used in the dental office and laboratory every day, emphasizing practical, clinical use, as well as the physical, chemical, and biological properties of materials. Extensive new clinical photographs in this edition illustrate the topics, and color plates are integrated close to related concepts as they're discussed in each chapter. A new glossary of key terms found at the beginning of every chapter defines terms in the appropriate context of the chapter's discussion. Also in this edition, critical thinking questions throughout the book stimulate the readers' curiosity on specific topics, test their existing knowledge, and heighten their awareness of important or controversial subjects.
Location in the Library (Faculty of Dentistry): WU 190 Phi'13
Location of book at other Libraries
Link to ebook
Supplementary literature:
*Craig, Rober & Powers, John. Restorative Dental Materials. 12th edition. Elsevier. 2012. ISBN:0323014429.
This resource provides thorough, up-to-date coverage of the latest dental materials and backs it with fundamental information needed to correctly use dental materials in the clinic and dental laboratory. A problem-solving approach is emphasized throughout this book, especially when applying new information to practical situations. Additionally, it incorporates case studies throughout to illustrate concepts in the chapters. The scientific basis for technical procedures and manipulation of materials is provided, and at the end of chapters students have the opportunity to work through selected problems and verify their solutions. This edition features major revisions of core concepts such as cements, esthetic materials, and bonding, as well as new chapters on preventive materials and impression materials.
Location in the Library (Faculty of Dentistry): WU 190 Cra'12
Location of book in other Libraries
Link to ebook
Summitt, James B. and Robbins, J. William and Schwartz, Richard S. Fundamentals of Operative Dentistry. A Contemporary Approach. Third Edition. Quintessence books. 2006. ISBN: 0867154527.
Distinguished by the authors' strong commitment to conservative dentistry, this revised textbook combines time-proven methods with the latest scientific developments in preventive and restorative dentistry. Existing chapters have been updated and expanded, and five new chapters have been added. The addition of color photographs enhances the clinical concepts in several key chapters, and extensive reference lists promote further study into evidence-based research. New chapters discuss bleaching, esthetic considerations in diagnosis and treatment planning, root caries, fluoride-releasing materials, and the Tucker technique for cast-gold restorations. Also described are techniques for direct and indirect restorations, including inlays and onlays, porcelain veneers, and ceramic crowns. Current concepts in adhesive technology, caries management, and remineralization are discussed, as is preservation of pulpal and periodontal health. Students, educators, and practitioners alike will find this text a valuable resource for choosing among the widening range of treatment options.
Location in the Library (Faculty of Dentistry): PBL WU 300 Fun'06
Location of book at other Libraries
Bj?rndal, L., Kirkevang, L.L., Whitworth, J. (eds.) Textbook of Endodontolgy, 3rd ed., Wiley-Blackwell, 2017.
?rstavik, D., Pitt Ford, T. Essential Endodontology. 2nd ed., Wiley, 2007. (Ny utgave kommer i 2019)
Aseptikk og antiseptikk i endodontien,
Endodontiske materialer - skyllemidler, sealere og obturerende materialer,
Resorpsjoner og reaksjoner,
Tannlegeforeningens etiske regler:
Ruter, F?rde, Solbakk. Medisinsk og helsefaglig etikk. 3. utgave Gyldendal. 2014.
Farmakologi og farmakoterapi
Rang, H.P., Dale, M.M., Ritter, J.M. (eds). Pharmacology. 8th ed., Churchill Livingstone, London. 2015.
Malamed, S.F. Handbook of local anesthesia. 6th ed., Elsevier, 2013.
Norsk Legemiddelh?ndbok for helsepersonell
Holm-Pedersen, P., L?e, H. Textbook of Geriatric Dentistry. 2nd edn. Munksgaard, Copenhagen. 2009.
Ny utgave: Holm-Pedersen, P., Walls, A.W.G. & Ship, J.A. (eds). Textbook of Geriatric Dentistry. 3rd edn. Wiley. 2015.
Slade, G.D. & Spencer, A.J. "Development and evaluation of the Oral Health Impact Profile." Community Dental Health 1994; 11: 3-11.
"Oral health care for the elderly." Int Dent J, Spec Issue, 1992; 42: 305-408.
Axéll T. An Encyclopedia of Oral Mucosal lesions. CD-ROM version 1.2. Oslo, IT-Medicine AS. 2000.
Axéll, T. Munslemhinnef?r?ndringar - klinik och behandling. 5e omarb. upplagan. Stockholm F?rlagshuset Gothia AB. 2000.
Nordenram, G. & Nordstr?m, G. ?ldretandv?rd. Stockholm, Gothia. 2000.
Nordenram, G. & Nordstr?m, G. Tannpleie for eldre. Til norsk ved Lisbeth Nilsen. Oslo: Kommuneforlag, Originaltittel: ?ldretannv?rd. 2001. ISBN 82-446-0849-8.
Fejerskov, O. & Kidd, E. (eds). Dental Caries. The Disease and its Clinical Management. 2nd edn. Oxford, Blackwell Munksgaard. 2008. ISBN: 9781405138895 (utvalgte kapitler, n?rmere informasjon legges i Fronter).
[NY UTGAVE: Fejerskov, O., Nyvad, B. & Kidd, E. (eds). Dental Caries: The Disease and its Clinical Management. 3rd edn. Oxford, Wiley Blackwell. 2015. ISBN: 978-1-118-935282-8.] (utvalgte kapitler, n?rmere informasjon legges i Fronter).
Banerjee & Watson. Pickard's Manual of Operative Dentistry. 8th edn. Oxford University Press. 2011. ISBN: 978-0-19-957915-0.
Schmalz & Arenholt-Bindslev (eds.). Biocompatibility of Dental Materials. Springer. 2009. ISBN 978-3540-77781-6. (finnes p? biblioteket)
Fejerskov O., Ekstrand, J., & Burt, B. (eds.). Fluoride in Dentistry. 2nd edn. Munksgaard, K?benhavn. 1996. ISBN: 87-16-11282-2. (finnes p? biblioteket)
Lussi, A., & Ganss, C. (eds). Erosive Tooth Wear. From Diagnosis to Therapy. Monographs in Oral Science. Vol. 25, 2014. Basel, Karger. ISBN: 978-3-318-02552-1.
Lussi, A., Hellwig, E. & Klimek, J. "Fluorides - mode of action and recommendations for use." Schweiz Monatsschr Zahnmed. 2012;122(11):1030-42. Review.
van Loveren, C. (ed). Toothpastes. Monographs in Oral Science. Vol. 23, 2013. Basel, Karger. ISBN: 978-3-318-02206-3. (finnes p? biblioteket)
Edgar M., Dawes, C., & O'Mullane, D. (eds). Saliva and oral health. 3rd edn. London: British Dental Association. 2004. (finnes p? biblioteket)
Ny utgave: Edgar M., Dawes, C., & O'Mullane, D. (eds). Saliva and oral health. 4th Edn. London: British Dental Association. 2013.
Kliniske rutiner - kariologi:
Tenner for livet. Helsefremmende og forebyggende arbeid. Oslo, 82 s. IK-2659 Helsetilsynets veiledningsserie 1999 nr. 1.
Att f?rebygga karies. En systematisk litteratur?versikt. Statens beredning f?r medicinsk utv?rdering (SBU)
Nationella riktlinjer f?r vuxentandv?rd
Statens helsetilsyn. "Retningslinjer for bruk av fluor i det kariesforebyggende arbeidet." 1996.
Artikler og annet fagstoff som oppgis av undervisere under 8. semester - Kariologi og gerododontologi
Kjeve- og ansiktsradiologi
White, Stuart C and Pharoah, Michael J. Oral radiology: principles and interpretation. 7 ed. St. Louis. Mosby Elsevier. 2014.
Wenzel, A, Wiese, M og Sewerin I. Str?ledoser, str?leskader, str?lebeskyttelse: en orientering for tandl?gestuderende og personale i tandl?gepraksis. K?benhavn. Munksgaard. 2011.
Gr?ndahl, H-G (red): Oral radiologi. Stockholm. Gothia. 2008.
Larheim, TA and Westesson, P-L. Maxillofacial Imaging. Berlin. Springer. 2006. (Denne boken finnes p? biblioteket og kan v?re en inspirasjonskilde for interesserte studenter.)
Thilander B, Bjerklin K, Bondemark L. Essential ORTHODONTICS WILEY Blackwell 2018. ISBN 978-1-119-16567-5. (Finnes som e-bok).
Mitchell L. An Introduction to Orthodontics (Sec. Ed.), Oxford University Press 2001
Bergland, H. Normalokklusjonens og malokklusjonenes morfologi. Klinikk for kjeveortopedi, Oslo 1995. (Kan kj?pes i Kopiutsalget i underetasjen p? Akademika Blindern, Problemveien 9).
Veiledning i journalopptak for studenter, Klinikk for kjeveortopedi, Oslo 2011.
Mikrobiologi og smittevern
Marsh, Martin. Oral Microbiology. 5. ed. Churchill Livingstone. 2009.
Dahlen, Fiehn, Olsen, Dahlgren. Oral Microbiology and Immunology. Munksgaard. 2012.
Lamont, Hajishengaalis. Oral Microbiology and Immunology. 2. ed. ASM Press. 2013.
Degre, Hovig, Rollag. Medisinsk mikrobiologi. 3. utgave. Gyldendal. 2010.
Oral kirurgi og oral medisin
F?lgende litteratur er gjeldene for 7.-10. semester:
Oral kirurgi:
Moore UJ et al. Principles of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. 6. utg. Blackwell Publishing Ltd. 2011. ISBN 978-1-4051-9998-8.
Peterson L et al. Contemporary oral and maxillofacial surgery. 5. utg. Elsevier. 2008. ISBN 0323018874.
Oral medisin:
Scully C et al. Oral and maxillofacial medicine. Elsevier. 2013. ISBN 978-0-7020-4948-4.
Glick et al. Burket`s Oral Medicine. 2002, B.C.Decker Inc. 2002. ISBN 1550091867.
Encyclopedi om munslemhinnef?r?ndringar, CD-rom V.1.2. Gothia, art nr 72031.
Cawson. Oral pathology. Color guide. Elsevier. 1999. ISBN 0443061718.
Axéll T. Munslemhinnef?r?ndringar. 5. oppl. Stockholm. Gothia. 2000. art nr 7205-264-3.
Axéll T & Lindgren. Oral medicin. F?rlagshuset Gothia. art nr 7584-315-3.
Oral patologi
Regezi JA, Scuibba JJ. (eds). Oral Pathology. Clinical Pathological Correlations. 6th ed. 2012.
Se for?vrig pensumliste for Oral kirurgi og oral medisin.
Pedodonti og atferdsfag
Koch, G., Poulsen, S. (eds). Pediatric Dentistry - A clinical approach. Third ed. Wiley-Blackwell. 2017
Willumsen T., Myran, L., Lein, J. (red). Odontologisk psykologi. Gyldendal. 2018. ISBN 978-82-05-51079-1
Fire gode vaner, e-l?ringsprogram
Lindhe, Lang. Clinical Periodontology and Implant Dentistry. 6th ed. Blackwell Munksgaard. 2015.
Nield-Gehrig. Fundamentals of Periodontal Instrumentation and advanced root instrumentation. Seventh Edition. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. 7th ed. 2013.
Avdeling for periodonti. "Veiledning i systematisk periodontittbehandling for studenter ved klinikk for allmennodontologi voksen." H?ndbok.
Protetikk og bittfunksjon
Avdeling for protetikk og bittfunksjon. "H?ndbok".
Klineberg I, Jagger R, Occlusion and Clinical Practice. An evidence-based approach. Wright. 2004. ISBN: 0-7236-1092-4.
Okeson JP. Management of Temporomandibular Disorders and Occlusion. 6th ed. Mosby. 2007. ISBN: 0-3230-1477-1.
Magnusson T, Carlsson GE. Bettskenor i kliniken och p? laboratoriet. Invest-Odont AB, Stockholm. 1987.
Magnusson T. Klinisk bettfysiologi. Gothia fortbildning. 2013. ISBN 978-91-7205-905-4.
Nilner K, Karlsson S, Dahl BL (eds.). A textbook of fixed prosthodontics - The Scandinavian Approach. Gothia Fortbildning, Stockholm 2nd ed. 2013. ISBN: 978-91-7205-796-8.
Milleding. Preparations for Fixed Prosthodontics. Munksgaard. K?benhavn. 2012. ISBN: 978-87-628-1071-6.
Holm B, Nyhuus L: ?stetik i protetiken , SSPD rapport 1993.
Lundquist L, Lindblad P: Fonetikk och protetikk, SSPD rapport 1997.
H?mmerle C, Sailer I, Thoma A, H?lg G, Suter A, Ramel C. Dental Ceramics. Essential Aspects for Clinical Practice. Quintessence London. 2008. ISBN 978-18-5097-181-8.
Torbj?rner A, Fransson B. Protetik i det f?rsvagade bettet. En resa i Henry Beyrons fotsp?r. 2008. ISBN 978-91-637-6352-6.
Thorén, Gunne (eds.). Textbook of Removable Prosthodontics – The Scandinavian Approach. Munksgaard, K?benhavn. 2012. ISBN: 978-87-628-0955-0.
Bergendal T et al: Overdentures. SSPD rapport 2002.
Molin M, ?wall B: Kombinasjonsprotetikk, SSPD rapport 1997.
Basker RM. et al.: Prosthetic treatment of the endentulous patient , 4th ed Blackwell Munksgaard, Blackwell Publ.Co. 2002.
Lindhe J, Karring T, Lang NP. Clinical Periodontology and Implant Dentistry Munksgaard. K?benhavn. 2003.
Lang NP. Implant Dentistry. Periodontology 2000. Vol.17. Munksgaard. 1998.
Lang NP, Karring T, Lindhe J. Proceedings of the 3rd European Workshop on Periodontology. Quintessence, Berlin, ISBN 3-87652-306-0.
Ellingsen JE, Lyngstadaas SP. Bio-Implant Interface. CRC Press, Boca Raton 2004.
Sigrid I. Kvaal. "Rettsodontologi." Kompendium, 2015.
Tannhelse og juss
Molven O. "Helsejus for tannleger." Kompendium. 2016. (f?s kj?pt p? Akademika Blindern)
Tannhelsetjenesten og helsetjenesten (offentlig og privat)
Tannhelsetjenesten og helsetjenesten
Lov om tannhelsetjenesten (tannhelsetjenesteloven).
"Hvem betaler tannlegeregningen din?"
Statistisk sentralbyr?. "Tannhelsetenesta 2014." (Om offentlig tannhelsetjeneste).
Statistisk sentralbyr?. "Statistikkbanken – tannhelsetenesta." (Statistikk – tannstatus).
Blich, C-C. "Det viktigste f?rst". Den norske Tannlegeforenings Tidende 2017; 127: 888-892.
Holst D, Grytten J. "Tannbehandling i Norge 1973-1995 – fra sykdomsbehandling til tjenesteyting." Den norske Tannlegeforenings Tidende 1997; 107: 554-559.
Grytten J, Skau I, Holst D. "Tannhelsetjenestetilbudet blant voksenbefolkningen i Norge – behandlingsprofiler og tilgjengelighet til tannlegen." Den norske Tannlegeforenings Tidende 2014; 124: 276-283.
Helsedirektoratet. "Norway and Health. An introduction." Rapport IS-1703E.
Konkurranse, finansiering og avl?nning
Forskrift om prisopplysninger for varer og tjenester (prisopplysningsforskriften).
Grytten J. "Models for financing dental services. A review." Community Dental Health 2005; 22: 75-85.
Grytten J. "Trygdepolitiske problemstillinger i tannhelsetjenesten – en oversikt." Den norske Tannlegeforenings Tidende 2010; 120: 308-315.
Grytten J. "Tannhelsetjenesten og markedet." Notat.
Grytten J, Skau I, Dobloug A, Barkvoll P. ?Fremtidig behov for tannleger: Trengs det 1500 flere om 20 ?r?? Den norske Tannlegeforenings Tidende 2015; 125: 279-282.
Statistisk sentralbyr?. ?Statistikkbanken – tannhelsetenesta.? (Statistikk – personell)
Design og metode
Per Magnus, Leiv Bakketeig. Epidemiologi. Gyldendal Norsk Forlag, 2013, side 1-102, 153-167.
Odd Aalen (red.). Statistiske metoder i medisin og helsefag. Gyldendal Norsk Forlag, 2012, side 109-153, 177-211 (kap. 5, 6, 8).
Levealder og d?ds?rsaker - Folkehelseinstituttet
?Levealder – faktaark med statistikk om forventa levealder i Noreg.?
?D?delighet og d?ds?rsaker i Norge gjennom 60 ?r - 1951-2010.? Rapport 2012:4, side 12-15.
?D?ds?rsaker for 2014: Kreft stabilt, demens ?ker.?
Folkehelseinstituttet. "Tannhelsestatus i Norge. En oppsummering av eksisterende kunnskap." Rapport 2009:5.
Folkehelseinstituttet. "Tannhelse – faktaark og helsestatistikk."
Dobloug A, Grytten J. "A ten-year longitudinal study of caries among patients aged 14-72 in Norway." Caries Research 2015; 49: 384-389.
Holst D, Schuller AA, Dahl KE. "Bedre tannhelse for alle? Tannhelseutvikling i den voksne befolkning i Nord-Tr?ndelag fra 1973-2006." Den norske Tannlegeforenings Tidende 2007; 117: 804-811.
Eriksen HM, Skudutyte-Rysstad R, Hansen BF. "Endringer i oral helse blant 35-?ringer i Oslo. Et 30-?rs perspektiv." Den norske Tannlegeforenings Tidende 2009; 119: 636-640.