ODSEM8 – 8th semester Dentistry
Course description
Course content
Theory and clinical practice is continued from the 7th Semester. The practical competence is given high priority. At the same time the cause of diseases is highlighted. The project which is to be handed in in the 10th Semester is started in this semester.
Learning outcome
The emphasis is on oral rehabilitation within the following areas:
- Toothloss/edentulous
- Cariology
- Loss of supporting structures
- Malocclusion
- Ageing
- Oral tumours
The following subjects are included: cariology, endodontics, prostheics and oral function, periodontology, oral surgery and oral medicine, orthodontics, oral radiology, pathology, microbiology/immunology, dental materials and pharmacology.
Closed professional degree course
Formal prerequisite knowledge
ODSEM7 – Odontologistudiet, 7. semester (discontinued).
All obligatory activities in the 8th semester must be completed to have the right to take the exam.
A student who fails an examination normally cannot progress in the programme until the examination has been passed. Students who take a re-sit examination/postponed test, can continue to attend their courses until the examination results are announced, and if applicable until the result of the appeal has been announced. The student must stop attending courses and will be transferred to the following class if he/she does not appeal the examination result, or if the result of the appealed examination grade is that the student fails the examination.
Recommended previous knowledge
Before this semester begins it is expected that the students know how to examine the oral cavity and can recognise diseases in the teeth and their supporting tissues and of the oral mucosa (relative to healthy tissue). It is not expected that diagnoses can be made for all conditions, but it is expected that the students have advanced knowledge of extended prophylaxis, what precautions must be taken to prevent diseases in teeth and supporting tissues and what hygiene measurements must be applied to prevent spread of infections in the clinical environment by means of sterilization autoclaving and hygiene regimes. In addition it is expected that the students know the different treatment modalities and under supervision get training to perform these.
In small groups, seminars, courses, lectures, clinical courses and demonstrations, individual work and guidance in patient treatment
The evaluation in the 8th Semester is a written exam. Time allowed is 5 hours.
Grading scale
Grades are awarded on a pass/fail scale. Read more about the grading system.
Explanations and appeals
Resit an examination
Students who due to illness or other valid reason of absence were unable to sit for their final exams and students who have failed the final exam may apply for participation in make-up exams. Make-up exams are arranged either later in the same semester or early in the semester following the exam in question. Documentation of valid reasons for absence from the regular exam must be submitted upon application to participate in make-up exams.
Withdrawal from an examination
If you wish to withdraw from an examination, you may contact the student adviser for more information. Read more about withdrawal from an examination.
Special examination arrangements
Application form, deadline and requirements for special examination arrangements.
The course is subject to continuous evaluation. At regular intervals we also ask students to participate in a more comprehensive evaluation.