The reading list below is a selection of texts for the paper that will be handed in on November 24th.
Additional classics
Arrighi, G. 1973. Labour supplies in historical perspective: a study of the proletarianisation of the African peasantry in Rhodesia. G. Arrighi & J.S. Saul (eds). Essays on the political economy of Africa. Monthly review press, New York.
Rodney, W. 1989. How Europe underdeveloped Africa. English Press, Nairobi.
Smith, A. 1776. The wealth of nations. Ch. VII Of the motives for establishing new colonies. David Campbell Publishers, London (1991).
Soja, E.W. 1968. The geography of modernization in Kenya. Syracuse University Press, Syracuse.
Sustainable development
Blaikie, P. 1985. The political economy of soil erosion in developing countries. Longman, Harlow. Ch. 6, 7. 31p.
Blaikie, P. & H. Brookfield. 1987. Land degradation and society. Methuen, London. Ch. 1, 2. 49p.
Elkington, J. 1998. The “triple bottom line for 21st-century business”. Starkey, R. & R. Welford (eds). 2001. The Earthscan reader in business and sustainable development. Earthscan, London. Ch. 2. 25p.
F?llesdal, A. 1999. Sustainable development, state sovereignty and international justice. Lafferty, W.M. & O. Langhelle (eds). Towards sustainable development. Macmillan, London. Ch. 4. 14p.
Hart, S.L. 1997. Beyond greening: Strategies for a sustainable world. Starkey, R. & R. Welford (eds). 2001. The Earthscan reader in business and sustainable development. Earthscan, London. Ch. 1. 14p.
Lafferty, W.M. & O. Langhelle. 1999. Sustainable development as concept and norm. Lafferty, W.M. & O. Langhelle (eds). Towards sustainable development. Macmillan, London. Ch. 1. 30p.
Schmidheiny, S. 1992. Changing course. Nelissen, N. et al. (eds). 1997. Classics in environmental studies. International Books, Utrecht. Ch. 32. 11p.
Shiva, V. 1988. Staying alive. Women, ecology and development. Nelissen, N. et al. (eds). 1997. Classics in environmental studies. International Books, Utrecht. Ch. 23. 11p.
Urbanization and shelter
Amis, P. & P. Lloyd (eds). Housing Africa’s urban poor. Manchester University Press, Manchester. Introduction and Ch. 1. 55p.
Burgess, R. 1977. Self-help housing: A new imperialist strategy? A critique of the Turner school. Antipode, Vol. 9, No. 2.
Burgess, R. 1992. Helping some to help themselves: Third World housing policies and development strategies. Mathéy, K. (ed.). Beyond self-help housing. Profil Verlag, München. 75-90. 15p.
Clark, C. & D. Howard. 1999. Cities, capitalism and neoliberal regimes. Gwynne, R.N. & C. Kay (eds). Latin America transformed. Globalization and modernity. Arnold, London. Ch. 12. 18p.
Hesselberg, J. 1995. Urban poverty and shelter: an introduction. Norwegian Journal of Geography, Vol. 49. 151-160. 10p.
Hesselberg, J. 1996. Shelter strategies and the urban poor. Forum for Development Studies, No. 2. 405-415. 11p.
Moser, C.O.N. 1992. Women and self-help housing projects. A conceptual framework for analysis and policy-making. Mathéy, K. (ed.). Beyond self-help housing. Profil Verlag, München. 53-73. 20p.
Pugh, C. 2000. Sustainable cities in developing countries. Earthscan, London. Ch. 1, 2, 10. 80p.
Smith, D.A. 1996. Third World Cities in global perspective. The political economy of uneven urbanization. Westview Press, Oxford. Ch. 1, 8. 34p.
Turner, J.F.C. 1976. Housing by people. Marion Boyars, London.
UNCHS. 1995. Shelter provision and employment generation. Nairobi.
UNCHS. 2000. Strategies to combat homelessness. Nairobi.
World Bank. 1993. Housing. Enabling markets to work. Washington, DC.
Three journals are especially relevant for finding shelter-related articles: Environment and Urbanization; Third World Planning Review; Habitat International
Baulch, B. & N. McCulloch. 1998. Being poor and becoming poor: Poverty status and poverty transitions in rural Pakistan. IDS Working Paper No. 79. Sussex. 3-23. 21p.
Bhalla, A. & F. Lapeyre. 1997. Social exclusion: Towards an analytical and operational framework. Development and Change, Vol. 28, No. 3. 413-434. 22p.
Geremek, B. 1994. Poverty. A history. Blackwell, Oxford. 1-72, 230-247. 88p.
Good, K. 1999. The state and extreme poverty in Botswana: The San and destitutes. Journal of Modern African Studies, Vol. 37, No. 2.185-205. 21p.
Guhan, S. & B. Harriss.1992. Introduction. Harriss, B. et al. (eds). Poverty in India. Research and policy. Oxford University Press, Bombay. 1-26. 27p.
Gustafsson, B. & P.J. Pedersen (eds). 2000. Poverty and low income in the Nordic countries. Ashgate, Aldershot. Ch. 1, 5. 53p.
Hanmer, L.C. et al. 1999. What do the World Bank’s poverty assessments teach us about poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa? Development and Change, Vol. 30, No. 4. 795-822. 27p.
Harriss, B. 1992. Rural poverty in India: Micro level evidence. Harriss, B. et al. (eds). Poverty in India. Research and policy. Oxford University Press, Bombay. 333-389. 56p.
Hossain, N. 1999. How do Bangladeshi elites understand poverty? IDS Working Paper No. 83, Sussex. 3-40. 37p.
IDS. 1999. Nationalising the anti-poverty agenda? Bulletin, Vol. 30, No. 2. 6-136. 130p.
Kanji, N. 1995. Gender, poverty and economic adjustment in Harare, Zimbabwe. Environment and Urbanization, Vol. 7, No. 1. 37-55. 19p.
Khan, A.R. 1998. The impact of globalization on South Asia. Bhalla, A.S. (ed.). Globalization growth and marginalization. Macmillan, London. 103-124. 22p.
Lockwood, M. & A. Whitehead. 1998. Rescuing gender for the poverty gap: World Bank poverty assessments and gender. UNRISD, Geneva. 1-40. 39p.
Lustig, N. & R, Deutsch.1998. The Inter-American Development Bank and poverty reduction: An overview. IADB, Washington D.C. 1-35. 34p.
Moore, M. & J. Putzel. 1999. Thinking strategically about politics and poverty. IDS Working Paper No. 101. Sussex. 3-32. 30p.
Moore, M. et al. 1998. How can we know what they want? Understanding local perceptions of poverty and ill-being in Asia. IDS Working Paper No. 80. Sussex. 3-24. 22p.
Ravallion, M. & J. Jalan. China’s lagging poor areas. American Economic Review, Vol. 89, No. 2. 301-305. 5p.
Scoones, I. 1995. Investigating difference: Applications of wealth ranking and household survey approaches among farming households in southern Zimbabwe. Development and Change, Vol. 26, No. 1. 67-88. 12p.
Tendulkar, S.D. 1992. Economic growth and poverty. Harriss, B. et al. (eds). Poverty in India. Research and policy. Oxford University Press, Bombay. 27-57. 31p.
UNDP. 1998. Overcoming human poverty. New York. 13-94. 82p.
World Bank. 2001. World Development Report 2000/2001. Oxford University Press.
Wratten, E. 1995. Conceptualizing urban poverty. Environment and Urbanization, Vol. 7, No. 1.11-36. 25p.
Environment and industry
Angel, D.P. & M.T. Rock (eds). 2000. Asia’s clean revolution. Industry, growth and the environment. Greenleaf, Sheffield. 11-154. 143p.
Gwynne, R.N. & E. Silva. 1999. The political economy of sustainable development. Gwynne, R.N. & C. Kay (eds). Latin America transformed. Globalization and modernity. Arnold, London. Ch. 7. 25p.
Hesselberg, J. (ed.). 1998. Environmental problems and policy: The firm level. FIL Working Papers, No. 13. 52p.
Murray, W.E. 1999. Natural resources, the global economy and sustainability.
Gwynne, R.N. & C. Kay (eds). Latin America transformed. Globalization and modernity. Arnold, London. Ch. 6. 33p.
Welford. R. 2000. Corporate environmental management 3. Towards sustainable development. Earthscan, London. 174p.
Bach, R.L. & L.A. Schraml. 1982. Migration, crisis and theoretical conflict. International Migration Review, No. 162. 320-341. 22p.
Gardner, K. 1996. Global migrants, local lives: Travel and transformation in rural Bangladesh. Clarendon, Oxford.
Hammer, T. et al. (eds). 1997. International migration, immobility and development. Multidisciplinary perspectives. Berg, Oxford.
Heyes, G. 1991. Migration, metascience, and development policy in Island Polynesia. The Contemporary Pacific, Vol. 3, No. 1. 1-58. 59p.
Massey, D. 1999. Imagining globalization: Power-geometries of time-space. Brah, A. et al. (eds). Global futures. Migration, environment and globalization. Macmillan, Basingstoke. 18p.
Portes, A. 1999. Conclusion: Toward a new world. The origins and effects of transnational activities. Ethnic and Racial Studies, Vol. 22, No. 2. 463-477. 15p.
Taylor, J.E. (ed.). 1996. Development strategy, employment and migration: Insight from models. OECD, Paris.
Vertovec, S. 1999. Conceiving and researching transnationalism. Ethnic and Racial Studies, Vol. 22, No. 2. 447-462. 16p.
Weyland, P. 1993. Inside the Third World village. Routledge, London. 257p. Global production - transnational companies
Labour and labour markets
Adam, H. 1998. Corporatism as ethnic compromise: labour relations in post-apartheid South Africa. Nations and Nationalism, Vol. 4, No. 3. 347-362. 15p.
Breman, J. 1999. The study of industrial labour in post-colonial India. – The formal sector: An introductory review. Parry, J.P. et al. (eds). The worlds of Indian industrial labour. Sage, London. Ch. 1. 42p.
Breman, J. 1999. The study of industrial labour in post-colonial India. – The informal sector: A concluding review. Parry, J.P. et al. (eds). The worlds of Indian industrial labour. Sage, London. Ch. 14. 26p.
Burawoy, M. 1985. The politics of production: Factory regimes under capitalism and socialism. Verso, London. 272p.
Green, N.L. 1996. Women and immigrants in the sweatshop: Categories of labor segmentation revisited. Comparative Studies in Society and History, Vol. 38, No. 3. 411-33. 22p.
Lee, E. 1998. The Asian financial crisis. The challenge for social policy. ILO, Geneva. 98p.
Leontaridi, M.R. 1998. Segmented labour markets: Theory and evidence. Journal of Economic surveys, Vol. 12, No. 1. 63-101. 38p.
Munck, R. & P. Waterman (eds).1999. Labour worldwide in the era of globalization. Alternative union models in the new world order. Macmillan, London. 368p.
Ndabezitha, S.W. & S.K. Sanderson. 1988. Racial antagonism and the origins of apartheid in the South African gold mining industry, 1886-1924: A split labor market analysis. Research in Race and Ethnic Relations, Vol. 5. 231-253. 22p.
Peck, J. 1996. Work Place. The social regulation of labor markets. The Guilford Press, New York. 320p.
Sapsford, D. & Z. Tzannatos. 1993. The economics of the labour market. Macmillan, Basingstoke. 463p.
Sticher, S. 1976. Imperialism and the rise of a ‘Labour Aristocracy’ in Kenya, 1945-1970. Berkeley Journal of Sociology, Vol. 21. 157-178. 21p.
Thomas, M. & L. Vallée. 1996. Labour market segmentation in Cameroonian Manufacturing. The Journal of Development Studies, Vol. 32, No. 6. 876-898. 22p.
Beckman, B. 2000. Trade Unions and Institutional Reform. Nigerian Experiences with South African and Ugandan Comparisons. Paper to a conference on ”New Institutional Theory, Institutional Reform and Poverty Reduction”. London School of Economics and Political Science, 7-8 September. 23p.
Bierschenk, T. & J.-P. de Sardan. 1997. Local Powers and a Distant State in Rural Central African Republic. The Journal of Modern African Studies, Vol. 35, No. 3. 441-468. 28p.
Bratton, M. 1994. Peasant-state relations in postcolonial Africa: Patterns of engagement and disengagement. Migdal, J.S., A. Kohli & V. Shue (eds). State Power and Social Forces. Cambridge University Press. 231-54. 21p.
Desai, V. & R. Imrie. 1998. The New Managerialism in Local Governance: North-South Dimensions. Third World Quarterly, Vol. 19, No. 4. 635-650. 13p.
Engberg-Pedersen, L. & N. Webster. 1999. Introduction to political space. Unpublished manuscript. 25p.
Fine, B. 1999. The Development State is Dead - Long Live Social Capital? Development and Change, Vol. 30, No. 1. 1-19. 15p.
Fox, J. 1996. How Does Civil Society Thicken? The Political Construction of Social Capital in Rural Mexico. World Development, Vol. 24, No. 6.
Harris, J. 2000. The Dialectics of Decentralisation. A Note. Paper to a Workshop on ”Local Politics and Democratisation in Developing Countries”, University of Oslo, November 16-18. 7p.
Kohli, A. & V. Shue. 1994. State power and social forces: On political contention and accommodation in the Third World. Migdal, J.S., A. Kohli & V. Shue (eds). State Power and Social Forces. Domination and Transformation in the Third World. Cambridge University Press. 293-326. 31p.
Lindberg, S. & A. Sverrison (eds). 1997. Social Movements in Development. The Challenge of Globalization and Democratization. Macmillan, Basingstoke.
McEwan, C. 2000. Engendering citizenship: Gendered spaces of democracy in South Africa. Political Geography, Vol. 19, No. 5. 627-651. 23p.
Mohan, G, K. Stokke & P. Shurmer-Smith. Forthcoming. Postcolonial Political Geography. Sage, London. Approx. 150p.
Nyamugasiri, W. 1998. NGOs and advocacy: How well are the poor represented? Development in Practice, Vol. 8, No. 3. 297-308. 11p.
Oldfield, S. 2000. The centrality of community capacity in State low-income housing provision in Cape Town, South Africa. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, Vol. 24, No. 4. 858-872. 13p.
Stokke, K. 1994. The postcolonial African state and development geography. Norwegian Journal of Geography, Vol. 48. 123-131. 8p.
Sverrison, A. 1998. The Politics and Governance of Poverty Alleviation Programmes: Is Sub-Saharan Africa Learning from Latin America? O'Neill, H. & J. Toye (eds). A World Without Famine? New Approaches to Aid and Development. Macmillan, Basingstoke. 449-488. 35p.
Food and agriculture
Agarwal, B. 1994. A field of one’s own. Gender and land rights in South Asia. Cambridge University Press.
Atkinson, P. & I. Bowler. 2001. Food in society. Economy, culture, geography. Arnold, London.
Downing, T.E. et al. (eds). 1992. Development or destruction. The conversion of tropical forest to pasture in Latin America. Westview, Oxfor.
Drèze, J. et al. (eds). 1995. The political economy of hunger. Clarendon, Oxford.
Ellis, F. 1993. Peasant economics. Farm households and agrarian development. Second edition. Cambridge University Press.
Janvry, E. de. 1981. The agrarian question and reformism in Latin America. Johns Hopkins University Press, London.
Lappé, F.M. et al. 1998. World hunger. 12 myths. Second edition. Earthscan, London. Shanin, T. 1990. Defining peasants. Blackwell, Oxford.
Web: IDS, Sussex, has many working papers and discussion papers on agriculture.