Syllabus/achievement requirements

* = the article is in a compendium

@= the article is available online

How to find an article on the reading list

The syllabus consists of 949 pages of mandatory specified literature. You are also expected to read at least about 10 more articles (ca 150-200 pages) of your choice in connection with course paper work.

Total including course paper-related literature: about 1100 pages.


@Barnes, T. J., & Abrahamsson, C. (2017) The imprecise wanderings of a precise idea: the travels of spatial analysis. In H. J?ns, P. Meusberger and M. Heffernan (eds.) Spatial Mobility of Knowledge. (Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer), pp. 105-122. 

*Benjamin, W. and A. Lacis (1979), “Naples”, in W. Benjamin (1979), One-Way Street and Other Writings (London: NLB), pp. 167-176.

*Benjamin, W. (1979), “Moscow”, in W. Benjamin (1979), One-Way Street and Other Writings (London: NLB), pp. 177-208.

*Christaller, W. (1966 [1933]). Central places in southern Germany (London: Prentice-Hall), pp. 14-132.

Park, R.E. and E.W. Burgess (1925), The City – Suggestions for Investigation of Human Behavior in the Urban Environment, (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press), chapters I-IX (160 pages).

@Wirth, L. (1938). Urbanism as a Way of Life. American Journal of Sociology44(1), 1-24.

[359 pages]


Phelps, N. A., & Wu, F. (2011). Introduction: International Perspectives on Suburbanization: A Post-suburban World?. In N. Phelps and F. Wu (eds.), International Perspectives on Suburbanization (pp. 1-11). Palgrave Macmillan UK.

@Martinez-Fernandez, C., I. Audirac, S. Fol and E. Cunningham-Sabot (2012), Shrinking Cities: Urban Challenges of Globalization, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 36 (2): 213-225.

@Harris, R. (2015). Using Toronto to explore three suburban stereotypes, and vice versa. Environment and Planning A, 47(1), 30-49.

@Butler, T. (2007). Re‐urbanizing London Docklands: Gentrification, Suburbanization or New Urbanism?. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research31(4), 759-781.

@Filion, P. (2015). Suburban inertia: the entrenchment of dispersed suburbanism. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 39(3), 633-640.

@Shen, J. & F. Wu. (2012). The development of master-planned communities in Chinese suburbs: A case study of Shanghai’s Thames Town. Urban Geography, 33(2), 183-203.

@Boudreau, Julie-Anne & Danielle Labbe. (2011). Understanding the causes of urban  fragmentation in Hanoi: The case of New Urban Zones. International Development Planning Review, 33(3), 273-291.

Todes, A. (2014). New African Suburbanisation? Exploring the Growth of the Northern Corridor of eThekwini/KwaDakuza. African Studies 73 (2): 245-270.

[134 pages]


*Amin, A. (2003). ‘The Economic Base of Contemporary Cities’. In G. Bridge and S. Watson (eds.), A Companion to the City (Oxford (UK) and Malden (MA): Blackwell), 115-129.

@Anderson, B. and C. McFarlane (2011), Assemblage and geography, Area 43 (2): 124-127.

@Davidson, M. (2007), Gentrification as a global habitat: a process of class formation or corporate creation? Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 32 (4): 490-506.

@Dear, M. & Flusty, S. (1998): "Postmodern urbanism." Annals of the Association of American Geographers, vol. 88, nr. 1, s. 50-72. 23 sider.

@Gentile, M. and ?. Sj?berg, 2010, Spaces of Priority: The Geography of Soviet Housing Construction in Daugavpils, Latvia. Annals of the Association of American Geographers 100 (1): 1–25.

@Lees, L. (2002): Rematerializing geography: the ‘new’ urban geography. Progress in human geography, vol. 26, nr. 1, s. 101-112.

@Ley, D. (2003): "Forgetting postmodernism? Recuperating a social history of local knowledge." Progress in Human Geography, vol. 27, nr. 5, s. 537-560.

@Storper, M. and M. Manville (2006), Behaviour, preferences and cities: urban theory and urban resurgence, Urban Studies 43 (8): 1247-1274.

@Ward, K. (2010), Towards a relational comparative approach to the study of cities, Progress in Human Geography 34 (4): 471-487.

[159 pages]

Recommended reading:

@Scott, A. and M. Storper (2015), The nature of cities; The scope and limits of urban theory, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 39 (1): 1-15.


@Edensor, T. (1997). National identity and the politics of memory: remembering Bruce and Wallace in symbolic space. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space15(2), 175-194. 

@Forest, B., Johnson, J., & Till, K. (2004). Post‐totalitarian national identity: public memory in Germany and Russia. Social & Cultural Geography5(3), 357-380.

@Gentile, M. (2017), “Geopolitical Fault-line Cities”, in A. Pikulicka-Wilczewska and G. Uehling (Eds.), Migration and the Ukraine Crisis: A Two-Country Perspective (Bristol: E-International Relations Publishing), forthcoming. The entire book will be available online for free. Ca 15 pages.

[55 pages]


@Dear, M. (2005), Comparative urbanism, Urban Geography 26 (3): 247-251.

@Lees, L. (2012). The geography of gentrification: Thinking through comparative urbanism. Progress in Human Geography, 36(2), 155-171.

@Nijman, J. (2015), The theoretical imperative of comparative urbanism: a commentary on ‘Cities beyond compare’ by Jamie Peck, Regional Studies 49 (1): 183-186.

@Peck, J. (2015), Cities beyond compare? Regional Studies 49 (1): 160-182.

@Robinson, J. (2005), Urban geography: world cities, or a world of cities, Progress in Human Geography 29 (6): 757-765.

@Roy, A. (2011). Slumdog cities: rethinking subaltern urbanism. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research35(2), 223-238.

@Schindler, S. (2014). Understanding urban processes in Flint, Michigan: Approaching ‘subaltern urbanism’ inductively. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research38(3), 791-804.

[82 pages]

Recommended reading:

@Robinson, J. (2011), Cities in a world of cities: The comparative gesture, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 35 (1): 1-23.


*Castaneda, E. (2012) “Places of Stigma: Ghettos, Barrios, and Banlieus”. I Hutchinson, R. and Haynes, B.D. (red.) The Ghetto. Contemporary Global Issues and Controversies. Westview, Phil. PA, pp. 159-190.

*Wacquant, L. (2008), ch. 5 “From Conflation to Comparison: How Banlieus and Ghettos Converge and Contrast” I Urban Outcasts. Polity Press: Cambridge side 135-162.

@Wessel, T. (2009). Does diversity in urban space enhance intergroup contact and tolerance?. Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography, 91(1), 5-17. 

*Atkinson, R., Buck, N. and Kintrea, K. (2005) "Neighbourhoods and poverty: linking place and social exclusion". I Buck, N., Gordon, I, Harding, A. og Turok, I. (red.) Changing Cities. New York: Palgrave MacMillan. 18 pages.

@Brattbakk, I. and Wessel, T. (2011) "Long-term neighbourhood effects on education, income and employment among adolescents in Oslo". Urban Studies 50: 381-406.

@Fainstein, S. (2005), Cities and diversity – Should we want it? Can we plan for it?, Urban Affairs Review 41 (1): 3-19.

*Galster, G. (2012) “Neighbourhoods and Their Role in Creating and Changing Housing”. I Clapham, D. F., Clark, W.A.V. and Gibb, K. (red.) The Sage Handbook of Housing Studies. Sage Publications, London, side 84-106.

@Galster, G. and A. Santiago (2017), Neighbourhood ethnic composition and outcomes for low-income Latino and African American children, Urban Studies 54(2): 482-500.

*Van Kempen, R. og Bolt, G. (2012) “Social Consequences of Residential Segregation and Mixed Neighbourhoods”. I Clapham, D. F., Clark, W.A.V. and Gibb, K. (red.) The Sage Handbook of Housing Studies. Sage Publications, London, side 439-460.

[152 pages]

Published May 15, 2017 8:54 AM - Last modified May 15, 2017 9:06 AM