Syllabus/achievement requirements

* = the article is in a compendium

@= the article is available online

How to find an article on the reading list



Phelps, N. A., & Wu, F. (2011). Introduction: International Perspectives on Suburbanization: A Post-suburban World?. In N. Phelps and F. Wu (eds.), International Perspectives on Suburbanization (pp. 1-11). Palgrave Macmillan UK.

@Martinez-Fernandez, C., I. Audirac, S. Fol and E. Cunningham-Sabot (2012), Shrinking Cities: Urban Challenges of Globalization, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 36 (2): 213-225.

@Harris, R. (2015). Using Toronto to explore three suburban stereotypes, and vice versa. Environment and Planning A, 47(1), 30-49.

@Butler, T. (2007). Re‐urbanizing London Docklands: Gentrification, Suburbanization or New Urbanism?. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research31(4), 759-781.

@Filion, P. (2015). Suburban inertia: the entrenchment of dispersed suburbanism. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 39(3), 633-640.

@Shen, J. & F. Wu. (2012). The development of master-planned communities in Chinese suburbs: A case study of Shanghai’s Thames Town. Urban Geography, 33(2), 183-203.

@Boudreau, Julie-Anne & Danielle Labbe. (2011). Understanding the causes of urban  fragmentation in Hanoi: The case of New Urban Zones. International Development Planning Review, 33(3), 273-291.

Todes, A. (2014). New African Suburbanisation? Exploring the Growth of the Northern Corridor of eThekwini/KwaDakuza. African Studies 73 (2): 245-270.


*Amin, A. (2003). ‘The Economic Base of Contemporary Cities’. In G. Bridge and S. Watson (eds.), A Companion to the City (Oxford (UK) and Malden (MA): Blackwell), 115-129.

@Anderson, B. and C. McFarlane (2011), Assemblage and geography, Area 43 (2): 124-127.

@Davidson, M. (2007), Gentrification as a global habitat: a process of class formation or corporate creation? Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 32 (4): 490-506.

@Dear, M. & Flusty, S. (1998): "Postmodern urbanism." Annals of the Association of American Geographers, vol. 88, nr. 1, s. 50-72. 23 sider.

@Storper, M. and M. Manville (2006), Behaviour, preferences and cities: urban theory and urban resurgence, Urban Studies 43 (8): 1247-1274.

@Raco, M. (2018). Critical urban cosmopolitanism and the governance of urban diversity in European cities. European Urban and Regional Studies25(1), 8-23.

Recommended additional reading for “contemporary urbanism” block:

@Scott, A. and M. Storper (2015), The nature of cities; The scope and limits of urban theory, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 39 (1): 1-15.


@Allegra, M., A. Casaglia, och J. Rokem (2012), The political geographies of urban polarization: A critical review of research on divided cities, Geography Compass 6(9): 560-574.

@Bakir, V. and A. McStay (2018), Fake news and the economy of emotions, Digital Journalism 6(2): 154-175.

@Bennett, W.L. and S. Livingston (2018), The disinformation order: disruptive communication and the decline of online institutions. European Journal of Communication 33(2): 122-139.

@Bollens, S. (2013), Bounding cities as a means of managing conflict: Sarajevo, Beirut and Jerusalem, Peacebuilding 1 (2): 186-206.

@Forest, B., Johnson, J., & Till, K. (2004). Post‐totalitarian national identity: public memory in Germany and Russia. Social & Cultural Geography5(3), 357-380.

Gentile, M. (2019), Geopolitical fault-line cities in the world of divided cities, Political Geography, forthcoming, ca 15 pages.

@Hodge, E., & Hallgrimsdottir, H. (2019). Networks of Hate: The Alt-right, “Troll Culture”, and the Cultural Geography of Social Movement Spaces Online. Journal of Borderlands Studies, online first.

@Rokem, J., Fregonese, S., Ramadan, A., Pascucci, E., Rosen, G., Charney, I., Paasche, T. and Sidaway, J. (2017), Interventions in urban geopolitics, Political Geography 61(November): 253-262.


@Dear, M. (2005), Comparative urbanism, Urban Geography 26 (3): 247-251.

@Lees, L. (2012). The geography of gentrification: Thinking through comparative urbanism. Progress in Human Geography, 36(2), 155-171.

@Nijman, J. (2015), The theoretical imperative of comparative urbanism: a commentary on ‘Cities beyond compare’ by Jamie Peck, Regional Studies 49 (1): 183-186.

@Peck, J. (2015), Cities beyond compare? Regional Studies 49 (1): 160-182.

@Robinson, J. (2005), Urban geography: world cities, or a world of cities, Progress in Human Geography 29 (6): 757-765.

@Roy, A. (2011). Slumdog cities: rethinking subaltern urbanism. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research35(2), 223-238.

@Schindler, S. (2014). Understanding urban processes in Flint, Michigan: Approaching ‘subaltern urbanism’ inductively. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research38(3), 791-804.

[82 pages]

Recommended additional reading for “comparative urbanism” block:

@Robinson, J. (2011), Cities in a world of cities: The comparative gesture, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 35 (1): 1-23.


@Brattbakk, I. and Wessel, T. (2011) "Long-term neighbourhood effects on education, income and employment among adolescents in Oslo". Urban Studies 50: 381-406.

*Castaneda, E. (2012) “Places of Stigma: Ghettos, Barrios, and Banlieus”. I Hutchinson, R. and Haynes, B.D. (red.) The Ghetto. Contemporary Global Issues and Controversies. Westview, Phil. PA, pp. 159-190.

@Fainstein, S. (2005), Cities and diversity – Should we want it? Can we plan for it?, Urban Affairs Review 41 (1): 3-19.

*Galster, G. (2012) “Neighbourhoods and Their Role in Creating and Changing Housing”. I Clapham, D. F., Clark, W.A.V. and Gibb, K. (red.) The Sage Handbook of Housing Studies. Sage Publications, London, side 84-106.

@Galster, G. (2012) The Mechanisms of Neighborhood Effects. Theory, Evidence and Policy Implications. In Van Ham, M., Manley, D., Bailey, N., Simpson, L. and Maclennan, D: (2013) Neighbourhood Effects Research. New Perspectives. Springer, side 25-36. 12 sider.

@Piekout, A. and Valentine, G. (2017) Spaces of encounter and attitudes towards difference: a comparative study of two European cities. Social Science Research 62(2), 175-188. 

*Wacquant, L. (2008), ch. 5 “From Conflation to Comparison: How Banlieus and Ghettos Converge and Contrast” I Urban Outcasts. Polity Press: Cambridge side 135-162.

@Wessel, T. (2009). Does diversity in urban space enhance intergroup contact and tolerance?. Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography, 91(1), 5-17. 

*Atkinson, R., Buck, N. and Kintrea, K. (2005) "Neighbourhoods and poverty: linking place and social exclusion". I Buck, N., Gordon, I, Harding, A. og Turok, I. (red.) Changing Cities. New York: Palgrave MacMillan. 18 pages.

@Galster, G. and A. Santiago (2017), Neighbourhood ethnic composition and outcomes for low-income Latino and African American children, Urban Studies 54(2): 482-500.

Recommended additional reading for the “segregation, neighbourhood effects and spaces of encounter” block

Park, R.E. and E.W. Burgess (1925), The City – Suggestions for Investigation of Human Behavior in the Urban Environment, (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press), chapters I-IX (160 pages).


Total: about 650 pages of mandatory specified literature. You are also expected to read at least about 15-20 more articles (ca 300 pages) of your choice in connection with course paper work.

Total including course paper-related literature: at least 900 pages.

Published May 27, 2019 1:00 PM - Last modified Aug. 7, 2019 1:42 PM