Total: 706 pages
@Andrews, N. & S. Bawa. 2014. A post-development hoax? (Re)-examining the past, present and future of development studies. Third World Quarterly, Vol. 35, No. 6. 922-938. (12 pages)
@ World Bank. 2017. World Development Report 2017: Governance and the Law. Washington, DC: World Bank. doi:10.1596/978-1-4648-0950-7. Overview, Chapter 1 Governance for development: The challenges; Chapter 2 Enhancing governance for development: Why policies fail; Chapter 3 The role of law (90 pages)
Total: 102 pages
Natural resource extraction
@ Bridge Gavin. 2009. Material worlds: Natural resources, resource geography and the material economy. Geography Compass 3(3): 1217–1244 (27 pages)
@ Bridge Gavin. 2013. Resource geographies II: The resource-state nexus. Progress in Human Geography Vol 38, Issue 1, pp. 118-130 (12 pages)
@ Huber, Matt. 2018. Resource geography II: What makes resources political? Progress in Human Geography (first published April 17, 2018) (12 pages)
@ Thomas Chiasson-LeBel. 2016. Neo-extractivism in Venezuela and Ecuador: A weapon of class conflict, The Extractive Industries and Society, Volume 3, Issue 4: 888-901 (14 pages)
@ Murat Arsel, Barbara Hogenboom, Lorenzo Pellegrini. 2016. The extractive imperative in Latin America, The Extractive Industries and Society, Volume 3, Issue 4: 880-887 ( 8 pages)
@ Alejandro Camargo and Diana Ojeda. 2017. Ambivalent desires: State formation and dispossession in the face of climate crisis, Political Geography 60 (2017) 57-65 (9 pages)
Total: 82 pages
Environmental justice perspectives on global North-South relations
@ Martinez-Alier, Joan, Leah Temper, Daniela Del Bene, and Arnim Scheidel. 2016. “Is There a Global Environmental Justice Movement?” The Journal of Peasant Studies 43 (3): 731–55. (25 pages)
@ Hofmeijer, I., J. D. Ford, L. Berrang-Ford, C. Zavaleta, C. Carcamo, E. Llanos, C. Carhuaz, V. Edge, S. Lwasa, and D. Namanya. 2013. “Community Vulnerability to the Health Effects of Climate Change among Indigenous Populations in the Peruvian Amazon: A Case Study from Panaillo and Nuevo @ (22 pages)
@ Rodríguez-Labajos, Beatriz, and Begüm ?zkaynak. 2017. “Environmental Justice through the Lens of Mining Conflicts.” Geoforum 84: 245–50. (6 pages)
@ Althor, Glenn, James E. M. Watson, and Richard A. Fuller. 2016. “Global Mismatch between Greenhouse Gas Emissions and the Burden of Climate Change.” Scientific Reports 6: 20281. (6 pages)
@ Huber, Amelie, and Deepa Joshi. 2015. “Hydropower, Anti-Politics, and the Opening of New Political Spaces in the Eastern Himalayas.” World Development 76: 13–25. (13 pages)
Total: 72 pages
Struggles over land and territory in the global South – from global political economic pressures to local mobilization
@ Lambin, Eric F., B. L. Turner, Helmut J. Geist, Samuel B. Agbola, Arild Angelsen, John W. Bruce, Oliver T. Coomes, et al. 2001. “The Causes of Land-Use and Land-Cover Change: Moving beyond the Myths.” Global Environmental Change 11 (4): 261–69. (9 pages)
@ Vongvisouk, Thoumthone, Rikke Brandt Broegaard, Ole Mertz, and Sithong Thongmanivong. 2016. “Rush for Cash Crops and Forest Protection: Neither Land Sparing nor Land Sharing.” Land Use Policy 55 (September): 182–92. (11 pages)
@ Oliveira, Gustavo, and Susanna Hecht. 2016. “Sacred Groves, Sacrifice Zones and Soy Production: Globalization, Intensification and Neo-Nature in South America.” The Journal of Peasant Studies 43 (2): 251–85. (35 pages)
@ Li, Tania Murray. In press. “After the Land Grab: Infrastructural Violence and the ‘Mafia System’ in Indonesia’s Oil Palm Plantation Zones.” Geoforum. (10 pages)
@ Nielsen, Kenneth Bo, and Heather Plumridge Bedi. 2017. “The Regional Identity Politics of India’s New Land Wars: Land, Food, and Popular Mobilisation in Goa and West Bengal.” Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space 49 (10): 2324–41. (18 pages)
Total: 83 pages
Social protection
*Bender, K. et al. (eds). 2013. Social protection in developing countries. Reforming systems. Routledge, London. Chapters 1, 2. Pages 17.
@Best, J. 2013. Redefining poverty as risk and vulnerability: shifting strategies of liberal economic governance. Third World Quarterly, Vol. 34, No. 1. 109-129. Pages 20.
@Devereux, S. & R. Sabates-Wheeler. 2015. Graduating from social protection? Editorial introduction. IDS Bulletin, Vol. 46, No. 2. 1-12. Pages 12.
@Ellis, F. & D. Maliro. 2013. Fertiliser subsidies and social cash transfers as complementary or competing instruments for reducing vulnerability to hunger: The case of Malawi. Development Policy Review, Vol. 31, No. 5. 575-596. Pages 22.
@Naranyanan, S. 2011. The case for reframing the cash transfer debate in India. Economic and Political Weekly, No. 21. 41-48. Pages 8.
@Soares, F.V. 2011. Brazil's Bolsa Família: A review. Economic and Political Weekly, No. 21. 55-60. Pages 6.
Total: 85 pages
Urban development and Cities of the Global South
@ Jones, P. S., Kimari, W., Ramakrishnan, K. (2017) 'Only the people can defend this struggle': the politics of the everyday, extrajudicial executions and civil society in Mathare, Kenya, Review of African Political Economy, Dec 2017, Vol.44(154), pp.559-576. (s. 17).
@ McGranahan, G. Inclusive Urbanization: Can the 2030 Agenda be delivered without it? Environment and urbanization, Vol. 28 (1): pp. 13-34 (s. 21).
@ Satterthwaite, D. (2016) Editorial: A New Urban Agenda? Environment and Urbanization, Vol. 28 (1), pp. 3-12. (s. 9).
@ Simone, AbdouMalik (2004) People as Infrastructure: Intersecting Fragments in Johannesburg. Public Culture 16: pp.407-429. (s. 22).
@ Yiftachel, O. (2009) ‘Theoretical notes on ‘gray cities’: the coming of urban apartheid?’ Planning Theory, Vol 8(1): pp. 88–100. (s. 12).
Total: 81 pages
Recommended: Storper, S. and Scott, A. (2016) Current debates in urban theory: A critical assessment, Urban Studies, 2016, Vol. 53(6) pp.1114–1136 (s. 22)
Housing in the Global South
@ Jan Bredenoord and Paul van Lindert (2009) Pro-poor housing policies: Rethinking the potential of assisted self-help housing - Habitat International (10 pages)
* John F.C. Turner (1972). Housing as a Verb - chapter in "Freedom to build, dweller control of the housing process." (27 pages)
* Nabeel Hamdi (2010) Housing - chapter in his book The Placemaker's Guide to Building Community (11 pages)
Total: 48 pages
Drivers of migration in a development perspective
@ Bakewell, O. (2008) 'Keeping them in their place: the ambivalent relationship between development and migration in Africa.' Third World Quarterly, 29(7):1343-1358. (15 pages)
@ Carling, J. (2017) How does migration arise?, Migration Research Leaders Syndicate in Support of the Global Compact for Migration. Geneva: International Organization for Migration. (8 pages)
@ Carling, J. and Schewel, K. (2018) 'Revisiting aspiration and ability in international migration.' Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 44(6):945-963. (19 pages)
@ Clemens, M.A. and Postel, H.M. (2018) Can Development Assistance Deter Emigration?, CGD Brief. Washington, DC: Center for Global Development. (4 pages)
@ Erdal, M.B. and Oeppen, C. (2018) 'Forced to leave? The discursive and analytical significance of describing migration as forced and voluntary.' Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 44(6):981-998. (17 pages)
@ Van Hear, N., Bakewell, O. and Long, K. (2018) 'Push-pull plus: reconsidering the drivers of migration.' Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 44(6):927-944.
Total: 81 pages
Development impacts of migration and transnationalism
@ Carling, J. (2018) 'Remittances.' in Bastia, T. and Skeldon, R. (eds) Routledge Handbook on Migration and Development. London: Routledge. (13 pages) (forthcoming, PDF-file will be available in Canvas)
@ Gamlen, A. (2010) 'The New Migration and Development Optimism: A Review of the 2009 Human Development Report.' Global Governance, 16(3):415-422. (8 pages)
@ Gamlen, A. (2014) 'The new migration-and-development pessimism.' Progress in Human Geography, 38(4):581-597. (17 pages)
@ Horst, C., Erdal, M.B., Carling, J. and Afeef, K. (2014) 'Private money, public scrutiny? Contrasting perspectives on remittances.' Global Networks, 14(4):514-532. (19 pages)
@ Raghuram, P. (2009) 'Which Migration, What Development? Unsettling the Edifice of Migration and Development.' Population Space and Place, 15(2):103-117. (15 pages)
Total: 72 pages