
Publisert 16. juni 2004 02:00

Protokoll for quizzes og lab-?velser finner du under overskriften "Eksamen og vurderingsformer" til venstre.

Publisert 15. juni 2004 02:00

Sensuren p? prosjektoppgaven og skoleeksamen vil bli hengt opp p? tavlen utenfor Auditorium 7 Eilert Sundts hus ca klokken 16.00 i dag. Karakterene for lab-?velser og "quizzes" vil komme i morgen.

Publisert 15. juni 2004 02:00

Protokoll for gruppeoppgaven finner du under overskriften "Eksamen og vurderingsformer" til venstre.

Publisert 26. mai 2004 02:00

Further clarification: The essay question aims to synthesize the course and your knowledge of GIS. The golf course location was just an example of a type of essay question. The actual exam will describe more specifically what your "task" is and how you should answer. The best way to prepare is to have done the labs, attended the lectures, and read the book. I will be in Germany from tonight until Saturday, so Gunnar will visit during the exam. Good luck!

Publisert 21. mai 2004 02:00

Question about exam: Den essay delen p? eksamen som vil v?re et praktisk sp?rsm?l, mener du da at vi skal beskrive hvordan vi ville har g?tt fram ved bruk av GIS? Hvilke metoder vi ville brukt p? problemet, f.eks. buffer, m?le avstand osv. Litt usikker p? hvordan en oppgave vil se ut der vi skal ta med praktisk kunnskap som vi har l?rt p? laben...Kan du gi et eksempel p? en slik type oppgave?

Reply: You will be given a hypothetical situation, such as identifying an area for a new golf course in Olso, and have to describe how you would go about doing so with a GIS, using the criteria given in the question. You won't have to repeat ArcGIS commands, but you will be required to show an integrated understanding of the concepts and methods of GIS.

Publisert 20. mai 2004 02:00

FINAL EXAM: The final exam covers material presented in lectures as well as the textbook readings assigned for the lectures (see undervisningsplan), and it integrates some of the practical knowledge you learned in the labs. It will include 5 short answers, where you describe GIS concepts or terms in no more than 3 or 4 sentences, and one essay question with 3 parts. The essay will be a practical question where you are to apply your GIS knowledge to the given situation. You can write the exam in Norwegian, referring to technical GIS terms in English when necessary. It will be graded using the A - F scale.

Publisert 12. mai 2004 02:00

A clarification on metadata: You should include a table that describes the data that you use in your study (type of data, source or origin, any known errors, and any other information that may be relevant to someone reading your report). If you don't know the origins of a file, then write "unknown".

Publisert 12. mai 2004 02:00

For ? bruke printer i 2 etg HH-hus: Start-meny -> Settings -> Printers Velg Add Printer,Next ->, Velg: A network printer..., Next, Velg Connect to this printer... Skriv inn nettverksnavnet p? skriveren (\\garm\iss_poca) -> Next. Hvis du blir bedt om ? logge inn med brukernavn og passord, skives brukernavnet slik: uio\brukernavn. Passordet skrives p? vanlig m?te.

Publisert 11. mai 2004 02:00

Pga. internt seminar p? instituttet 14. mai, m? gruppeoppgavene leveres til SV Info-senter i foajeen p? SV-fakultetet. Innleveringen m? skje mellom klokken 13 og 14. Oppgaven skal leveres i to eksemplarer. Ikke skriv navn p? oppgaven, dere f?r utdelt et gruppenummer som dere skriver p? oppgaven ved innlevering.

Publisert 4. mai 2004 02:00

Final evaluation of labs is on Friday, May 7. If you had any problems publishing a lab on your homepage (i.e. you submitted it but the links didn't work), Gunnar will likely contact you!

Publisert 4. mai 2004 02:00

Lab-tider i neste uke: 11. mai klokken 12-14 og 12. mai klokken 12-14. Rom 035 Harriet Holters hus.

Publisert 4. mai 2004 02:00

Next week it will be possible to print your final Oslo project maps in color from the computer in room 249. Please check your final maps in black and white first, before printing them in color!

Publisert 30. apr. 2004 02:00

Lab-tider i neste uke: 6. mai kl 10-12 og 7. mai kl 10-12. Rom 035 Harriet Holters hus.?

Publisert 28. apr. 2004 02:00

Gunnar has fixed the Rode/grunnkrets file so that all of the polygons are now there. The new file is called oslorodekomplett.shp!

Publisert 22. apr. 2004 02:00

Lab-tider i neste uke: 27. april kl. 12-14, 29. april kl 15-17 og 30. april kl. 10-12. Alt foreg?r i rom 035 Harriet Holters hus.

Publisert 21. apr. 2004 02:00

The GPS is now available from Birgit Bineau in the reception on the second floor of Harriet Holters Hus (Ekspedisjonen har ?pent mandag-fredag kl. 10-11 og 12-15). Please sign out the GPS for no more than 2 days, returning it in the morning so that the next group can take it! If the batteries run out and you buy new ones, save the receipt and we'll reimburse you!

Publisert 21. apr. 2004 02:00

Gunnar will be in the lab this Friday (23.4) from 10-12, for groups interested in working.

Publisert 13. apr. 2004 02:00

If you have not made contact with your group for the Oslo project, please do so. And if you have problems, talk to Birgitte!

Publisert 13. apr. 2004 02:00

Lab 7 will be due on April 30th. It is difficult to get the point coverage to overlay on the kommune layer. Those of you who have figured it out, please help the others! (Ask Birgitte to post messages here with advice). The lab will be open extra hours this week and next. Gunnar will post the times he will be there. Next week's schedule: Tuesday 20/4, 12-14; Wednesday 21/4, 14-16 (with Tone from SGO1002); Thursday, 22/4, 15-17.

Publisert 13. apr. 2004 02:00

Beskjed fra Gunnar: Det er muligheter for ? jobbe med prosjektoppgaven og f? litt veiledning p? PC-stuen i kjelleren i Harriet Holters hus (rom 035) f?lgende tidspunkter: 15. april kl. 16-18 og 16. april kl. 10-12. Laben vil ogs? v?re ?pen i neste uke. Tidspunktene st?r i beskjeden fra Karen under.

Publisert 1. apr. 2004 02:00

This week's lab is focused on problem solving and dealing with GIS frustration! I recommend that everyone register for the esri user forums (go to, support, user forums and register) because we will be trying to figure something out and will need help!

Publisert 29. mars 2004 02:00

A New Lab Assistant for SGO1910! Gunnar is the proud father of a baby boy. Emil was born last Tuesday. Congratulations to Gunnar and Camilla!

Publisert 28. mars 2004 01:00

Imortant: A New Groups List is now available. I switched Bj?rg Pettersen with Tore Haga in Groups 10 and 11, so that each group would have one person taking SGO1002. The list has links to your web pages, where you can find email addresses to take contact with each other!

Publisert 26. mars 2004 01:00

The two articles by Wessels are available in electronic form: see links below "Oslo Project"