Messages - Side 2
Karen will teach the labs next week; we will combine lab 7 with an introduction to the Oslo Project. The list of groups for the Oslo project can now be downloaded, along with the project description. I suggest you read the description and meet during this week's lab time (Two people have been put in groups from another lab - contact me if this is a problem). See you next week!
Meeting for Masters Students: Tuesday, March 23, 13.00. Meet on third floor, Harriet Holters Hus
FYI: An interesting article on "Mapping Opportunities" that stresses bright career prospects for geographers can be downloaded below ("career prospects")
Reminder: Midterm Quiz II is next week!
Difficulties with Questions for Lab 2? HINT: See box 5.4 and Figure 5.13 in the textbook!
Reminder: No labs next week (Gunnar will be available on Tuesday to answer questions).
Please read chapter 11 for next week, not chapter 10 (my mistake!)
GIS Labs start this week - be sure to attend one!
Missing a black pair of gloves? See Birgitte B?gh-Olsen!
Midterm Quiz next Tuesday (3. feb) 13.15 - 14.00 (lecture follows)
Copies of the lectures are now available!
Lectures will be in Auditorium 4, as scheduled.
Frist for innlevering av prosjektoppgaven er 4. mai. Oppgaven leveres i ekspedisjonen p? Institutt for sosiologi og samfunnsgeografi.