
* = finnes i kompendium

Hovedboken i kurset er:

Dicken, P. (2003). Global Shift. Reshaping the global economic map in the 21st century. Sage Publications, London

Hele boken, unntatt kapittel 17 er pensum, tilsammen 570 sider.

I tillegg er det kompendium som best?r av artikler som ser industriell og regional utvikling i Europa i lys av ?konomisk globalisering og Global Shift.

Kompendiet best?r av:

*Martin, R. (2001). EMU versus the regions? Regional convergence and divergence in Euroland. Journal of Economic Geography, vol. 1, 51-80.

*Kr?tke, S. (2002). The Regional impact of EU Eastern enlargement: A view from Germany. European Planning Studies, vol. 10, 651-664.

*Onsager, K. og S?ther, B (2003). An ICT cluster in and old industrial town, the case of Halden. Manus 28 sider

*Pavlinek, P. (2002). Transformation of the Central and east European passenger car industry: selective peripheral integration through foreign direct investment. Environment and Planning A, vol. 34, 1685-1709.

Kompendiet er p? 94 sider.

Published Oct. 25, 2004 8:05 PM - Last modified Nov. 4, 2004 4:38 PM