Syllabus/achievement requirements

* = the article is in a compendium

@ = the article is available online

The main book of the course is:

Dicken, P. (2015): Global Shift: Mapping the changing contours of the world economy . Sage Publications, London. 7. edition. 618 pages.

In addition there is a compendium of articles in which industrial and regional development in Europe is seen in the light of economic globalization and Global Shift.

Articles in the compendium:

*Aarset, B. and Jakobsen, S-E. (2008): Political regulation and radical institutional change: The case of aquaculture in Norway. Marine Policy, 32, 10s

*Fl?ysand, A. and Haarstad, H. (2008): Foreign direct investment in development strategies: Norwegian FDI and the tendency for agglomeration. In: Tamasy, C. and Taylor, M. (eds): Globalising worlds and new economic configurations. pp 47-57.

*Hedberg, C. (2013): "Grapes of Wrath?" Power Spatialities and Aspects of Labour in the Wild Berry Commodity Chain. Competition and Change, 17, 57-74

*Ivarsson, I and Alvstam, C-G. (2005): The Effect of Spatial Proximity on Technology Transfer from TNCs to Local Suppliers in Developing Countries: The Case of AB Volvo's Truck and Bus Plants in Brazil, China, India and Mexico. Economic Geography, 81 (1), pp 83-111

*Neil M. Coe, Peter Dicken and Martin Hess (2008): Global production networks: realizing the potential. Journal of Economic Geography 8, 271–295

Articles available online:

@Ark, B.V.A. (2016) The Productivity Paradox of the New Digital Economy. International Productivity Monitor, vol 31, Fall 2016 Available online

@Barrientos, S. Gereffi, G. & Rossi, A. 2010. Economic and Social Upgrading in Global Production Networks: Developing a Framework for Analysis. Capturing the Gains Working Paper 2010/03. 25p. Available online

@Elder, S. D. & Dauvergne, P. 2015. Farming for Walmart: the politics of corporate control and responsibility in the global South. The Journal of Peasant Studies, 42:5, 1029-104 Available online

@Philip, L.J., Townsend, L., Roberts, E. and Beel, D. (2015). The rural digital economy. Scottish Geographical Journal, 131, 3-4, 143-147. Available online  

@Outterson K, Gopinathan U, Clift C, So A, Morel CM, and R?ttingen J-A  (2016). Delinking Investment in Antibiotic Research and Development from Sales Revenues: The Challenges of Transforming a Promising Idea into Reality. PLoS Med 13(6): Available online

@Sepúlveda, J. and Murray, C. (2014).The state of global health in 2014. Science, pp 1275-1278. Available online

Course curriculum information

The compendium will be available at Kopiutsalget at the bookstore Akademika at Blindern. Please bring your student card.

Online articles

@ = articles are available online through Bibsys' subscriptions on e-journal databases for employees and students. To access the articles it is necessary to use a computer in the UiO network. This is because the UiO subscription access is controlled by IP-address. To download the articles from computers outside the UiO network it is necessary to connect to the UiO network by VPN client.

In case of broken links to online articles, please report it to

Published Nov. 8, 2017 10:11 AM - Last modified Feb. 15, 2018 9:08 AM