1 Perspektiver p? internasjonalisering og globalisering
*Harvey, D. 2000. "Contemporary globalization". Kapittel 4 i Spaces of Hope, s. 53-73, 20 sider.
*Held, D. and McGrew, A. 2000. "The Great Globalization Debate: An Introduction" I D. Held, and A. McGrew (red.): The Global Transformations Reader. Polity Press, s. 1-45. 45 sider.
*Hill, R.C. og Kim, J.W. (2000) Global Cities and Developmental States: New York, Tokyo and Seoul. Urban Studies, 37, 2167-2195. 29 sider.
*Hirst, P. and Thompson, G. 2000. "Globalisation – a Necessary Myth?" I D. Held, and A. McGrew (red.): The Global Transformations Reader. Polity Press, s. 68-75, 8 sider.
*Jakobsen, S-E. og Onsager, K. (2005) Head Office location - Agglomeration, clusters or flow nodes? Urban Studies, vol 42, no.9, 1517-1535, 19 sider.
*Martin, R. 2004: "Editorial: Geography: Making a difference in a globalizing world", Transactions of The Institute of British Geographers. NS 29, 147-150, 4 sider.
*Robinson, J. (2002) Urban geography<. world cities or a world of cities? Progress in Human geography, 29, 757-765, 9 sider.
Sassen, S. 2006: Cities in a World Economy. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Pine Forge Press, kapittel 3, s.45-79. 35 sider.
*Sassen, S. (2001) Global Cities and Developmentalist States: How to Deral What Could be and Interesting Debate: A Response to Hill and Kim. Urban Studies, 38, 2537-2540, 4 sider.
Tilsammen 170 sider
2 Byers indre differensiering
Ulikhet, polarisering og sosio-?konomisk segregasjon
*Bruegel, I. (1996) "Gendering the Polarisation Debate: A Comment on Hamnett. Social Polarisation, Economic Restructuring and Welfare State Regimes". Urban Studies, vol. 33, s. 1431-1439. 8 sider.
*Burgers, J. (1996) "No polarisation in Dutch Cities? Inequality in a Corporatist Country". Urban Studies, vol. 33, s. 99-105. 7 sider.
*Hamnett, K. (1996) "Social Polarisation, Economic Restructuring and Welfare State Regimes". Urban Studies, vol. 33. s. 1407-1430. 24 sider.
Sassen, S. 2006: Cities in a World Economy. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Pine Forge Press, kapittel 6 (s.151-175),kap. 8 (s.193-199) 30 sider.
*Wessel, T. (2000): "Social polarisation and socio-economic segregation in a welfare state: The case of Oslo". Urban Studies, vol. 37, s. 1947-1967. 21 sider
Tilsammen 90 sider
Etnisk segregasjon og integrasjon av innvandrere
*Amin, A. 2002. "Ethnicity and the multicultural city: living with diversity". Environment and Planning A, s. 959-980. 22 sider.
*Br?m?, ?. (2006) "White Flight? The Production and Reproduction of Immigrant Concentration Areas in Swedish Cities, 1990-2000". Urban Studies, vol. 43, s. 1127-1146. 20 sider.
*Ellis, M., Wright, R. and Parks, V. (2004) "Work Together, Live Apart? Geographies of Racial and Ethnic Segregation at Home and at Work". Annals of the Association of American Geographers, vol. 94, s. 620-637. 18 sider.
*Jonassen, C. 1949. "Cultural values in the ecology of an ethnic group". American Sociological Review, s. 32-41. 10 sider.
*Peach, C. 1997. "Pluralist and assimilationist models of ethnic settlement in London 1991". Tijdsschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 88, 2, s. 120-134. 15 sider.
Tilsammen 85 sider
*Butler, T. & Robson, G. 2001. "Social capital, gentrification and neighbourhood change in London: A comparison of three South London Neighbourhoods". Urban Studies, vol. 38, s. 2145-2162. 18 sider.
*Hamnett, C. 2003. Unequal city. Kapittel 9 "Gentrification and the remaking of inner London". Routledge: London s. 159-187. 28 sider.
*Clark, E. 2005. "The order and simplicity of gentrification". I R. Atkinson og G. Bridge red.): Gentrification in a global context. London: Routledge, s. 256-264. 9 sider.
*Bj?rnskau, T. & Hjorthol, R. 2003. "Gentrifisering p? norsk: Urban livsstil eller praktisk organsiering av hverdagslivet". Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning, vol. 44, s. 169-201. 33 sider.
Til sammen 88 sider.
3 L?ring og innovasjon
Teoretiske perspektiver
*Benneworth, P. & Henry, N. (2004) Where is the value added in the cluster approach? Hermeneutic theorising, economic geography and clusters as a multiperspectival approach. Urban Studies, vol. 41, (1011-1023, 12 sider).
*Fagerberg, J. (2003): "Schumpeter and the revival of evolutionary economics: an appraisal of the litterature". Journal of Evolutionary Economics vol. 13, (125-159, 35 sider).
*Grabher, G. (1993) "Rediscovering the social in the economics of interfirm relations", in Grabher, G. (red) The embedded firm. On the socio-economics of industrial networks, Routledge London and New York. (1-31, 31 sider).
*Hudson, R. (1999) The learning economy, the learning firm and the learning region: a sympathetic critique of the limits to learning. European Urban and Regional Studies, vol. 6, (59-72, 13 sider).
*Lundvall, B.?. (2004): "Why the New Economy is a Learning Economy". DRUID Working Paper 04-01. Aalborg University. (11 sider).
*Moulaert, F. og Sekia, A. (2003): "Territorial Innovation Models: A Critical Survey". Regional Studies vol. 37, (s. 289-302, 14 sider).
Tilsammen 116 sider.
Regional utvikling, innovasjon og innovasjonspolitikk
*Arbo, P. (2004) "Kan innovasjon planlegges?" i Arbo, P. og Gammels?ter, H. (red) Innovasjonspolitikkens scenografi. Nye perspektiver p? n?ringsutvikling. Tapir Forlag (s. 245-267, 22 sider).
*Bathelt, H. et.al. (2004) "Clusters and knowledge: local buzz, global pipelines and the process of knowledge creation". Progress in Human Geography, vol 28, 1, 31-56. 26 sider
*Berge, D.M. og Gammels?ter, H. (2004) "Innovasjonspolitikkens uutholdelige t?lmodighet." i Arbo, P. og Gammels?ter, H. (red) Innovasjonspolitikkens scenografi. Nye perspektiver p? n?ringsutvikling. Tapir Forlag. (s. 167-184, 17 sider).
*Cooke, P. (2005) "Regional knowledge capabilities and open innovation: Regional innovation system and clusters in the assymmetric knowledge economy." i Breschi, S. og Malerba, F. (red) Clusters, network and innovation. Oxford. (s. 80-112, 32 sider).
*Fl?ysand, A. og Jakobsen, S-E. (2007) Commodification of rural places: a narrative of social fields, rural development, and football. Journal of Rural Studies, vol. 23, (206-221, 15 sider)
*Jakobsen, S-E. Rusten, G. og Fl?ysand, A. (2005) How green is the valley? Foreign direct investment in two Norwegian industrial towns. The Canadian Geographer, vol. 49, (244-259, 15 sider).
*Jakobsen, S-E. og Onsager, K. (2007) Nasjonale virkemidler for innovasjon - noen erfaringer fra Arena-programmet. Regional trender 2:2007, (47-55, 8 sider).
*MacKinnon, D. et.al. 2002. "Learning, innovation and regional development: a critical appraisal of recent debates". Progress in Human Geography, vol 26, (293-311, 18 sider)
*Markusen, A. 1999. "Sticky places in slippery space. A typology of industrial dustricts". I Barnes, T. og Gertler, M.S (red.). The New Industrial Geography. Routledge. (29sider)
*Maskell, P. og Malmberg, A. 1999. "Localised learning and industrial competitiveness". Cambridge Journal of Economics, vol. 23, 167-185. (18 sider)
*Nauwelaers, C. og Wintjes, R. (2003) Towards a new paradigm for innovation policy? i Aspheim, B.T., Isaksen, A., Nauwelaers, C. og T?dtling, F. (2003) Regional innovation policy for small-medium enterprises. Edward Elgar. (s. 193-220, 27 sider).
*Oughton, C., Landabaso, M. og Morgan, K. 2002. "The Regional Innovation Paradox: Innovation Policy and Industrial Policy". Journal of Technology Transfer, vol. 27, 97-110. Kluwer Academic Publishers (14 sider)
Tilsammen 241 sider.
4 Byutvikling og -planlegging
Den moderne byplanleggingens historie
Hall, P: Cities of tomorrow, 2002. Oxford: Blackwell . Side: 13-47, 87-187, 218-261, 294-351 og 378-403. 264 sider.
Postmoderne bypolitikk og urbane representasjoner
*Bergsli, H. 2005. "Entrepren?rpolitikk og byutvikling. Byutvikling og globale trender". I J. Aspen (red.): By og byliv i endring. 亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录 av byrom og handlingsrom i Oslo. Spartacus, Oslo, s. 87-118. 32 sider.
*Bradley, A. og Hall, T. 2006. "The festival phenomenon. Festivals, events and the promotion of small urban areas". I D. Bell og M. Jayne (red.): Small cities. Urban experience beyond the metropolis. Routledge, Milton Park. S. 77-90 (13 s)
*Hubbard, P. 1996. "Urban design and City Regeneration: Social Representations of Entrepreneurial Landscapes". Urban Studies, vol. 33, s. 1441-1461. 21 sider.
*Leitner, H. og Sheppard, E (1998): "Economic uncertainty, inter-urban competition, and the efficacy of entrepeurialism". I T. Hall og P. Hubbard (red.): The entrepeneurial city. Geographies of Politics, Regime and representation. John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, New York m.fl., s. 294-307. 14 sider.
*Lofgren, A. 2000. "A thousand years of loneliness? Globalization from the perspective of a city in a European periphery". Geoforum, s. 501-511. 11 sider.
*Sandercock, L. 2006. "An anatomy of civic ambition in Vancouver: Toward humane density". I W. S. Saunders (red.): Urban planning today. University of Minnesota press, Minneapolis. 15 sider.
*Skogheim, R. og P.G.R?e 2003. "Makt og meningsdannelse i byutviklingen". Nordisk arkitekturforskning, vol. 16, nr.3. Side 35-42 (8 sider)
Tilsammen 109 sider.
B?rekraftig byutvikling
IKT, infrastrukturnettverk og byutvikling
*Bontje, M. 2004. "From suburbia to post-suburbia in the Netherlands: Potentitals and threats for sustainable regional development". Journal of housing and the built environment, Vol. 19, s. 25-47. 22 sider.
*Breheny, M. 1997. "Urban compaction: Feasible and acceptable?" Cities, vol. 14, s. 209-217. 9 sider.
*Haughton, G. 1999. "Searching for the sustainable city: Competing philosophical rationales and processes of ‘ideological capture’ in Adelaide, South Australia". Urban studies, vol. 36, s. 1891-1906. 16 sider.
*Holden, E. og Norland, I. T. 2005. "Three challenges for the compact city as a sustainable urban form: Households consumption of energy and transport in eight residential areas in the greater Oslo region". Urban Studies, vol. 42. s. 2145-2166. 23 sider.
Tilsammen 70 sider.
IKT, infrastrukturnettverk og byutvikling
Graham, Stephen og Marvin, Simon : Splintering urbanism. Networked infrastructures, technological mobilities and the urban condition, 2001. London: Routledge. Side: 7-16, 217-377, 379-403. 196 sider.
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