Syllabus/achievement requirements

Course curriculum information

All course curriculum is available at the bookstore Akademika. The compendium will be available at Kopiutsalget in the basement of Akademika. Please bring your student card.

Online articles

@ = articles are available online through Bibsys' subscriptions to e-journal databases for employees and students. To access the articles it is necessary to use a computer in the UiO network. This is because the UiO subscription access is controlled by IP-address. To download the articles from computers outside the UiO network it is necessary to connect to the UiO network by VPN client.

* = the article is in a compendium @ = the article is available online

Course book:

Newell, P. and M. Paterson. 2010. Climate Capitalism: Global Warming and the Transformation of the Global Economy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (chapter 1-5, 8, 10) 125 pages

Module 1: The Sustainability Challenge

* Altenburg, T. and A. Pegels. 2012. Sustainability-oriented innovation systems – managing the green transformation. Innovation and Development 2(1): 5-22.

@ Hallegatte, S., Heal, G., Fay, M. And D. Tréguer. 2012. From growth to green growth. VOX Research-based policy analysis and commentary from leading economists.
Available online

@ IPCC. 2013. Working Group 1: Summary for Policy Makers. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. (36 pages) Available online

@ Krumdieck, S. 2013. Transition Engineering: Planning and Building the Sustainable World. The Futurist 47(4) Available online

@ Linnenluecke, M.K. and A. Griffiths. 2013. Firms and Sustainability: Mapping the Intellectual Origins and Structure of the Corporate Sustainability Field. Global Environmental Change 23(1): 382-391. (10 pages) Available online

@ Mol, A.P.J. and Spaargaren, G. 2000. Ecological modernisation theory in debate: A review. Environmental Politics 9(1): 17-49. (23 pages) Available online

@ Peters, G.P., R.M. Andrew, T. Boden, J.G. Canadell, P. Ciais, C. Le Quéré, G. Marland, M.R. Raupach, and C. Wilson, 2013: The challenge to keep global warming below 2?C. Nature Climate Change, 3, 4-6.  Available online

* Philips, M. (2008). Uneven Development (1984). Neil Smith. in Hubbart, P. et al (red.). Key Texts in Human Geography, Sage. (12 pages)

@ Reid, W.V. et al. 2010. Earth System Science for Global Sustainability: Grand Challenges. Science 330: 916-917. Available online

@ Rockstrom et al. 2009. A Safe Operating Space for Humanity. Nature 461, 472-475 Available online

@ Hamann, R. 2012. The Business of Development: Revisiting Strategies for a Sustainable Future. Mar-Apr. Available online


Module 2: Innnovation – the basics

* Asheim, B.T. (2005). The Geography of Innovation: Regional Innovation Systems. In Fagerberg, J., Mowery, D.C. and Nelson, R.R. (2005). The Oxford Handbook of Innovation. Oxford, Oxford University Press. (26 pages).

* Fagerberg, J. (2005). Innovation: A Guide to the Literature. In Fagerberg, J., Mowery, D.C. and Nelson, R.R. (2005). The Oxford Handbook of Innovation. Oxford, Oxford University Press. (28 pages).

* Freeman, C. (1992). A green techno-economic paradigm for the world economy. In Freeman, C – The Economics of Hope. Pinter Publishers, London.  (21 pages).

@ Liu, J. Chaminade, C. Asheim, B. 2013. The Geography and Structure of Global Innovation Networks: A Knowledge Base Perspective. European Planning Studies (published online). Available online

* Lundvall, B. ?. and Johnsen, B. (1994). The Learning Economy. Journal of Industry Studies, Vol 1, pp 23-42 (19 pages).

* Prahalad, C.K. and Ramaswamy, V. 2003. The New Frontier of Experience Innovation. MIT Sloan Management Review.  Summer.

* Hoogma, R., Kemp, R., Schot, J. og Truffer, B. (2002). Experimenting for Sustainable Transport, Kapittel 1 Technological Fixes. London, Spon Press. (11 pages) Edited By Steven T. Walsh and Aard J. Groen


Module 3 – Green innovations and transitions in practice

@ Bain, C. and Selfa, T. (2013). Framing and reframing the environmental risks and economic benefits of ethanol production in Iowa. Agriculture and Human Values, 30, 351-364. (13 pages). Available online

@ Berkout, F., Verbong, G., Wieczorek, A. J., Raven, R., Lebel, L. and Bai, X. (2010) Sustainability experiments in Asia: innovations shaping alternative development pathways? Environmental Science and Policy, 13, 261-271.  (10 pages). Available online

@ Boyd, E., Boykoff, M. and Newell, P. (2011). The “New” Carbon Economy: What’s New? Antipode, 43, 601-611. Available online

@ Dalal-Clayton, B. 2013. Technology and Innovation for a Green Economy. Review of European, Comparative & International Environmental Law. 22(1) 62-67. (5 pages). Available online

@ Falk, J. and C. Ryan. 2007. Inventing a Sustainable Future: Australia and the Challenge of Eco-innovation. Futures 39(2/3): 215-229. Available online

@ Forsman, H. (2013). Environmental Innovations as Sources of Competitive Advantage or Vice Versa? Business Strategy and the Environment, 22, 306-320. (14 pages). Available online

@ Gouvea, R., Kassicieh, S. and Montoya, M.J.R. 2013. Using the quadruple helix to design strategies for the green economy. Technological Forecasting and Social Change 80(2): 221-230. (10 pages). Available online

@Koomey, J.G., Scott Matthews, H. and Williams, E. (2013). Smart Everything. Will Intelligent Systems Reduce Resource Use? Annu. Re. Environ. Resourc., 38, 311-343. Available online

@Parag, Y. and D. Strickland. 2011. Personal Carbon Trading: A Radical Policy Option for Reducing Emissions from the Domestic Sector. Environment Magazine, science and policy for sustainable development, Jan-Feb. Available online

@ Peters, T. 2011. Nature as Measure: The Biomimicry Guild. Architectural Design 81(6): 44-47. Available online

*Porter, M.E. and Linde (1995). Green and Competitive. Harvard Business Review.  (10 pages)

*Reve, T. and Sasson, A. (2012). De framvoksende kunnskapsn?ringene – fornybar energi og milj?. Kapittel 10 i boken Et kunnskapsbasert Norge. Universitetsforlaget, Oslo. (20 pages)

@ Smith, A. (2007). Translating Sustainability’s between Green Niches and Socio-Technical Regimes. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 19, 4, 427-450. (23 pages). Available online

@ Specht, K., Siebert, R., Hartmann, I., Freisinger, U.B., Sawicka, M., Werner, A., Thomaier, S., Henckel, D., Walk, H. and Dierich, A. (2013) Urban agriculture of the future: an overview of sustainability aspects of food production in and on buildings. Agriculture and Human Values 30, 351-361. (19 pages). Available online

@ S?ther, B. (2000). Continuity and convergence: Reduction of water pollution in the Norwegian pulp and paper industry. Business Strategy and the Environment, 9, 390-400.  Available online

@ Tal, A. 2011. The Desalination Debate—Lessons Learned Thus Far. Environment: Science and Policy for Sustainable Development (Sept-Oct). Available online

@ Ulsrud, K., Winther, T., Palit, D., Rohracher, H. and Sandgren, J. (2011). The Solar Transitions research on solar mini-grids in India: Learning from local cases of innovatove socio-technical systems. Energy for Sustainable Development, 15, 293-303. (10 pages) Available online


Module 4 – The limits of innovation and tranformations to sustainability

* Bornstein, D. How to Change the World: Social Entrepreneurs and the Power of new Ideas.  Oxford.

@ Gibson-Graham, J.K. and Roelvik, G. (2009). An Economic Ethics for the Anthropocene. Antipode, 41, pp. 320-346. (25 pages) Available online

@ Leach, M., J. Rockstr?m, P. Raskin, I. Scoones, A. C. Stirling, A. Smith, J. Thompson, E. Millstone, A. Ely, E. Arond, C. Folke, and P. Olsson. 2012. Transforming innovation for sustainability. Ecology and Society 17(2): 11. Available online

@ Mulgan, G., Tucker, S., Ali, R. and B. Sanders. 2007. Social Innovation: What it is, why it matters and how it can be accelerated. Skoll Centre for Social Entrepreneurship.
Available online  (54 pages)

@ Smith, A. and A. Stirling, 2010: The politics of social-ecological resilience and sustainable socio-technical transitions. Ecology and Society, 15(1), 11.  Available online

@ Tjornbo, O. And F.R. Westley. 2012. Game Changers: The Big Green Challenge and the Role of Challenge Grants in Social Innovation. Journal of Social Entrepreneurship 3(2) : 166-183. Available online

@ Wainwright, J. and G. Mann (2013). Climate Leviathan. Antipode, 45, 1-22. Available online

@ Warner, R. 2010. Ecologial modernisation theory: towards a critical ecopolitics of change? Environmental Politics 19(4): 538-556. (19 pages) Available online

Published Nov. 8, 2013 5:57 PM - Last modified Dec. 3, 2013 1:24 PM