SGO3200 Study tour to Hurdal and Karlstad 4-5 April 2017

Students are invited to join us on a study tour from 4-5. April 2017.

Deadline for registration is the 20th of March, 3pm. Please register here:

Due to limited number of spaces, the principle of first come first served applies.


We will leave Blindern, Moltke Moes vei 31 by bus Tuesday 4. April at 12.30, arriving in Hurdal about 14.00. We will continue to Karlstad about 1600. We will arrive at Karlstad in the evening and have dinner there.

We will stay at the City Hostel in Karlstad.

Students have to pay for the hostel, about 390 SEK including bed sheets. Students pay their own food during the trip.

Wednesday 5. April:

0830 Bus leaves hostel

0900 Visit at StoraEnso Skoghall begins

1130 Bus leaves Skoghall, 1400 Bus leaves Karlstad

Possible visit to Glava Energy center

Ca. 1900 Bus arrives Oslo


More information:

We start by visiting the municipality of Hurdal, which is a leader in terms of sustainability. It is home to Norway’s first eco-village characterized by houses built from natural materials, a farm and an ecological business center. We will hear from the mayor or environmental advisor about their experience, and visit the eco-village. You can learn more about it here:


Western Sweden is rich in forest resources and an internationally competitive forest industry has evolved during the last 150 years. A few large forest industrial firms have been the dominant actors in the region, from ownership of forests to production of pulp, paper and cardboard. StoraEnso Skoghall is a leading global supplier of liquid packaging board and we will visit the factory. During our visit we will learn more about questions concerning globalization of the forest industry, and about the forest cluster. Local environmental impact will be presented. StoraEnso want to develop new products based on the green forest carbon as a substitute for products based on oil and black carbon and we will learn about their work.


V?rmland is not so famous for its solar energy activities, but the fact is that there is research and development together with active use of solar power in Glava Energy Center. Glava is a rural forest community with cutting edge solar energy research. We will visit the center; have a look at the equipment and a presentation of their work and plans. You will find more information about the center here:

Published Mar. 17, 2017 1:24 PM - Last modified Mar. 17, 2017 1:25 PM