* = i kompendium
Begreper og teori
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*Burkett, P. & M. Hart-Landsberg. 1998. East Asia and the crisis of development theory. Journal of Contemporary Asia, Vol. 28, No. 4. 435-53. 19s.
Chow Ngan-ling, E. & D.M. Lyter. 2002. Studying development with gender perspectives. In Chow Ngan-ling, E. (ed): Transforming gender and development in East Asia. Routledge, London. Chapt. 2. 25-57 30s
*Frank, A.G. 1966. The development of underdevelopment. Corbridge, S. (ed.). 1995: Development studies. A reader. Arnold, London. 27-37. 11s.
*Galtung, J. 1974. En strukturell teori om imperialisme. Galtung, J: Fred, vold og imperialisme. Dreyer, Oslo. 122-161. 39s.
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Gwynne, R.N. & C. Kay. 2000. Latin America transformed: Changing paradigms, debates and alternatives. Gwynne, R.N. & C. Kay (eds). Latin America transformed. Globalization and modernity. Arnold, London. 2-29. 28s.
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*Schuurman, F. J. 1993. Kap. 1. Introduction: development theory in the 1990s. In Schuurman, F. J. (ed). Beyond the impasse. New Directions in development theory. Zed Books, London. 1-48. 48s.
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Urbanisering og fattigdom
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*Hesselberg, J. 1996. Shelter strategies and the urban poor. Forum for Development Studies, No. 2. 405-415. 11s.
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Rural utvikling
*De Almeida, L.F. & F.R. Sànchez. 2000. The landless workers’s movement and social struggle against neoliberalism. Latin American Perspectives, Vol. 27, Issue 114. 11-32. 21s.
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*Jackobs, S. 2002. Land reform: still a goal worth pursuing for women? Journal of International Development. Vol. 14. 887-898. 10s.
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*Knight, J. & L. Song. 2003. Chinese peasant choices: Migration, rural industry or farming. Oxford Development Studies, Vol. 31, No.2. 124-147. 23s
*Toner, A. 2003. Exploring sustainable livelihoods approaches in relation to two interventions in Tanzania. Journal of International Development, Vol. 15. 771-781. 10s.
176 sider.
Industrialisering og internasjonal arbeidsdeling
*Bello, W. & S. Rosenfeld. 1990. Dragons in distress. Asia's miracle economies in crisis. Institute for Food and Development Policy, San Francisco. 1-16. 17s.
*Chang, Ha-Joon. 2003. Globalisation, economic development and the state. Zed Books, London. Chapt. 9: Institutional foundations for effective design and implementation of selective trade and industrial policies in the least developed countries: theory and evidence. 305-335. 30s.
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*Gereffi, G. 1996. The elusive last lap in the quest for developed-country status. Mittelman, J. (ed.). Globalization. Critical reflections. Lynne Rienner, London. 53-81. 28s.
Gwynne, R.N. 2000. Globalization, neoliberalism and economic change in South America and Mexico. Gwynne, R.N. & C. Kay (eds). Latin America transformed. Globalization and modernity. Arnold, London. 68-96. 29s.
*Kaplinsky, R. 1993. Export processing zones in the Dominican Republic: Transforming manu-fac-tures into commodities. World Development, No. 11. 1851-1865. 15s.
*Kaplinsky, R. 1995. A reply to Willmore. World Development. No. 3. 537-540. 4s.
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*Lauridsen, L. 1990. U-landenes industrialisering - en status over industrialiseringsstrategier ved udgangen af 1980erne. Den Ny Verden, nr. 1. 186-209. 24s.
*Pedersen, P.O. & D. McCormick. 1999. African business systems in a globalising world. The Journal of Modern African Studies, Vol. 37, No. 1. 109-135 24s.
Ping, P. 2002. State women workers in Chinese economic reform. In Chow Ngan-ling, E. (ed) Transforming gender and development in East Asia. Routledge, London. Chapt. 7. 142-164. 22s *b
*Willmore, L. 1995. Export processing zones in the Dominican Republic: A comment on Kaplinsky. World Development, No. 3. 529-535. 7s. 282s.
Politikk og utvikling
Smith, B.C. 2003. Understanding Third World Politics: Theories of Political Change & Development (NB! 2. utgave). London: Palgrave. Kap. 3-5 (om hovedtiln?rminger til politikk og utvikling) og kap 6,7,11 (om demokrati og demokratiseringsprosesser). I alt 154s.
?Etisk produksjon og handel, arbeidsforhold
*Chan, A. 2001. Chinese workers under assault. Chapt. 9: In pursuit of labour rights. M.E. Sharpe, Armonk. 223-235. 14s.
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*Hale, A. & L.M. Shaw. 2001 Women workers and the promise of ethical trade in the globalised garment industry. A serious beginning? Antipode, Vol. 33, No.3. 510-530 20s.
*Hensman, R. 2001. World trade and workers’ rights: in search of an internationalist position. Antipode, Vol. 33, No3. 427-450. 21s
Hepple, B. 1999. Labour regulation in internationalised markets. In Picciotto, S. & R. Mayne. (eds) Regulating international business. Beyond liberalization. Macmillan, Houndsmills. 183-202. 20s.
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*Munck, R. 1999. Labour dilemmas and labour futures. In Munck, R. & P. Waterman (eds). Labour worldwide in the era of globalisation. Alternative union models in the New World Order. Palgrave, Basingstoke. Also published in Global Solidarity Dialogue. http://www.antenna.nl/~waterman/munck.html 13s.
118 sider.
Degnbol-Martinussen, J. & P. Engeberg-Pedersen. 2003. Aid. Understanding international development cooperation. Zed Books, London. Chapt. 3, 4, 13,14. 30-55 and 267-315 75s. *b
*Linné Eriksen, T. 1997. Afrika i markedsfundamentalismens tid. Fellesr?dets Afrika ?rbok 1996/1997. Gazettebok, Oslo. 19-30. 11s.
*Liland, F. & K.A. Kjerland. 2003. Norsk utviklingshjelps historie. Bind 3. 1989-2002. Fagbokforlaget, Bergen. Kap.1: Norge, utviklingsland og internasjonalt 亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录. 17-30. 13s.
99 sider.
Tilsammen 1400 sider.
Anbefalt litteratur, ikke pensum
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