Dato | Undervises av | Sted | Tema | Kommentarer / ressurser |
25.08.2005 | Bj?rnar S?ther? | 1215-14.00, Seminarrom 301, Harriet Holters hus (HH)? | Introduksjon? | Anbefalt lesing: Peet kap. 1, Smith kap. 2? |
01.09.2005 | Thorkel Askildsen? | 12.15-14.00, Seminarrom 301, HH? | Marxistisk samfunnsgeografi? | Anbefalt lesing: Peet kapittel 3? |
08.09.2005 | Terje Wessel, Bj?rnar S?ther? | 12.15-14.00, Seminarrom 301, HH? | Positivisme? | Pensum: Smith (kap. 3)? |
15.09.2005 | Kristian Stokke? | 12.15-14.00, Seminarrom 301, HH? | Struktureringsteori? | Anbefalt lesing: Peet kap. 5? |
20.09.2005 | David Wilson, Madeleine Wong? | Biblioteket 1700-2000? | Race, ethnicity and space? | WUN Horizons in Human Geography seminar? |
22.09.2005 | Bj?rnar S?ther? | 12.15-14.00, Seminarrom 301, HH? | Realisme? | Anbefalt lesing: Peet kap. 5, Hansen og Simonsen? |
27.09.2005 | Colin Flint? | Biblioteket 1700-2000? | Globalization and the rhetoric of just war: The example of the U.S. war on Iraq? | WUN Horizons in Human Geography seminar? |
29.09.2005 | Per Gunnar R?e? | 12.15-14.00, Seminarrom 301, HH? | Poststrukturalistisk samfunnsgeografi? | Pensum: Peet (kap. 6 og 7)? |
04.10.2005 | Gill Valentine? | Biblioteket 1700-2000? | Prejudice, intersectionality, marginalization? | WUN Horizons in Human Geography seminar? |
11.10.2005 | Bj?rn T. Asheim? | 1515-1700? | Idehistorisk overblikk? | Anbefalt lesing: Peet kap. 3,4,5.? |
11.10.2005 | Melissa Wright, Wendy Larner? | Biblioteket 1700-2000? | Global restructuring, gender and citizenship? | WUN Horizons in Human Geography seminar? |
13.10.2005 | Terje Wessel, Bj?rnar S?ther? | 12.15-14.00, Seminarrom 301, HH? | Wessel - positivisme, S?ther - seminar essay ? | ? |
18.10.2005 | Gavin Bridge? | Biblioteket 1700-2000? | The new resource geographies of economic globalisation? | WUN Horizons in Human geography seminar? |
20.10.2005 | Robert Hassink? | 1215-1400 Seminarom 301 HH? | Locality studies? | Anbefalt lesing: Peet kap. 5.? |
25.10.2005 | Adrian Bailey? | Biblioteket 1700-2000? | Transnationalization? | WUN Horizons in Human Geography seminar? |
27.10.2005 | Per G. R?e? | 1215-1300 Seminarrom 301 HH? | Feminisme? | ? |
01.11.2005 | Jan Nederveen Pieterse? | Biblioteket 1700-2000? | Globalization or empire? | WUn Horizons in Human Geography seminar? |
08.11.2005 | Roundtable with Coe, Tickell, Jackson, Glasmeier? | Biblioteket 1700-2000? | Researching globalization: methodological perspectives? | WUN Horizons in Human Geography Seminar? |
15.11.2005 | Rizvi, Olds, Robertson, Dale? | Biblioteket 1700-2000? | Globalizing knowledge spaces? | WUN Horizons in Human Geography seminar? |
22.11.2005 | Alan Latham? | Biblioteket 1700-2000? | Globalizations big and small: scale, networks and translations? | WUN Horizons in Human Geography seminar? |
29.11.2005 | Neil Wrigley? | Biblioteket 1700-2000? | Globalizing retail? | WUN Horizons in Human Geography seminar? |
06.12.2005 | Nicky Gregson? | Bibliotektet, 1700-2000? | Consumption as practice: some forays, questions and a journey? | WUN horizons in Human Geography seminar? |
09.12.2005 | ? | kl. 14.00, resepsjonen ISS? | Innlevering av essay? | ? |
13.12.2005 | Krisitan Stokke? | Biblioteket 1700-2000? | Repoliticizing development? | WUN Horizons in Human Geography seminar? |
Publisert 1. juli 2005 15:28
- Sist endret 3. nov. 2005 13:50