
* = i kompendium

@ = tilgjengelig p? internett

Kritisk geopolitikk:

@ *Hyndman, J. (2004) : "Mind the gap: bridging feminist and political geography through geopolitics". Political Geography, vol 23, s. 307-322 (15 sider) Tilgjengelig p? internett

@ Power, M. and Campbell, D. (2010): “The state of critical geopolitics”. Political Geography, vol 29 s. 343-346 (4 sider) Tilgjengelig p? internett

Diskurs og politikk

*Fairclough, N. (2000): New labour, new language. Routledge, London. Kapittel 1 (29 sider)

@ Müller, M. (2008): “Reconsidering the concept of discourse for the field of critical geopolitics: Towards discourse as language and practice”. Political Geography, vol 27, s. 322-338 (17 sider) Tilgjengelig p? internett

*Said, E. W.(1995): Orientalism: Western conceptions of the orient. Penguin, London. s.1-28 (29 sider)

@ Kothari, U. (2006): "Spatial practices and imaginaries: Experiences of colonial officers and development professionals". Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography Vol 27, 3, s 235-253 (18 s). Tilgjengelig p? internett

Identitet og grenser

*Hooks, B. (2001): "Eating the other: desire and resistance". I: Media and cultural studies. Blackwell, Malden, MA. (14 sider)

@ Paasi, A. (2009): “Bounded spaces in a ‘borderless world’: border studies, power and the anatomy of territory”. Journal of Power, vol 2, s. 213-234 (22 sider). Tilgjengelig p? internett

Engasjement, subjektivitet og relevans i politisk geografisk forskning

@ Castree, N. (2000): "Professionalism, activism, and the university: whither 'critical geography'?". Environment & Planning A 32: 955-970. Tilgjengelig p? internett

@ *Fuller, D. and R. Kitchin (2004): Radical theory/Critical praxis: Academic geography beyond the academy? BC, Canada, Vernon and Victoria: 1-20. Tilgjengelig p? internett

@ Grossman, J. (2011): "The researched on research and researchers: Conversations with SADSAWU." South African Review of Sociology 42(2): 122-127. Tilgjengelig p? internett

@ Haraway, D. (1988): "Situated knowledges: The science question in feminism and the privilege of partial perspective". Feminist studies 14(3): 575-599. Tilgjengelig p? internett

@ Jazeel, T. and C. McFarlane (2010): "The limits of responsibility: a postcolonial politics of academic knowledge production." Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 35: 109-124. Tilgjengelig p? internett

@ McDowell, L. (1992): "Doing gender: Feminism, feminists and research methods in human geography." Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 17(4): 399-416. Tilgjengelig p? internett

@ Oldfield, S., S. Parnell and A. Mabin (2004): "Engagement and reconstruction in critical research: negotiating urban practice, policy and theory in South Africa". Social & Cultural Geography 5(2): 285-299. Tilgjengelig p? internett

@ Pain, R. (2003): "Social geography: on action-orientated research." Progress in Human Geography 27(5): 649-657. Tilgjengelig p? internett

@ Pain, R. (2004): "Social geography: Participatory research." Progress in Human Geography 28(5): 652-663. Tilgjengelig p? internett

@ Pain, R. (2006): "Social geography: seven deadly myths in policy research." Progress in Human Geography 30(2): 250-259. Tilgjengelig p? internett

@ Staeheli, L. and D. Mitchell (2005): "The complex politics of relevance in geography." Annals of the Association of American Geographers 95(2): 357-372. Tilgjengelig p? internett

@ Thomson, S. (2010): "Getting close to Rwandans since the genocide: Studying everyday life in highly politicized settings." African Studies Review 53(3): 19-34. Tilgjengelig p? internett

Sum: ca. 165 s.

Makt og motstand

Lukes, S. (2005): Power: a radical view. Palgrave, Hampshire. Kapittel 1og 3 (88 sider)

Scott, J. (1990): Domination and the arts of resistance. Yale University Press, New Haven. Kapittel 2,3,4 (90 sider)

Nasjonal identitet

Calhoun, C.(1997): Nationalism. Open University Press, Buckingham. Kapittel 1,2,3,4,5 (95 sider)

Medborgerskap og identitet

@ Desforges, L., Jones, R. & Woods, M. (2006): “New Geographies of Citizenship”. Citizenship Studies, 9(5): 439-451. 11 sider. . Tilgjengelig p? internett

* Isin, E.F. & Wood, P. K. (1999): “Citizenship & Identity”. London: Sage (kap. 1, s. 1-24). 24 sider.

* Kofman, E. (2003): “Rights and Citizenship”. I: J. Agnew, K. Mitchell & G. Toal (red.), A Companion to Political Geography. Malden: Blackwell (s. 393-407). 12 sider.

@ Kofman, E. (2006): “Citizenship, Migration and Reassertion of National Identity”. Citizenship Studies, 9(5): 453-467. 12 sider. . Tilgjengelig p? internett

* Mouffe, C. (1993): The Return of the Political. London: Verso (kap. 4-5, s. 60-89). 27 sider. NY

@ Staeheli, L. A. (2008): “Citizenship and the problem of community. Political Geography”, 27:5-21. 14 sider. Tilgjengelig p? internett

Sum: 100 sider

Totalt 686 sider

*= text in compendium.

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Publisert 28. mars 2012 09:21 - Sist endret 20. aug. 2012 12:15