Required reading:
* Cornwall, A. & K. Brock. 2005. "Beyond Buzzwords. “Poverty reduction”,“participation” and “empowerment” in development policy. Overarching Concerns", Programme Paper Number 10. UNRISD, Geneva. 24 pages.
Easterly, W. 2006. The white man’s burden. Why the west’s efforts to aid the rest have done so much ill and so little good. Oxford University Press, Oxford. Chapters 1-3 (3-97), chapter 8 (237-272). 130 pages.
* Easterly, W. 2009. "Can the west save Africa?" Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. 47, No. 2. 373-447. 74 pages.
Hanlon, J. et al. 2010. Just give money to the poor. The development revolution from the Global South. Kumarian, Herndon. 150 pages.
Harriss-White, B. & J. Heyer (eds). 2010. The comparative political economy of development. Africa and South Asia. Routledge, Abingdon. Chapters 3, 5, 6, 10. 95 pages.
Townsend, P. (ed.) 2010. Building decent societies. Rethinking the role of social security in development. ILO. Palgrave Macmillan, London. Chapters 2,6,14,17. 97 pages.
One self-selected development strategy topic only. 130 pages.
Total 700 pages.
Additional reading (not obligatory):
NORAD. 2009. Resultatrapport. Bistand og ?konomisk utvikling: Ringer i vannet eller dr?per i havet? Oslo. English version available.
* = in compendium.
All study litterature can be bought at the bookstore Gnist Akademika at Blindern. Compendium can be purchased at Kopiutsalget, Gnist Akademika. Please bring your student card.