Introduksjon til kjeder og nettverk
@ Coe, N., Hess, M., Yeung, H. W.-C., Dicken, P. & Henderson, J. (2004): “‘Globalizing‘ regional development: a global production networks perspepective” i Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 29:468-484. (17s.) Tilgjengelig online
@ Coe, N., Dicken, P. & Hess, M. (2008): “Global production networks :realizing the potential” i Journal of Economic Geography 8: 271-295. (25s.)Tilgjengelig online
@ Henderson, J., Dicken, P. , Hess, M., Coe, N. & Yeung, H. W.-C. (2002): “Global Production Networks and the Analysis of Economic Development” i Review of International Political Economy 9: 436-464. (28s.) Tilgjengelig online
@Sturgeon, T., Van Biesebroeck, J., & Gereffi, G. (2008): “Value chains, networks and clusters: reframing the global automotive industry” i Journal of Economic Geography 8: 297-321. (25s.)Tilgjengelig online
95 sider
Forankring, institusjoner og makt
@ Hess, M. (2004): “Spatial relationships”? Towards a reconceptualization of embeddedness. Progress in Human Geography 28: 165-86. (21s.)Tilgjengelig online
@ Juuse, E., S.B. Endresen & Kattel, R. (2012): “Foreign direct investment in Estonia. Understanding foreign competition and local embeddedness in the food retail industry.” Paper to the International Geographical Union (IGU) conference “Innovation and Creativity in Emerging Economic Spaces: Local Entrepreneurship and Transnational Corporations.” Jagiellonian University, Kraków 3rd-5th May.(20s.) (Kopi p? fronter)
@ Knutsen, H.M. (2003): “Black entrepreneurs, local embeddedness and regional economic development in Northern Namibia” i Journal of Modern African Studies 41, 4: 555-586. (31s.)Tilgjengelig online
*Neilson, J. & Pritchard, W. E. (2009): Value chain struggles: institutions and governance in the plantation districts of South India. Chichester, Wiley-Blackwell. Ch 2: Re-inserting place and institutions within global value chain analyses. 27-65. (38s.)
110 sider
Verdens?konomiens tyngdepunkt skiftes mot ?st og s?r
@ Br?utigam, D. and Xiaoyang, T. (2011): “African Shenzhen: China's special economic zones in Africa” i The Journal of Modern African Studies 49: 27-54. (27s.)Tilgjengelig online
@* Broadman, G.( 2007): Overview. In Africa's Silk Road. China and India's new economic frontier. Washington, D.C.: The World Bank. Pp. 59-113. Pp. 1-40. (40 s.)Tilgjengelig online
@* Kaplinsky, R. & Farooki, M. (2010): “ Global value chains, the crisis, and the shift of markets from North to South” i C Cattaneo, O., Gereffi, G. & Staritz, C (eds.) Global value chains in a post-crisis world. Washington DC: The World Bank. Pp. 125-153 (28 s.) Tilgjengelig online
95 sider
Pengenes geografi
*Ferguson, N. (2009): The Ascent of Money. A Financial History of the World. London. Penguin Books. Chapter 2, pp. 66 – 119. (53s.)
*Harvey, D. (2010): The Enigma of Capital and the Crises of Capitalism. London. Profile Books. Chapter 2, pp 40-57. (17s.)
*Taleb, N. (2010): The Black Swan. The Impact of the Highly Improbable. London. Penguin Books. Chapter 12, pp. 190-200.(10s.)
80 sider
?konomiske endringer studert nedenfra
@ Haugen, H. ?. (2011): “Chinese Exports to Africa: Competition, Complementarity and Cooperation between Micro-Level Actors” i Forum for Development Studies 38: 157-176. (20s.)Tilgjengelig online
@ Lyons, M. & Brown, A. (2010): “Has Mercantilism Reduced Urban Poverty in SSA? Perception of Boom, Bust, and the China-Africa Trade in Lome and Bamako” i World Development 38: 771-782. (12s.)Tilgjengelig online
@ Scheld, S. (2003): “The City in a Shoe: redefining urban Africa through Sebago footwear consumption” i City & Society 15: 109-130.( 22 s.)Tilgjengelig online
*Macgaffey, J. & Bazenguissa-Ganga, R. (2000): The organization of the trade. The importance of personal ties Congo-Paris: transnational traders on the margins of the law. Oxford: James Currey. (31s.)
@Yukseker, D. (2007): “Shuttling Goods, Weaving Consumer Tastes: Informal Trade between Turkey and Russia” i International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 31: 60-72. (12s.)Tilgjengelig online
97 sider
?Innovasjonssystemer og teknologisk endring
@Amdam, R.P., Bjarnar O. & Lervik J.E. (2010): “Regional innovasjonspolitikk i et internasjonalt vacuum” i Plan No, 1. 16-21. (6s.) Tilgjengelig online
*Asheim, B. T., Ebersberger, B., & Herstad, S. (2012): “MNCs between the global and the local: Knowledge bases, proximity and globally distributed knowledge networks” i M. Heidenreich (Ed.), Innovation and Institutional Embeddedness of Multinational Companies. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar (in print). 77-104. (28s)
@Endresen, S.B. (1995): Towards a theory of technological retrogression. (Chapter 7).Modernization reversed? Technological change in four Asian fishing villages. Dissertation for the Dr. Philos. Degree. University of Oslo. 229-251. (22s.) Kopi p? fronter.
@Isaksen, A. (2010): “Regionale klynger og innovasjonssystemer - analystiske begreper og verkt?y for politikkutforming“. Plan No, 1. 45-49. (5s.)Tilgjengelig online
@Jakobsen, S.E. & Fl?ysand, A. (2010): “Hvordan regissere innovasjoner“. Plan No, 1. 10-15. (6s.) Tilgjengelig online
@Moen, E. (2009): “Norway entrapped by the refinement of raw materials or saved by a growing periphery of innovative agents?” i Hull Kristensen, P. & Lilja, K. Experimental forms of economic organization and enabling welfare institutions - lessons from the Nordic countries and Slovenia. Helsinki School of Economics. 159-190. (32s.) (alts? ikke hele kapittelet til Moen)Tilgjengelig online 99 sider
Kjeder og nettverk: arbeidere
@Cumbers, A., Nativel, C. and Routledge, P. (2008): “Labour agency and union positionalities in global production networks”. Journal of Economic Geography 8 (3): 369-387. Tilgjengelig online . 19s.
@Riisgaard, L. and Hammer, N. (2011): “Prospects for Labour in Global Value Chains: Labour Standards in the Cut Flower and Banana Industries” i British Journal of Industrial Relations 49 (1): 168-190. (23s.) Tilgjengelig online
*Selwyn, B (2012): Chapter 3: “Grape workers: Structural power and associational power” i Selwyn, B. Workers, state and development in Brazil: Powers of labour, chains of value. Manchester University Press. 77-107. 30s.
73 sider
Kjeder og nettverk: industri og milj?
@Bridge, G. (2008): “Global production networks and the extractive sector: governing resource-based development”. Journal of Economic Geography 8(3): 389-419. (30s.) Tilgjengelig online
@Knutsen, H.M. (2000): “Environmental practice in the commodity chain: the dyestuff and tanning industries compared”. International Review of Political Economy, 7: 254-288.(35s.)Tilgjengelig online
65 sider
Til sammen: 714 sider