SGO9208A – Sustainable urban transformations and social justice

Course content

This PhD course focuses on the social inequality implications of urban sustainability strategies, and developing strategies to create socially inclusive city regions. Lectures will focus on specific urban sustainability strategies, like compact city development, green urbanism and polycentric urban and regional planning. Course participants are requested to apply insights on and approaches to socially-inclusive responses to their own work.


The course is organized by Per Gunnar R?e from the Department of Sociology and Human Geography at the University of Oslo. R?e is Professor of Human Geography at the University of Oslo. His current research focuses on the social implications of urban sustainability and planning, and how to develop equitable and socially inclusive strategies.


Course lecturers

Isabelle Anguelovski, Professor and Director, Barcelona Lab for Urban Environmental Justice and Sustainability

Fran Tonkiss, Professor, London School of Economics

 Andrew Karvonen, Professor, Urban Design and Planning, Lund University

 Per Gunnar R?e, Professor, University of Oslo 



All PhD students (included students at the Department of Sociology and Human Geography) register for the course by filling out this application form. Registration is binding and not possible without sending in your project description. The registration deadline is three weeks prior the course, that is 22.11.2021.

Overlapping courses

2 ECTS - SGO9208B


This course is full-digital and going to be set up via Zoom Webinar. The link to the webinar is going to be sent to all registered participants.

The coure will run four days, including lectures and interactive seminars. Lectures will include group discussions in break-out-rooms.



Monday December 6th 2021


Before lunch (09-10):



Course Introduction

Per Gunnar R?e

Urban Environments: Ecology, Inequity, Mobility

Fran Tonkiss

After lunch (13-15):

PhD presentations


Wednesday December 8th


Before lunch (09-12):

Social Justice in the Compact City

Per Gunnar R?e

After lunch (13-15):

PhD presentations


Thursday December 9th


Before lunch (09-12):

From Privilege to Justice in the Unequal Green City

Isabelle Anguelovski,

After lunch (13-15):

PhD presentations


Friday December 10th


Before lunch (09-12):

When Sustainable Cities Get Smart: Social Equity and Citizenship in the Digital Age

Andrew Karvonen,

After lunch (13-15):

PhD presentations




PhD students interested in attending only the lectures can receive 2 study points for this course. See SGO9208B.

To obtain 5 CTS credits:

- active class participation on all days of the course

- presentation of your PhD project

- submission of a paper of minimum 4 000 words, to be submitted by January 31st 2022.

Grading scale

Grades are awarded on a pass/fail scale. Read more about the grading system.

Facts about this course

Autumn 2021
Autumn 2021
Teaching language