BOOK: Furseth, Inger and P?l Repstad 2006. An Introduction to the Sociology of Religion. Classical and Contemporary Perspectives. Aldershot: Ashgate.(ch. 1-2, 5-12) (188 p.)
Fundamentalism, radicalism, and extremism
*Bruce, Steve 2008. Fundamentalism. 2 ed. Cambridge: Polity. (Ch. 1) (14 p.)
@Sedgwick, Mark 2010. The concept of Radicalization as a Source of Confusion. Terrorism and Political Violence 22: 479-494. (13 p.)
Religious violence
*Hall, John R. 2003 Religion and violence: Social Processes in Comparative Perspective. In Michele Dillon (ed.) Handbook of the Sociology of Religion, 359-384. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (23 p.)
@Amaechi, Kingsley Ekene 2016. Islam as a Resource for Violence in the Nigerian Boko Haram. Nordic Journal of Religion and Society 29(2):134-150.
BOOK: Juergensmeyer, Mark 2017. Terror in the Mind of God. The Global Rise of Religious Violence. 4. ed. Berkeley: University of California Press. Ch. 1-4, 6-11 (275 p.).
Social and religious movement theory
@Blee, Kathleen M. and Kimberly A. Creasap 2010. Conservative and Rightwing Movements. Annual Review of Sociology 36: 269-286. (18 p.)
*Furseth, Inger 2011. Why in the City? Explaining Urban Fundamentalism. In Nezar AlSayyad and Mejgan Massoumi (eds.) The Fundamentalist City? Religiosity and the Remaking of Urban Space, 27-50. London: Routledge. (24 p.).
@Zald, Mayer N. and Roberta Ash. 1966. Social movement organizations: growth, decay and change. Social Forces 44(3): 327-340 (14 p.)
@Wiktorowicz, Quintan 2002. Islamic Activism and Social Movement Theory: A New Direction for Research. Mediterranean Politics 7(3): 187-211. (25 p.)
Ideology, recruitment and sectarianism
@Dalgaard-Nielsen, A. (2010). Violent Radicalization in Europe: What We Know and What We Do Not Know. Studies in Conflict and Terrorism 33 (9): 797-814. (18 p.)
@Gardell, Mattias. 2014. Crusader Dreams: Oslo 22/7, Islamophobia, and the Quest for a Monocultural Europe. Terrorism and Political Violence 26(1): 129-155 (27 p.)
@Haddad, F. 2017. ‘Sectarianism’ and Its Discontents in the Study of the Middle East. The Middle East Journal 71 (3): 363-382. (20 p.)
@Hashmi Nader and Danny Postel. 2017. Sectarianization: Mapping the New Politics of the Middle East. The Review of Faith & International Affairs 15(3): 1-13. (13 p.)
@Hegghammer, Thomas 2012. The recruiter’s dilemma: Signalling and rebel recruitment tactics. Journal of Peace Research 50(1): 3-16. (14 p.)
@Kirby, Aidan 2007. The London Bombers as “Self-Starters”: A Case Study in Indigenous Radicalization and the Emergence of Autonomous Cliques”. Studies in Conflict & Terrorism 30: 415-428. (14 p.)
@Klausen, Jytte 2015. Tweeting the Jihad: Social Media Networks of Western Foreign Fighters in Syria and Iraq. Studies in Conflict & Terrorism 38(1): 1-22. (22 p.)
@Leonard, Madeleine. 2006. Teenagers Telling Sectarian Stories. Sociology 40(6): 1117-1133. (17 p.)
Minkenberg, Michael. 2017. Religion and the Radical Right. In Oxford Handbook of the Radical Right, edited by Jens Rydgren, 366-393. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (27 p.) Ebok
@ Nasr, Vali R .2000. International Politics, Domestic Imperatives, and Identity Mobilization: Sectarianism in Pakistan, 1979-1998, Comparative Politics 32(2): 171-190. (19 p.)
@ R?islien, Hanne Eggen 2007. Living with Contradiction: Examining the Worldview of the Jewish Settlers in Hebron. International Journal of Conflict and Violence 1(2): 169-184. (15 p.)
@Snow, David A., Louis A. Zurcher, Jr. and Sheldon Ekland-Olsen. 1980. Social Networkds and Social Movements: A Microstructural Approach to Differential Recruitment. American Sociological Review 45(5): 787-801. (15 p.)
@Snow, David A., E. Bruke Rochford, Jr., Steven K. Worden and Robert D. Benford. 1986. Frame Alignment Processes, Micromobilization, and Movement participation. American Sociological Review 51(4): 464-481. (18 p.)
Islamophobia and antisemitism
@D?ving, Cora Alexa. 2010. Anti-Semitism and Islamophobia: A Comparison of Imposed Group Identities. Tidsskrift for Islamforskning 4(2): 52-76. (25 p.)
@Meer, Nasar. 2013. Racialization and religion: race, culture and difference in the study of antisemitism and Islamophobia. Ethnic and Racial Studies 36 (3): 385-398. (14 p.)
@Werbner, P. 2013. Folk devils and racist imaginaries in a global prism: Islamophobia and anti-Semitism in the twenty-first century. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 36 (3): 450-467. (18 p.)
Women in extremist movements
@Jacques, Karen and Paul J. Taylor. 2009. Female Terrorism: A Review. Terrorism and Political Violence 21(3): 499-515. (17 p.)
@Parashar, Swati 2010. The Sacred and the Sacrilegious: Exploring Women’s ‘Politics’ and ‘Agency’ in Radical Religious Movements in South Asia. Totalitarian Movements and Political Religions 11(3-4): 435-455. (20 p.)
@Spencer, Amanda N. 2016. The Hidden Face of Terrorism: An Analysis of the Women in Islamic State. Journal of Strategic Security 9(3): 74-98 (24 p.)
@Von Knop, Katharina. 2007. The Female Jihad: Al Qaeda’s Women. Studies in Conflict & Terrorism 30(5): 397-414. (18 p.)
969 pages