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* Abbott, Andrew (1997): ?Of Time and Space: The Contemporary Relevance of the Chicago School?, Social Forces. 75:4. s. 1149-1182 (33 sider).

* Barnes, Barry (1995): The Elements of Social Theory. London: UCL Press. Part I, s. 9-127 (118 s).

* Beck, Ulrich (1992): "On the logic of Wealth. Distribution and Risk Distribution" i Risk Society. Towards a New Modernity. (1986). London: Sage. kap 1, s 19-50 (31 sider).

* Bertaux, Daniel (1982): ?The Life Course Approach as a Challenge to the Social Sciences? i T. Hareven & K. Adams, (eds.): Aging and the Life Course Transitions: An Interdisciplinary Perspective. New York: Guilford Press/London: Tavistock, s. 127-147 (21 sider).

* Boudon, Raymond (1980): "The Laws Governing Change: the Nomological Bias" i Theories of Social Change. Cambridge: Polity Press . kap. 3, s. 61-89 (28 sider).

* Bourdieu, Pierre (1985): ?The social space and the genesis of groups? i Theory and Society, Vol. 14, 1985. (21 sider).

* Bourdieu, Pierre (1986): ?The forms of capital? in John G. Richardson (ed.): Handbook of Theory and Research for the Sociology of Education. Greenwhich, Conn: Greenwood Press. S. 241-258. (17 sider).

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* Bourdieu, Pierre og Waquant, Lois (1993): " Logikken i felta" i Den kritiske ettertanke. Grunnlag for samfunnsanalyse. Oslo: Det norske Samlaget. del I, s. 81-100 (19 sider).

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* Coleman, James (1986): ?Social Theory, Social Research and a Theory of Action?. American Journal of Sociology. 91:6. s. 1309-1335 (27 sider).

* Ellings?ter, Anne Lise (1995): ?Ulikhet i det postindustrielle samfunnet: Klasse, kj?nn og generasjon? i Sosiologisk Tidsskrift, Nr. 3, s. 263-284 (17 sider).

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* Foucault, Michel(1994): Overv?kning og straff: det moderne fengsels historie. Oslo: Gyldendal. Del III, Kap. I og II, s. 125-175. (50 sider.)

* Giddens, Anthony (1990): The Consequences of Modernity. Cambridge: Polity/Stanford: Stanford University Press . Kap I (52 sider). [Nytt utvalg V?ren 2002].

* Glaser, Barney G. & Strauss, Anselm L. (1999): The Discovery of Grounded Theory. New York: Aldine/De Gruyter. kap. I og II, s. 1-43 (43 sider).

* Goffman, Erving (1961): ?Role Distance?, i Goffman: Encounters. Two Studies in the Sociology of Interaction. Indianapolis, NY: The Bobbs-Merril Company, s. 85-152 (68 sider).

* Goldthorpe, John H (2000): ?Class analysis and the reorientation of class theory: The case of presisting differentials in educational attainment?, s. 162-185, og ?Social class and the differentiation of employment contracts?, s. 206-229, i John H. Goldthorpe: On Sociology. Oxford: Oxford University Press, s. 161-182 (34 sider).

* Granovetter, Mark (1992 [1985]): ?Economic Action and Social Structure: The Problem of Embeddedness? i M. Granovetter & R. Swedberg, (eds.): The Sociology of Economic Life. Del 1, kap 2. Boulder, Col.: Westview Press, (24 sider).

* Habermas, Jürgen (1999): ?Velferdsstatens krise og utt?mmingen av de utopiske energier?, s. 45-64 (19 sider) og ?Det sivile samfunn of rettsstaten?, s. 65-78 (13 sider) og ?Borgerlig offentlighet - i tilbakeblikk?, s. 79-112 (33 sider), i Kraften i de bedre argumenter. Oslo: Ad Notam Gyldendal.

* Luhmann, Niklas (1993): Risk: a Sociological Theory. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter. kap 1, s 1-31 (31 sider).

* Lukes, Steven, Power (1974): A radical view. London: Macmillan. (57 sider).

* Kj?lsr?d, Lise (2003): ?En tjenesteintens velferdsstat?, i Fr?nes, I. og Kj?lsr?d, L., (red.): Det norske samfunn. Oslo: Gyldendal Norsk forlag, (22 sider).

* Mann, Michael(1986): The Sources of Social Power, Vol. 1, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. S. 1-33. (33 sider).

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* Merton, Robert (1948): ?Manifest and Latent Functions? i Merton: Social Theory and Social Structure. New York: The Free Press/Macmillan 1968. Kap. III. s. 73- 138 (66 sider).

* Mj?set, Lars (2003): ?Sju teser om positivismekritikkens utfordringer ved ?rhundreskiftet." Sosiologisk tidsskrift. 11:1. S 23-44.

* Schelling, Thomas C. (1978): ?Thermostats, Lemons and other Families of Models?, i Micromotives and Macrobehaviour. New York & London: W.W. Norton & Company. Side 83-133 (51 sider)

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* Schütz, Alfred (1964): ?The problem of rationality in the social world? i A. Schütz(1955): Collected Papers Vol. II, The Hague, s. 64-88 (24 sider).

* Scott, Joan (1992): ?Experience? i J. Scott & J. Butler, (eds.): Feminists theorize the political. London: Routledge, s. pp. 22-40 (18 sider).

* Skjervheim, Hans (1957): ?Deltaker og tilskodar? i Skjervheim, Hans: Deltakar og tilskodar. Oslo: Dreyer 1963. (12 sider).

* Smith, Dorothy (1999): ?Telling the truth after postmodernism? i Writing the Social. Toronto: University of Toronto Press Incorporated (1999), s. 96-130 og s. 237-244 (40 sider).

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* Wright, Erik Olin (1997): ?Class Analysis?, kap. 1 i Wright: Class Counts. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (44 sider).

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Publisert 25. okt. 2005 12:32 - Sist endret 21. feb. 2006 17:23