
Pensum SOS4001: Sosiologisk teori og sosiologiske sp?rsm?l

Alt pensum til SOS4001 foreligger i kompendier, unntatt f?lgende tre b?ker:

Davies, Bronwyn & Rom Harré (1990) (nettadresse)

Lukes, Steven: "Power: A radical view"

Foucault, Michel: "Diskursens orden" (1999).

Situasjoner og relasjoner

Davies, Bronwyn & Rom Harré (1990) "Positioning. The Discursive Production of Selves".Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour, 20 (1), 43-63

Goffman, Erving (1961) i Encounters. Two Studies in the Sociology of Interaction. Indianapolis & New York: Bobbs Merril

Akt?r, rasjonalitet, institusjonell kontekst

Boudon, Raymond (2001), The Origin of Values.(50 s.)

Boudon, Raymond (1994) The Art of Self-Persuasion

Merton, Robert (1996) "Sociological Ambivalence".I: On Social Structure and Science ( 9 sider)

Skjervheim, Hans (1957): ?Deltaker og tilskodar? i Skjervheim, Hans: Deltakar og tilskodar. Oslo: Dreyer 1963. (12 sider).

Fra mikro til makro. Dannelse og endring av institusjoner

Jon Elster, Nuts and Bolts for the Social Sciences. Kap X ”Unintended consequences”, kap. XIII ”Collective Action”, kap. XV ”Institutions”. . Cambridge University Press. (27 sider)

Thomas Schelling, "Sorting and Mixing: Race and Sex". I Micromotives and macrobehavior. S. 135-166. New York: Norton.

Bernhard Giessen, "Beyond Reductionism. Four Models relating micro and macro levels". I J. Alexander, B. Giessen, R. Münch og N. Smelser, red., The Micro-Macro Link. Berkeley: University of California Press. (18)

Kultur og symboler

John Searle, The construction of social reality. Kap. 2, "Creating institutional facts". S. 31-57. New York: The Free Press.

Pierre Bourdieu, "Authorized language: The social condition for the effectiveness of ritual discourse." I Language and symbolic power, s. 107-116. Cambridge: Polity Press.

Eric Hobsbawm, "Mass producing tradition: Europe 1870-1914." I Eric Hobsbawm og Terence Ranger, red., The invention of tradition. Cambridge University Press 1983.

Fredrik Engelstad, "Hegemoni – makt, dominans og kultur". I G. Liest?l, B. Skov, O. Solum, red., Mellom mediene. Oslo: UniPub 2003. 15 s.

Makt – handling, forst?else, nettverk

Steven Lukes, Power: A radical view. New York: Macmillan. 46 s.

Michel Foucault, Diskursens orden. Oslo: Spartacus 1999

Michael Mann, The Sources of Social Power. Kap 1, "Societies as organized power networks". Cambridge University Press 1986, s. 1-33.

Studiet av erfaringer. Poststrukturalistisk, postkolonial og feministisk kritikk

Mohanty, Chandra (2003), Feminism Without Borders. Decolonizing Theory, Pracitising Solidarity. Kap. 8.

Scott, Joan (1992): "Experience" i J. Scott & J. Butler, (eds.): Feminists theorize the political. London: Routledge, s. pp. 22-40 (18 sider).

Smith, Dorothy (2006), Institutional Ethnography. A Sociology for People. Altamira Press. Kap 2 & kap 6.

Wallerstein, Immanuel (1999). Eurocentrism and its avatars. The Dilemmas of Social Science, s. 168-184.


Bourdieu, Pierre (1996) The State Noblity. Cambridge: Polity Press. Part IV. Kap 1. "Forms of Power and their Reproduction" (s. 263-299)

Goldthorpe, John H (2000): "Class analysis and the reorientation of class theory: The case of presisting differentials in educational attainment", s. 162-181, og "Social class and the differentiation of employment contracts", s. 206-229, i John H. Goldthorpe: On Sociology. Oxford: Oxford University Press (34 sider).

Wright, Erik Olin (1997): "Class Analysis", kap. 1 i Wright: Class Counts. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (1-37).

Kritisk teori og modernitetsanalyse

Habermas, Jürgen "Borgerlig offentlighet – i tilbakeblikk"

Merton, Robert (1968), "Science and Democratic Social Structure". I Social Theory and Social Structure,

Habermas, "Det sivile samfunn og rettsstaten". Fra Kraften i de bedre argumenter, s. 65-78

Kalleberg, Ragnvald (1999) "Moderne samfunns utfordringer". Introduksjon til Habermas' Kraften i de bedre argumenter.

Salg av pensum

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Publisert 1. juni 2006 15:07 - Sist endret 25. aug. 2006 10:10