Pensum SOS4001
Pensumbidrag markert med * er i egne kompendier.
* Bauman, Zygmunt (2000), “Foreword: On Being Light and Liquid”. S. 1–15 i Liquid Modernity. Cambridge: Polity Press. (15 sider)
* Beck, Ulrich (2002): “The Terrorist Threat: World Risk Society Revisited”, i Theory, Culture and Society. Vol 19 (4). (16 sider)
* Boudon, Raymond (1994) “Excerpt: Good Reasons for Believing in False Ideas”, S. 33-40 i The Art of Self-Persuasion. Cambridge: Polity Press. (7 sider)
* Boudon, Raymond (2001), “A Seminal and Difficult Notion: ‘Axiological Rationality’”. Kap. 4 i The Origin of Values. New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction Publ. (23 sider)
Boudon, Raymond (2001), “Generalizing the ‘Rational Choice Model’ into a Cognitivist Model”. Kap. 5 i The Origin of Values. New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction Publ. (25 sider) Informasjon om denne teksten gis 1. undervisningsdag
* Bourdieu, Pierre (1991): “Authorized Language: The Social Condition for the Effectiveness of Ritual Discourse.” Kap.3 i Language and Symbolic Power. Cambridge: Polity Press. (10 sider)
* Bourdieu, Pierre: “On Symbolic Power”, Kap 7. i Language and Symbolic Power. Cambridge: Polity Press. (8 sider)
Breen, Richard (2005): “Foundations of a neo-Weberian class analysis”, kap. 2 i Erik Olin Wright (ed) Approaches to Class Analysis. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (20 sider)
* Davies, Bronwyn & Rom Harré (1990): “Positioning. The Discursive Production of Selves”, S. 43-63 i Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour, 20 (1) (16 sider)
* Elster, Jon (1989), “Unintended Consequences”, Kap. X i Nuts and Bolts for the Social Sciences. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (10 sider)
* Elster, Jon (1989), “Collective Action”, Kap. XIII i Nuts and Bolts for the Social Sciences. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (10 sider)
* Elster, Jon (1989), “Institutions”, Kap. XV i Nuts and Bolts for the Social Sciences. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (12 sider)
* Engelstad, Fredrik (2003): “Hegemoni – makt, dominans og kultur”. I G. Liest?l, B. Skov, O. Solum, red., Mellom mediene. Oslo: UniPub. (23 sider)
* Foucault, Michel (1982): “The Subject and Power”. I: Hubert L. Dreyfus og Paul Rabinow: Michel Foucault: Beyond Structuralism and Hermeneutics. New York: Harvester Wheatsheaf. (18 sider)
* Giddens, Anthony (1990): The Consequences of Modernity. Kap. 1. Cambridge: Polity Press. (54 sider)
* Goffman, Erving (1981): “Footing”. Kap. 3 i Forms of Talk. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. (36 sider)
* Habermas, Jürgen (1999): “Borgerlig offentlighet – i tilbakeblikk”, S. 79-113 i Kraften i de bedre argumenter . Oslo: Ad notam Gyldendal. (34 sider)
* Habermas, Jürgen: “Det sivile samfunn og rettsstaten”, S. 65-78 i Kraften i de bedre argumenter. Oslo: Ad notam Gyldendal. (13 sider)
* Hacking, Ian (2002): “Inaugural lecture: Chair of Philosophy and History of Scientific Concepts at the Collège de France, 16 January 2001”, i Economy and Society, vol 31 (1). (13 sider)
* Kalleberg, Ragnvald (1999) “Moderne samfunns utfordringer”. Introduksjon til Habermas' Kraften i de bedre argumenter. S. 11–44. Oslo: Ad notam Gyldendal. (33 sider)
Lukes, Steven (2004): Power: A Radical View. 2nd revised edition. S. 14-59. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. (45 sider)
* Mann, Michael (1986): “Societies as Organized Power Networks", Kap. 1 i The Sources of Social Power. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (32 sider)
* Merton, Robert (1968), "Science and Democratic Social Structure". Kap XVIII i Social Theory and Social Structure. New York: The Free Press. (11 sider)
* Merton, Robert (1996): “Sociological Ambivalence”. I: On Social Structure and Science. Chicago, Ill.: University of Chicago Press. (9 sider)
* Pawson, Ray (2000) “Middle-range realism”. S. 283-325 i Archives Europeennes de Sociologie, vol. 41 (2). (42 sider)
* Schelling, Thomas (1978): “Sorting and Mixing: Race and Sex”. S. 139–165 i Micromotives and macrobehavior. New York: Norton (26 sider)
* Scott, Joan (1992): “Experience”, Kap. 2 i Joan Scott & Judith Butler, (eds.): Feminists Theorize the Political. London: Routledge. (18 sider).
* Searle, John (1995): “Creating Institutional Facts”. Kap. 2 i The Construction of Social Reality. New York: The Free Press. (20 sider)
* Skjervheim, Hans (1963): “Deltaker og tilskodar”. S. 204–215 i Deltakar og tilskodar. Oslo: Dreyer. (12 sider).
* Smith, Dorothy (2005), “Experience as Dialogue and Data”. Kap. 6 i Institutional Ethnography: A Sociology for People. Lanham, Md.: AtaMira. (22 sider)
* Smith, Dorothy (2005), “Knowing the Social”. Kap. 2 i Institutional Ethnography: A Sociology for People. Lanham, Md.: AtaMira. (19 sider)
Weininger, Elliot B. (2005): “Foundations of Pierre Bourdieu’s class analysis”. Kap. 4 i Erik Olin Wright (ed) Approaches to Class Analysis. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (36 sider)
Wright, Erik Olin (2005): “Conclusion: If ‘class’ is the answer, what is the question?”. S. 180–192 i Erik Olin Wright (ed) Approaches to Class Analysis. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (12 sider)
Wright, Erik Olin (2005): “Foundations of a neo-Marxist class analysis”. Kap. 1 i Erik Olin Wright (ed) Approaches to Class Analysis. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (26 sider)
Totalt cirka 720 sider.
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