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@ Alsos, K. & Eldring, L. (2010) Husarbeid uten grenser? Tidsskrift for kj?nnsforskning nr. 4, ca. 15 s. Fulltekst

@ Andersson, Bridget (2007), A very private business: Exploring the demand for migrant domestic workers. European Journal of Women's studies 14(3): 247-264 17 sider. Fulltekst

* Andersson, M. 2007. "Migrasjon som utfordring. Kritikk av metodologisk nasjonalisme". S. 53-79 (26 sider) i Grenser for Kultur? Perspektiver fra norsk minoritetsforskning, redigert av ?ivind Fuglerud og Thomas Hylland Eriksen. Oslo: Pax.

@ Birkelund, G. E. (2006). “Welfare states and social inequality: Key issues in contemporary cross-national research on social stratification and mobility”, Research in Social Stratification and Mobility 24 (2006), 333–351. (18 sider) Fulltekst

*Bosniak, L. (2009) “Citizenship, Noncitizenship, and the Transnationalization of Domestic Work”. I: Benhabib, S. & Resnik, J. (red) Migration and Mobilities. Citizenship, Borders, and Gender. New York: New York University Press, s. 127-156, 30 s.

*Brochmann, G. & D?lvik, J.E. (2006) “Is immigration an enemy of the welfare state?” I: Papademetriou, D. (red) Europe and its immigrants in the 21st century. Washington: Migration Policy Institute, ca 20 s.

@ Brubaker, R. (2003) Neither individualism nor ’groupism’. A reply to Craig Calhoun. Ethnicities 3(4): 553-557, 5 s. Fulltekst

@ Calhoun, C. (2003) ‘Belonging’ in the cosmopolitan imaginary. Ethnicities 3(4): 531-553, 23 s. Fulltekst

@ Calhoun, C. (2003) The variability of belonging. A reply to Rogers Brubaker. Ethnicities 3(4): 558-568, 11 s. Fulltekst

@ Carling, J?rgen & María Hernández Carretero (2011): "Protecting Europe and Protecting Migrants? Strategies for Managing Unauthorised Migration from Africa', British Journal of Politics and International Relations 13(1): 42–58 (16 sider). "Fulltekst"

*Castles, Stephen og Mark J. Miller (2009) ‘Globalization, Development and Migration’ i Castles og Miller (2009) Age of Migration (side 50-78) (28 sider)

@ Dawson, M. (2010). "The cost of belonging: exploring class and citizenship in Soweto's water war." Citizenship Studies 14(4): 381-394 (13 sider). Fulltekst

@ de Haas, Hein (2010): “The Internal Dynamics of Migration Processes: A Theoretical Inquiry” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 36(10): 1587-1617. 30 sider Fulltekst

@ Diez, Thomas (2004) Europe’s Others and the Return of Geopolitics, Cambridge Review of International Affairs, Volume 17, Number 2, July 2004, 319-335 (16 sider) Fulltekst

@ DiPrete, T. A., Dominique Goux, Eric Maurin, Amelie Quesnel-Vallee (2006). "Work and pay in ?exible and regulated labor markets: A generalized perspective on institutional evolution and inequality trends in Europe and the U.S." in Research in Social Strati?cation and Mobility 24 (2006) 311–332 (11 sider) Fulltekst

@ Engbersen, Godfried, Marion van San og Arjen Leerkes (2006): ”A room with a view : Irregular immigrants in the legal capital of the world”, Ethnography 7(2): 209–242) (33 sider). Fulltekst

*Eriksen, T.H. (2008), kapittel 1 "Innledning" i Globalisering (s. 13-29) (16 sider). Oslo: Universitetsforlaget.

@ Fangen, K. (2007) Breaking Up the Different Constituting Parts of Ethnicity. The Case of Young Somalis in Norway. Acta Sociologica 50(4): 401-414, 14 s. Fulltekst

*Fangen, K. mfl. (2010) Inclusion and Exclusion of Young Adult Migrants: Barriers and bridges. Ashgate, kap. 9, s. 237-274, 38 s.

*Fangen, K. mfl (2011) ‘Margins and Centres – the Voices of Young adult Migrants in Europe’ i: Young Migrants: Exclusion and Belonging in Europe, K. Fangen et al. (red.) Palgrave MacMillan, s. 199-214 (15 sider).

@ Favell, A. (2008), The New Face of East-West Migration in Europe. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 34(5): 701-716. (15 sider ) Fulltekst

@ Fraser, Nancy (2005): Reframing Justice in a Globalizing World", New Left Review 36: 69-88 (19 sider). Fulltekst

*Friberg, J. H. (2010) Working Conditions for Polish Construction Workers and Domestic Cleaners in Oslo: Segmentation, Inclusion and the Role of Policy. I: R. Black mfl. (red.) A Continent Moving West? EU enlargement and labour migration from Central and Eastern Europe. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. Ca 20 s.

*Gallo, E. 2009. "In the Right Place at the Right Time? Reflections on Multi-sited Ethnography in the Age of Migration" (s. 87-103) (16 sider), i M.A. Falzon (ed) Multi-Sited Ethnography. Theory, Praxis and Locality in Contemporary Research. London: Ashgate.

@ Glick Schiller, Nina (2010): "A global perspective on transnational migration: Theorising migration without methodological nationalism", s. 109-130 (21 sider) i Rainer Baub?ck og Thomas Faist (red.): Diaspora and Transnationalism, Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. Fulltekst

@ Heller, P. and P. Evans (2010). "Taking Tilly south: durable inequalities, democratic contestation, and citizenship in the Southern Metropolis." Theory and Society 39(3): 433-450 (17 sider). Fulltekst

@ Hochschild, A.R. (2001) “The Nanny Chain”. The American Prospect, November 30, 4 s. Fulltekst

@ Isaksen, Lise Widding (2010): "Transnational care. The social dimensions of international nurse recruitment" s 137-157 i Lise Widding Isaksen (red.): Global Care Work, Gender and Migration in Nordic Societies, Lund: Nordic Academic Press (20 sider). Fulltekst

@ Isaksen, Lise Widding (2008) Sambasivan Uma Devi and Arlie Russell Hochschild (2008): Global Care Crisis : A Problem of Capital, Care Chain, or Commons?, American Behavioral Scientist 52(3): 405-425 (20 sider). Fulltekst

@ Korpi, W. & Palme, J. (1998). “The paradox of redistribution and strategies of equality: Welfare state institutions, inequality and poverty in the western countries.” in American Sociological Review, 63, 661–687 (26 sider). Fulltekst

@ Levitt, P. & B.N. Jaworsky (2007) Transnational Migration Studies: Past Developments and Future Trends. Annual Review of Sociology 33: 129-156, 28 s. Fulltekst

*Lynnebakke, Brit og K. Fangen (2011) ’Tre oppfatninger av norskhet: Opphav, kulturell praksis og statsborgerskap’ i Sosiologi i dag nr. 3-4, 133-155 (22 sider)

@ McGovern, Patrick (2007) Immigration, Labour Markets and Employment Relations: Problems and Prospects. British Journal of Industrial Relations 45(2): 217-235 (18 sider) Fulltekst

@ Lutz, Helma (2010): "Gender in the Migratory Process", Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 36(10): 1647-1663 (16 sider) Fulltekst

@ Palme, J. (2006). "Welfare states and inequality: Institutional designs and distributive outcome." in Research in Social Stratification and Mobility 24 (2006), 387-403 (16 sider) Fulltekst

*Piore, M. (1979) Birds of Passage. Migrant Labour and Industrial Societies. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Kapittel 2, s. 15-49 (34 sider)

@ Robins, S., A. Cornwall and B. von Lieres (2008). "Rethinking ‘Citizenship’ in the Postcolony." Third World Quarterly 29(6): 1069-1086. (17 sider) Fulltekst

*Sassen, Saskia (1998) Globalization and Its Discontents, kapittel 2 (s 5-30) (25 sider)

@ Skilbrei, May-Len og Marianne Tveit (2008): “Defining Trafficking Trough Empirical Work. Blurred Boundaries and their Consequences”, Gender, Technology and Development 12(1): 9-30 (21 sider). Fulltekst

@ Tranby, E. (2006). "Bringing the State In: A Commentary on Welfare States and Social Inequality" i Research in Social Stratification and Mobility 24 (2006) 405–411 (6 sider). Fulltekst

@ Ultee, W. (2006). Problem shifts in the study of welfare states and societal inequalities. Research in Social Strati?cation and Mobility 24 (2006) 377–386 (9 sider) Fulltekst

@Vertovec, S. (1999) Conceiving and researching transnationalism. Ethnical and Racial Studies 22(2) 447-462, 16 s. Fulltekst

@ Wood, G. & Gough, I. (2006) "A Comparative Welfare Regime Approach to Global Social Policy" i World Development Vol. 34, No. 10, pp. 1696–1712, 2006 (16 sider)Fulltekst

@ Aas, Katja Franko (2011):"'Crimmigrant' bodies and bona fide travelers: Surveillance, citizenship and global governance", Theoretical Criminology 15(3) 331–346. (15 sider) Fulltekst

Totalt ca 832 s.

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Published Oct. 11, 2011 4:01 PM - Last modified Mar. 6, 2012 11:32 AM