Guidelines for the term paper in theory courses at the 4000- level

The following regulations are for the term paper in theory courses:

You must hand in two copies of your essay within given deadlines in the reception office of the department, on the second floor of the C–building (the low, 4-story building next to the Eilert Sundts hus, where your lectures are.)

Grades: The term paper and school exam each counts for 50 %. If you fail one of the exams, you fail the whole course. You are given only one final grade.

The theme of your essay must be chosen from within the topic of the course. The theme of your essay must be approved by the teacher. We recommend that you for the most part base your essay on the reading list (syllabus) for this course, but this is not an absolute rule.

You will be given one hour individual supervision. This hour also includes the time spent on preparation by the supervisor. The teacher may design a discussion of ideas for the essay – and a draft in the seminar. The teacher is responsible for approval of the subject of the essay and the proposal for subject of the essay.

Practical information about the essay:
* The essay must be approximately 4000 words, plus/minus 400 words. (There are approximately 400 words pr. page)
* Use 12 point letter size and a spacing of lines 1 1/2.
* The essay must include a summary on the 10 first lines of the first page.
* Number each page of the essay.
* The list of references must conclude with the following sentence: “All sources that are used in this essay are given here.”
* Follow the rules on references given at a separate page, attached to this page.
* The first page of the essay must give the following information:

Title of the essay
Name of subject and name of teacher
Date you hand in the paper, and where you hand in the paper
Your examination number (the same number that you use in the written examination
The number of words in the essay: The title page, the summary, the list of references and other enclosures are not included in the number of words)


Book references:

* Parriot, D. P. & C. F. Carter. (1972). The Northern Ireland Problem. A Study in Group Relation . 2. ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Journal Article references:

* Birrell, D. (1972). “Relative Deprivation as a Factor in Northern Ireland.” The Sociological Review , 20:317–329.

Section in a book, edited by another person:

* Franklin, A. W. (1978). “Management of the problem.” In: Smith, S.M. (ed.) The Maltreatment of children, MTP