Mandatory reading list : 575 pages (UNIPUB Kompendium). Optional reading list : 100 pages.
*Bird, Katherine 2004: Reconciling work and family. The impact of parental leave policies and occupation on the female life course. Peter Lang, Frankfurt, Introduction pp 13-23, chapter 2: The Zeitgeist: Historical developments in the political and cultural context, pp 63-82. (29 p).
*Bj?rnberg, Ulla 1997: ”Single mothers in Sweden: supported workers who mothers”, In Duncan, Simon & Rosalind Edwards eds 1997: Single mothers in an international context: Mothers or workers? Bristol, UCL Press, pp 241-267 (26 p).
*Brandt, Berit& Kvande, Elin 2001: ”Flexible work and flexible fathers”, Work, employment and society 15(2): 251-267. (16 p).
*Cheal, David 1999: ”The one and the many: Modernity and postmodernity”. In Graham, A. (ed)The sociology of the family . Blackwell, Oxford, pp 56-85 (29 p).
*Dencik, Lars 1995: "Dual socialisation" and its implications”. In: Chisholm, L. et al (eds) Growing up in Europe: contemporary horizons in childhood and youth studies. Berlin/New York: de Gruyter p 105-119. (11 p).
*Duncan, Simon & Rosalind Edwards eds 1997: Single mothers in an international context: Mothers or workers? Chapter 1 pp 1-8, Afterword pp 269-275, Bristol, UCL Press. ( 14 p).
*Ellings?ter, Anne-Lise 1998: "Dual Breadwinner Societies: Provider models in the Scandinavian Welfare States", Acta Sociologica 1 pp 59-73. (14 p).
*Ellings?ter, Anne-Lise 2003: “The complexity of family policy reform”, European societies, 5/4, pp 419-443 (24 p).
*Eriksen, John 2003: ”Public payment for informal care of disabled children, some dilemmas of the Norwegian welfare state. European societies 5/4 pp 445-463 (18 p).
*Fr?nes, Ivar 2000: “Revolution without rebels, Gender, generation, and social change. An Essay on socialisation and the educational achievements of young women”. In Furlong, Andy & Irena Guidikova (eds.) Transitions of youth citizenship in Europe: culture, subculture and Identity. Council of Europe Publishing, pp 1-17. (17 p).
*Fr?nes, Ivar 1997: "The Transformation of Childhood. Children and Families in Postwar Norway". Acta Sociologica 1997, vol 40. pp. 17-30. (23 p).
*Giddens, Anthony 1991: Modernity and self-identity. Self and society in late modern age. Cambridge, Polity press p 1-34 (34p).
*Hochschild, Arlie 1989: The second shift. Avon Books, NY, kap 1-3, pp (33 p).
*Hochschild, Arlie 1997: "Time bind. When home becomes work and work becomes home." Kap 14, The third shift, pp 197-218. (21 p).
*Holter, ?ystein 1995: ”Family theory reconsidered”. In: Borchgrevink, Tordis & ?ystein Gullv?g Holter Red Labour of love. Beyond the self-evidence of everyday life. Avebury, pp 99-129. (30 p).
*Hoem, Britta & Jan M. Hoem 1997: "Fertility Trends in Sweden up to 1996". Stockholm Research Reports in Demography, No. 123. Stockholm University, Demography Unit.(13 p).
*Jensen, An-Magritt 1999 : "Partners and parents in Europe". In A. Leira et al eds, Family Change: Practices, Policies and Values, Comparative Social Research, vol. 18. Stamford, Conn, JAI Press, pp 1-19. (29 p).
*Leira, Arnlaug 2002: Working parents and the welfare state. Family change and policy reform in Scandinavia, chap 3, Cambridge University Press, pp 45-75. (30 p).
Leitner, Sigrid 2003: “Varieties of familialism. The caring function of the family in comparative perspective”, European societies, 5/4, pp 353-375. ( 22 p).
*Lutz, Wolfgang 1999: "Determinants of low fertility and ageing prospects for Europe". In Trnka, Sylvia (ed.) Family issues between gender and generations. Seminar report. European observatory on family matters. European Commission. Vienna pp 49-65. (16 p).
*Richards, MPM 1999: ”The interests of children in divorce”.In Graham, A ed The sociology of the family, Blackwell, Oxford, pp 262-277. (15 p).
*Struening, Karen 2002: New family values. Liberty, equality, diversity. Chap 6 : ”Feminist family policies: A comparison of the egalitarian and caregiver models” Oxford, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, pp153-185. (32 p).
*Wetlesen, Tone Schou 1999: “Cultural transmission in pre-school family socialisation”, In Richter, Rudolf & Sylvia Supper eds New qualities in the lifecourse. Intercultural aspects. Wienna, Ergon Verlag, pp 31-49. (19 p).
*indicates that the article/chapter is included in the Unipub kompendium
Recommended literature:
Adams, Bert N & Jan Trost 2005: Handbook of world families . Thousand Oaks, Sage Publications.
Brandt, Berit & Kvande, Elin 2003: "Fleksible fedre." Maskulinitet, arbeid, velferdsstat. Oslo, Universitetsforlaget.
Cheal, David 2002: Sociology of family life. Palgrave.
Duncan, SS & Edwards R. 1997: Single mothers in an international context: Mothers or workers? London, UCL Press.
Deutsch, Francine 1999: Halving it all: how equally shared parenting works. Cambridge, Harvard University Press.
Ellings?ter, Anne Lise & Jorunn Solheim (red) 2002: "Den usynlige h?nd? Kj?nnsmakt og moderne arbeidsliv." Makt-og demokratiutredningen 1998-2003.
Ellings?ter, Anne Lise & Arnalug Leira (red) 2004: Velferdsstaten og familien. Utfordringer og dilemmaer. Oslo, Gyldendal akademisk.
Gerstel, Naomi et al 2002: Families at work: expanding the boundaries. Nashville, Vanderbilt University Press.
Holter, ?ystein 2003: Can men do it? Men and gender equality – the Nordic experience. Temanord 510.
Syltevik, Liv Johanne 2000: Differensierte familieliv. Familiepraksis i Norge p? slutten av 1990-tallet. Senter for samfunnsforskning, Universitetet i Bergen.
Jensen, An-Magrit 2003: Fra nyttebarn til byttebarn . Barns verdi og demografi. Oslo, Gyldendal.
Morgan, David 1996: Family connections. Cambridge, Polity Press.
Skevik, Anne 2001: “Lone parents and employment in Norway”. Millar, J.& K Rowlingson eds Lone parents, employment and social policy. Cross-national comparisons. Polity Press, pp 87-106.
Syltevik, Liv Johanne 1999: ”Endret velferdspolitikk for alenem?dre – Fra relasjonelt til individualisert alenmodeerskap”. Tss for velferdsforskning 2/2 s 85-99.
Therborn, G?ran 2004: Between sex and power. Family in the world, 1900-2000. Routledge. London.
Wetlesen, Tone Schou . 1991. Fertility choices and constraints. A qualitative study of Norwegian families. Oslo, Solum forlag . (134 p).
Wetlesen, Tone Schou 2000: ? gi videre. Kultur og oppdragelse i familien. Oslo. Fagbokforlaget.