
NB! Preliminary list. Complete list will be available by the end of January.

Brandt, Berit& Kvande, Elin 2001: ”Flexible work and flexible fathers”, Work, employment and society 15(2): 151-167. (16 s)

Cheal, David 1999: ”The one and the many: Modernity and postmodernity”. In: Graham, A. (ed)The sociology of the family . Blackwell, Oxford, pp 56-85 (29p)

Dencik, Lars 1995: "Dual socialisation" and its implications”. In: Chisholm, L. et al (eds) Growing up in Europe: contemporary horizons in childhood and youth studies. Berlin/New York: de Gruyter p 105-119. (11 p )

Ellings?ter, Anne-Lise: "Dual Breadwinner Societies: Provider models in the Scandinavian Welfare States", Acta Sociologica 1/1998:59-73. (14 p)

Eriksen, John 2003: ”Public payment for informal care of disabled children”, European societies 5/4 p 445-463 (18p).

Fr?nes, Ivar 2000: “Revolution without rebels, Gender, generation, and social change. An Essay on socialisation and the educational achievements of young women”. In: Furlong, Andy and Irena Guidikova (eds.) Transitions of youth citizenship in Europe: culture, subculture and Identity. Council of Europe Publishing, pp 1-17. (17p)

Fr?nes, Ivar 1997: "The Transformation of Childhood. Children and Families in Postwar Norway". Acta Sociologica 1997, vol 40. Pp. 17-30. (23p)

Giddens, Anthony 1991: Modernity and self-identity. Self and society in late modern age. Cambridge, Polity press p 1-34 (34p).

Hochschild, Arlie 1989: The second shift. Avon Books, NY, kap 1-3, pp (33p)

Hochschild, Arlie 1997: "Time bind. When home becomes work and work becomes home." Kap 14, The third shift, pp 197-218. (21 p)

Holter, ?ystein 1995: ”Family theory reconsidered”. In: Borchgrevink, Tordis & ?ystein Gullv?g Holter Red Labour of love. Beyond the self-evidence of everyday life. Avebury, pp 99-129. (30p)

Hoem, Britta and Jan M. Hoem 1997: "Fertility Trends in Sweden up to 1996". Stockholm Research Reports in Demography, No. 123. Stockholm University, Demography Unit.(13p)

Jensen, An-Magritt 1999 : "Partners and parents in Europe". In A. Leira et al eds, Family Change: Practices, Policies and Values, Comparative Social Research, vol. 18. Stamford, Conn, JAI Press, pp 1-19. (29 p)

Leira, Arnlaug 2002: Working parents and the welfare state. Family change and policy reform in Scandinavia, chap 3, Cambridge University Press, pp 45-75. (30p)

Lutz, Wolfgang 1999: "Determinants of low fertillity and ageing prospects for Europe". In: Trnka, Sylvia (ed.) Family issues between gender and generations. Seminar report. European observatory on family matters. European Commission. Vienna pp 49-125. (16 p)

Richards, MPM 1999: ”The interests of children in divorce”.In Graham, A ed The sociology of the family, Blackwell, Oxford, pp 262-277. (15p)

Struening, Karen 2002: Chap 6: ”Feminist family policies: A comparison of the egalitarian and caregiver models” in New family values. Liberty, equality, diversity. Oxford, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, pp153-185. (32 p)

Recommended literature:

Brandt, Berit & Kvande, Elin 2003: "Fleksible fedre." Maskulinitet, arbeid, velferdsstat. Oslo, Universitetsforlaget.

Ellings?ter, Anne Lise & Jorunn Solheim red 2002: "Den usynlige h?nd? Kj?nnsmakt og moderne arbeidsliv." Makt-og demokratiutredningen 1998-2003.

Holter, ?ystein 2003: Can men do it? Men and gender equality – the Nordic experience. Temanord 510.

Syltevik, Liv Johanne 2000: Differensierte familieliv. Familiepraksis i Norge p? slutten av 1990-tallet. Senter for samfunnsforskning, Universitetet i Bergen.

Jensen, An-Magrit 2003: Fra nyttebarn til byttebarn . Barns verdi og demografi. Oslo, Gyldendal

Syltevik, Liv Johanne 1999: ”Endret velferdspolitikk for alenem?dre – Fra relasjonelt til individualisert alenmodeerskap”. Tss for velferdsforskning 2/2 s 85-99.

Wetlesen, Tone Schou . 1991. Fertility choices and constraints. A qualitative study of Norwegian families. Oslo, Solum forlag . (134 p)

Published Nov. 24, 2003 11:55 AM - Last modified Dec. 30, 2003 11:03 AM