
* = artikkel finnes i kompendium

@ = artikkel finnes p? internett


Forelesningsnotater tilgjengelig p? kursets nettside.

PRB’s Population handbook. Sidene 2-13, 16-20, 29-33

Teoretisk rammeverk for fruktbarhet: tilbud, ettersp?rsel, regulering, fekunditet, naturlig fruktbarhet, individuell/sosial kontroll inntekt, kostnader, preferanser, normer

*Bongaarts, J. "The proximate determinants of natural marital fertility", i Balatao og Lee (red), Determinants of fertility in developing countries, 1983. Vol. 1, s. 103-138, Academic Press, New York.

*Easterlin, R.A., and Crimmins, E.M. The fertility revolution. A supply-demand analysis, 1987. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, s. 3-31.

Den demografiske overgang

Litt om utvandring fra Norge (

*Alsvik, B. "Levek?r og helse - Eksemplet Kristiania: Sunnhetspoliti i bolig og p? torg", i Larsen m.fl. (red), Helse og Nasjonsbygging, 2005. Gyldendal Akademisk, s.39-80.

*Daugherty, H. & Kammeyer, K. World population growth, 1995. Kapittel 9.

@ Hirschman, C. Why fertility changes, 1994. Annual Review of Sociology, 20, s.203-233.

H?y fruktbarhet i u-land: kvinners status/utdanning, kulturelle faktorer

@ Bongaarts, J. og Casterline, J. Fertility transition: Is sub-Saharan Africa different?, 2013. Population and Development Review 38(1): s.153-168.

@ Caldwell, J. C. og Caldwell, P. The cultural context of high fertility in sub Saharan Africa, 1987. Population and Development Review, 13(3): s.409-437.

@ Izugbara, C. O. and Ezeh, A. C. Women and high fertility in Islamic Northern Nigeria, 2010. Studies in Family Planning 41(3): s.93-204.

*Jejeebhoy, S. J. Women's education, autonomy and reproductive behaviour: Assessing what we have learned. East-West Center Honolulu, 1995. Oxford: Carendon Press. 35 sider.

@ Jejeebhoy, S.J. and Sathar, Z.A. Women's autonomy in India and Pakistan: The influence of religion and region, 2001. Population and Development Review, 27, s. 687-712.

*Mason, K. 0. "The impact of women's social position on fertility in developing countries" i Stychos (red.), Demography as an interdiscipline, 1989. New Brunswick: Transaction publishers s. 100- 127.

Litt om familieplanleggingstiltak

Bongaarts et al. (2012). "Family Planning Programs for the 21st Century", The Population Council, New York (pdf).

@ Ross, J og Stover, J. The family planning program effort index: 1999 cycle, 2001. International Family Planning Perspective, 27, s.119-129.

Reproduktiv helse

"Executive Summary of the Lancet Maternal Survival Series 2006 (pdf)"

@ Donaldson, P. The elimination of contraceptive acceptor targets and the evolution of population policy in India, 2002. Population Studies, 56, s.97-110.

@ Wall, L.L. Dead mothers and injured wives: The social context of maternal morbidity and mortality among the Hausa of Northern Nigeria, 1998. Studies in family Planning, 29, s.341-359.

@ Unicef, Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting: A statistical overview and exploration of the dynamics of change, 2013. Unicef. Kapittel 9.

@ WHO, Trends in Maternal Mortality, 2011. Population and Development Review 37(1): s. 211-214.

Den befolkningspolitiske debatt, inkludert litt om konsekvenser av h?y befolkningsvekst

"En kort omtale av finansieringen av familieplanlegging og reproduktiv helse" (deles ut p? forelesning).

@ Heady, D. D. and Hodge, A. The effect of population growth on economic growth: a meta-regression analysis of the macroeconomic literature, 2009. Population and Development Review  35(2): s. 221-248. Les side 221-226 og 234-237

@ McIntosh and Finkle, The Cairo conference on population and development. A new paradigm?, 1995. Population and Development Review, 21(2), s.223-260.

*Mason, K.A. "Population programs and human rights" i Ahlburg. D. et al (red.), The impact of population growth on well-being in developing countries, 1996. Berlin: Springer, ISBN: 3540607099. Side 299-335 

@ Sherbinin, A. S., Carr, D., Cassels, S. and og Jiang. L. Population and Environment. Annual Review of Environment and Resources 32: s. 345-373. 

United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division (2015). World Population Prospects: The 2015 Revision, Key Findings and Advance Tables. Working Paper No. ESA/P/WP.241. Side 1-11 (pdf).

Befolkningsutviklingen i Norge:

@ Folkehelserapporten – kortversjon: Helsetilstanden i Norge 2018 (pdf) Sidene 10-20 og 43-50

@ Statistisk sentralbyr? 2018: Befolkningsframskrivingene 2018. Rapporter 2018/21 (pdf) sidene 10-33 og 95-101 (om innvandring)

@ Dommermuth et al. (2015) ?Kunnskapsstatus om fruktbarhet og samliv i Norge?. Kapittel om ?fruktbarhet? (side 9-33)


Publisert 7. mai 2019 17:32 - Sist endret 16. jan. 2025 09:15