Answers to all exercises in the book have been posted in the Fronter room
The last lecture (May 7.) will be held in Aud. 1 in Eilert Sundt's building.
Note that the last seminars (corresp. to seminar problem set 6) are next week, i.e. Apr. 23.-27. There will be no seminars in May.
The assignments that were not picked up at the lecture are available in the Department office on the 12th floor.
The compulsory assignment will be handed back during the lecture Monday 16. April. The results (pass/fail) will be available in the Fronter folder as of Monday morning. If you fail you will be granted a second attempt, and you will receive an email about this. The new assignment will be given to those who fail on Wednesday 18. April, with the deadline 25. April.
Compulsory assignment upload The compulsory assignment must be handed in through the folder called "Obligatorisk ?velsesoppgave" that you will find under the folder "Undervisning" in the left menu. Do not hand in the assignment through the Fronterroom for your seminar group, but in the "Fellesrom". The files (including declaration form and front page) that make up the compulsory paper should preferably be combined and handed in as a pdf-file. Convert the .doc-files into pdf-files and merge them. If you have trouble, you may ask at the student IT-helpdeskm, 2nd floor.
Re. the compulsory assignment, question 3(a) and (b): Please note that the reason that GDP per capita in Norway in PPP terms looks higher than GDP per capita in Norway in US$, is that the latter is measured in constant 2000 USD while PPP is measured in constant 2005 USD. Since there has been inflation in the US from 2000 to 2005, the PPP figures looks higher that the US$ figures for Norway, but this is only due to the differences in the dating of the dollar value. For this reason we included question 3(c), where the value of a PPP$ and the value of a US$ are measured at the same time (in 2010). Here you see that GDP per capita in PPP terms is lower than GDP per capita at the exchange rate for Norway, while the opposite is true for China, exactly as one would expect.
The instructions page for handing in compulsory assignments has now been translated into English.
Compulsory assignment: Please read important information about handing in the compulsory assignment, as well as about consequences of cheating, which has now been added to the first page of the assignment.
Please note that information about submitting the assignment in Fronter, and declaration forms that must be added to the assignment, are to be found on this page .
The deadline for handing in the compulsory assignment is March 21.
The compulsory assignment has been posted. Please note that the front page is missing; the front page (with instructions on how to hand in the assignment) will be posted in due course.
There is no lecture on Feb. 13 due to illness
Her finner dere informasjon om innlevering av obligatoriske ?velsesoppgaver ved ?konomisk institutt v?ren 2012 Oppgaver som ikke f?lger kravene som er presentert her vil ikke bli vurdert. Frister for ut- og innlevering st?r ogs? p? denne siden. F?lg ellers med p? beskjeder lagt ut p? emnenes semestersider for mer spesifikke datoer og viktig informasjon om obligatorisk aktivitet for det enkelte emne.
Slides for lecture 4 and exercises for seminar 2 have been posted.
The contact student is Ravi Shah. His email address is ivar7284 [at]
Bytte av seminargruppe: Fristen for ? s?ke bytte av seminargruppe gikk ut fredag 27. januar. S?knadene er n? behandlet, og du vil kunne se om du er p? samme eller ny gruppe i studentweb.
Lecture 2: We continue the discussion from lecture 1 (starting at slide 52), and then move on to economic growth.
NBNB VIKTIG: Forkurs i matematikk i uke 3 og 4 ved Knut Syds?ter og Arne Str?m. Tirsdag 17. januar kl 14:15-16, onsdag 18. januar kl 14:15-16 (aud 1, Eilert Sundt hus), onsdag 25. januar kl 14:15-16 (aud 2, KJM MU19), torsdag 26. januar kl 14:15-16 (aud 7, Eilert Sundt hus).
Dette er et repetisjonskurs av utvalgte emner i matematikk fra videreg?ende skole (1. klasse) som er spesielt relevante for innf?ringsemner i samfunns?konomi. Tilbudet er mest aktuelt for studenter med svak matematikkbakgrunn eller studenter som ?nsker repetisjon av disse temaene. Det vil ikke v?re noen formell registrering eller eksamen i kurset. Kurset kan ogs? tas av studenter som tar andre 1000-emner i samfunns?konomi.
Innhold: Tirsdag 17. jan: Myk start. Regneregler for parentes-uttrykk. Kvadratsetningene (begge veier). Onsdag 18. jan: Regneregler for potenser. Regneregler for br?ker. Prosenter. Introduksjon til funksjoner (av én vari...