Questions & Answers about the exam are posted in Fronter.
There will be several questions, some will require longer answers than others. You will need to answer all questions (that is, you will not be able to choose which questions to answer, which some exams offer). It is a closed book exam, which is taken into consideration.
- Ingrid -
Notice that the last ECON1910 seminar for Seminar Group 1 will be in Harriet Holter's building, room 201:
The lecture on Monday April 29 has been moved to Arne Næss' auditorum in Georg Morgenstiernes' building. The lecture will be given at 10:15-12:00 instead of 12:15-14:00.
Make sure to check the map (see the schedule on the semester page) before Monday, so you know how to find the auditorium.
- Ingrid -
There is a typo in Figure 10.13 in Ray's book. It should say 6,000 instead of 8,000 on the x-axis.
- Ingrid -
The compulsory assignment results (pass/fail) are now available in Fronter.
- Ingrid -
When you upload your answer to the compulsory assignment, it should be uploaded in the file "Innlevering av obligatorisk øvelsesoppgave - Seminar X", where X is the number of your seminar group. When you visit your seminar group room, you will find this file under "Tutorial" (English version of Fronter) or "Undervisning" (Norwegian version of Fronter).
If you have any questions about how to upload your answer in Fronter, or if you have questions about the cover page (forside) or decleration form (erklæringsskjema), please contact Line Grenheim <>, before 3pm today.
- Ingrid -
Questions and Answers about handing in the compulsory assignment have been posted in Fronter.
Changes have been made to the seminar plan. There will be no seminars in the first week of April. Instead, there will be a seminar on Tuesday April 23 (group 4), Wednesday May 8 (group 1 and 3), and Friday May 10 (group 2). - Ingrid -
There has been a change in the lecture plan. There will be no lecture on April 8. Instead, there will be a lecture on April 29.
You can answer the compulsory assignment in Norwegian or in English. You can write by hand and scan all / parts of your answers if you want to. Please submit your answers in one document, rather than different documents for different pages that you have scanned. -Ingrid-
The compulsory assignment has been posted on the course web page (and Fronter). The deadline is March 21. Make sure to read the guidelines carefully. Good luck! - Ingrid -
The questions for the second seminar are now posted in Fronter, together with two excel sheets that you need to use in order to answer the questions. As usual, see "ECON1910 - Fellesrom 2013-v?r - Undervisning" (or "Tutorial" instead of "Undervisning", if you log in using the English version of Fronter).
REMINDER: there are only six seminars during the semester for each seminar group in this course. The next seminar takes place in March; on March 5 (group 4), on March 6 (group 1 and 3), and on March 8 (group 2).
REMINDER: there is no lecture on Monday February 18. The next lecture is on Monday February 25.
Reminder: the lecture notes are now posted in Fronter (see previous message)
There is an error on the figure on page 135 in Ray (1998). The text on the curves ("Cost on A" and "Cost on B") should be switched. The text on the axes of the diagram is correct, as are the discussions in the surrounding paragraphs.
Ekstra forelesninger i minikurset i matematikk: Vi har ikke kommet s? langt som vi skulle i kurset, og dessuten har jeg f?tt oppfordringer fra studenter p? ECON1910 om ? si litt om eksponentialfunksjoner og logaritmer. Det blir derfor to ekstra forelesninger:
Tirsdag 29/1, 14.15-16.00 i auditorium 3.
Torsdag 31/1, 14.15-16.00 i auditorium 1.
Arne Str?m
You can print several slides on the same sheet, when printing the lecture notes. Press print: when the print box pops up, press "Properties" and then "Layout/Watermark" and choose the number of pages per sheet. -Ingrid-
The contact student is Silje Wahl ( She will meet with me during the semester and will treat any questions / comments that you send her about the lectures or seminars anonymously. - Ingrid -
A detailed lecture plan, with syllabus specified for each lecture, is now posted on the course web page (changes may occur). -Ingrid-
OBS! OBS! VIKTIG:Refresher course in mathematics in January [in Norwegian only]:
Forkurs i matematikk i uke 3 og 4 ved Arne Str?m. Dette er et repetisjonskurs i utvalgte emner i matematikk fra videreg?ende skole (1. klasse) som er spesielt relevante for innf?ringsemner i samfunns?konomi. Tilbudet er mest aktuelt for studenter med svak matematikkbakgrunn og for studenter som ?nsker ? repetere disse temaene. Det er ingen formell registrering eller eksamen i kurset. Kurset kan ogs? tas av studenter som tar andre 1000-emner i samfunns?konomi.
Legg merke til at tid og sted er litt endret i forhold til det som tidligere har v?rt opplyst:
Forelesningene foreg?r i auditorium 1 i Eilert Sundts hus (SV-bygget) i tiden 14.15-16.00 p? tirsdag 15/1, torsdag 17/1, mandag 21/1 og torsdag 24/1.
Omtrentlig plan:
1. gang: Myk start. Regneregler for parentesuttry...