The mandatory assignment results (pass/fail) are now available in Fronter.
Toread the evaluaton: Go into the folder called "Innlevering" in Fronter.Clickon the arrownext tothe assignmentand select "comment"inthe dropdown menu.Hereyoucanfindthe feedback from thesensor,and you can alsosee ifthe assignment has passed or failed.
V= Passed
X= Fail
The evaluation of your mandatory assignments is now available in fronter. If you did not pass, you need to solve the exam from spring 2012 (available here - scroll down for english version), and hand in your solution in fronter by Wednesday May 14 at 10:00. This solution must be approved for you to be allowed to sit the exam.
Note that the lecture plan listed last years exam date. The correct date and place is given here. The lecture plan has been updated.
We have removed "signature from Department" from the front page. It is sufficient to sign the declaration electronically by filling out your name in the document, and it is not necessary for the Department to sign your front page.
Here is more information on how to hand in your assignment in Fronter:
The problem set for the last seminar has been uploaded.
Upon request from some students, we have now posted the remaining essay questions here.
Dear all,
After discussing it with the administration, we unfortunately have to make a small change in the submission procedure for the mandatory assignment. All essays should be submitted in fronter in a single pdf file (including also a front page and declaration form that will be made available shortly). The existing submission folders will be removed and a new one will be created shortly. My apologies for the inconvenience, especially to those of you that had already submitted an essay.
I understand some of you struggle with the mathematics in this course. First, let me ensure your that we are only using math that everyone should have been through in high school, almost entirely math from 10th grade and below. So you did know this at some point! It is not impossible! Of course, you may need to reactivate that knowledge. We had an intro course in Norwegian early in the semester, and I recommended the DragonBox 12+ App for algebra. I just also found the Khan Academy, that has instructional and easily available graphical lectures on a range of topics, including mathematics. There is more than you need here, but it is all pretty well organized, so hopefully you will find what you need (for instance, there is a whole section on logarithms). If you use it, I would also be very happy for recommendations on which sections to suggest for future students.
To submit your essay for circulation before the seminar, you can use the folder Seminar 2, Seminar 3, etc. You can find the folders under Archive/Arkiv in the fronter room of your assigned seminar.
To submit the final version for the mandatory assignment, you can use the folders in the fronter common room of ECON1910, again named Seminar 2, Seminar 3, etc. These will be available from the seminar week in question until the final submission deadline.
Remember that there is no lecture scheduled next week.
There was a mistake in the slides in the lecture today. As we suspected when looking at the numbers, the poverty graphs for Norway were wrong. I had, sloppily, used the wrong series. I have updated the slides online, and will discuss it briefly in the lecture next week.
To clear up any confusion about the mandatory assignment:
- All students (who have not previously gotten approved a mandatory assignment in ECON1910) must submit and pass the mandatory assignment to be allowed to sit the exam.
- That includes those who do not attend seminars.
- The mandatory assignment will consist of 5 individual essay questions, of which you must submit 3, no more, no less.
- The essay questions will be the same as the essay questions discussed in seminars 2--5.
For information about how to write the essays, go here.
I also posted all the slides on this homepage, and will do so from hereon out.
One of the references to figures in HDR was wrong in the exercise for seminar 1 (it should be figure 2.7, not figure 2.9). The text is updated now. Sorry about the mistake.
I added a section with some relevant media clippings, so far only in Norwegian. Please feel free to send tips about media articles that you think are relevant for me or the other students, preferably including a link or pdf-file (my postings will probably be highly erratic). You can also post these directly in fronter, so they are immediately available to everyone.
Anna Marie H?if?dt was elected contact student for ECON1910 today. If you have something that you want her to bring up with me or one of the other teachers, you can contact her in fronter.
Also, we forgot to assign a contact student in the lecture. Please help me remember it next week.
P? grunn av kollisjon med forelesningene i ECON1210 er torsdagsforelesningene i forkurset flyttet. Timeplanen for resten av kurset blir derfor slik:
Torsdag 16/1: 12.15-14.00 i auditorium 1 (OBS)
Mandag 20/1: 12.15-14.00 i auditorium 2
Torsdag 23/1: 12.15-14.00 i auditorium 2
We need to appoint a contact student for the course, who will act as a liaison for general feedback and questions from students, and will speak for the students at the evaluation meeting at the end of the term. Please try to find a name by the end of the break next week.
As mentioned in class and in the course plan below, 3 out of 5 essays written for the seminars must be submitted in fronter as your mandatory assignment, due Tuesday May 6 at 12:00. Note that:
- Essays must be written individually, plagiarism is grounds for failure.
- If you do not follow a seminar, you must still write 3 out of the 5 essays given as seminar exercises, and hand them in as your mandatory assignment.
- If you have followed the course previously, and your mandatory assignment was approved, then you are not required to hand in the mandatory assignment this semester. Please confirm in studweb that your previous pass is registered in the system well in advance of the final deadline, and contact the administration if it is not.
- if you fail, you will be given a second chance to solve an exercise made available on Monday May 12 at 10:00, due on Wednesday May 14 at 10:00
A plan for the course and lectures can be found here. Slides from the lectures will be available on fronter. Since I don't seem to have access to the course fronter room yet, you can download slides from the first lecture here for now.