Some guide lines sem 7 and 8

As promised I am uploading the mixed symetric equilibrium part of problem 5 in seminar 7, the problem of "watching a crime". If I was unclear in the lecture, symmetric means that all players are playing the same strategy in equilibrium, which here is the probability they put on calling and not calling. The guideline is here. Mark, there is a difference between this note and the note provided in seminar as P' is what I wrote as P in the seminar. This to try to be more correct in the notation.

I also provide you the full game tree of the repeated prisoners dilemma from problem 3 of seminar 8. This is merely meant as an illustration and not required to solve the problem.

Both of these links will be deactivated after the last seminar. Please let me  know if there are any errors or other problems.


Published Nov. 6, 2013 8:18 AM