I was asked about the …
I was asked about the literature. A few clarifications:
- You do not need both the English and the Norwegian books. The teaching schedule references both (Norwegian in slanted font), pick as appropriate.
- For both the English and Norwegian books, there were new editions recently, but you can use the previous ones.
- English: In the teaching plan, the ?Essential Mathematics for Economic Analysis? is abbreviated ?EMEA?. It covers more or less the entire course. (The ?Further Mathematics for Economic Analysis? is certainly useful (and it is used in Mathematics 3 and a couple of 5000 courses).)
- Norsk: Dere vil trenge b?de Matematisk Analyse bind 1 (?MA1? i planen) og bind 2 (?MA2?) samt Lin?r Algebra (?LA?). (I hvilken grad st?ttelitteraturen (?FAMLA? til nedlasting) kan substituere for LA, er opp til hver enkelt ? avgj?re.)
Published Aug. 23, 2011 12:54 PM
- Last modified Dec. 14, 2011 2:05 PM