
Published Dec. 9, 2012 10:41 PM

Again: The exam is open book, not only “book”; you can bring any written or printed material (and you can write on and annotate your printed material).

Published Dec. 4, 2012 6:40 PM

A couple of messages:

  • The Faculty has allocated the exam to four different rooms – two for 3120 and two for 4120. Check your details in StudentWeb in advance. Maths 2, the Faculty's own Super Mario version.

  • Some of you have an exam on Thursday immediately before the review lecture. Don't hesitate to crash the doors even if you are delayed. I will do the exam problem set first.

  • Although we try to be available the days before the exam, the Department has a seminar from lunch on Friday. I (NCF) might very well be available during the week-end (just do not expect me to be in the office at one minute notice), but in the unlikely case of a queue at my office: the Maths 3 students might have to be served first, as their exam is on Monday.


Published Nov. 23, 2012 10:30 PM

I removed the link to the autumn 2009 answers, due to a error in problem 2 (well, maybe I should have removed the problem set itself, as the issue is that the signs on the variables were forgotten ... actually, the problem has no solution). – NCF

Published Nov. 23, 2012 7:16 PM

Math 2 and Math 3 review lectures: There will be review lectures on December 6th, auditorium 7: Math 3 at 1015, Math 2 at 1215 (i.e. the usual Math 2 time and place). Topics:

  • Most recent exam reviewed
  • 'Course in a nutshell'
  • Topics you request; please send me an e-mail – and please mark it with 'Math 2' or 'Math 3', OK?

Published Nov. 19, 2012 5:46 PM

  • Next lecture, which is the last ordinary one, will cover leftovers from homogeneous/homothetic functions, and improper integrals. Lecture schedule updated.
  • The calendar is now also updated with the last seminar.

Published Nov. 16, 2012 7:39 PM

Last semester's exam problem set is now made available; if you have not seen it before, I suggest to leave it unseen until you can allocate three hours. (There will not be posted any solution to the autumn 2011 exam; due to illness, none was produced.) – Nils

Published Nov. 7, 2012 8:28 PM

  • As the time and place table had not had the teaching-free week's seminar removed, we have one more than scheduled. It will appear in that calendar soon, we hope. For that same reason, there will likely not be problems solved on that final lecture.
  • Problems for the last two seminars posted, but with reservation for changes.
– Nils

Published Nov. 4, 2012 8:00 PM

The problem from exam spring 2007 #3 assigned for this week, requires Thursday's lecture. Please disregard it (it will be re-assigned for next week though.) – Nils

Published Oct. 30, 2012 6:54 PM

Another comment re your term papers: some of you did write specific book references (Theorem x.y) – you are not required to do so at an exam, so if you know the result, don't spend time looking it up. It may be a good idea to write e.g. “by the intermediate value theorem” though – then it is clear that you have (attempted to) apply a piece of the curriculum. – Nils

Published Oct. 28, 2012 2:13 PM

A couple of messages:

  • There is lecture tomorrow Monday, but not on November 1st. Last month's update in the schedule managed to write Nov 1st before Oct 29th. Fixed now, don't let it confuse you.
  • MyMathLab access for those who bought the 4th edition: If you bought it at Akademika, they now offer new and working access codes, but one of the students (thank you for this information!) has also gotten one from the publisher, who is certainly aware of the mess.
  • For the Norwegian MA1: The student's manual is available here.


Published Oct. 25, 2012 12:35 AM
Published Oct. 20, 2012 1:24 PM

Re the student manuals (PDF): Although the old edition is removed from parts of the publisher's web site, it turns out there is still one webpage up. Download links:


Also, the old companion website with resources to EMEA is still up.

– Nils

Published Oct. 9, 2012 12:10 PM


  • Problem sets for the linear algebra weeks. Subject to change as the lectures progress.
  • Problem set for a (voluntary) term paper posted.

Bjorn will take over the lectures from Monday, starting at linear algebra, which is totally different from the calculus topics we have been working on.

Published Oct. 3, 2012 10:47 PM

  • Since I have to finalize the differential equation topics tomorrow, I have already put up problems for wk 42.

  • Notice that there is no teaching wk 41, despite the time-and-place calendar claiming the contrary. (I do not have write access to that calendar.)

Published Sep. 27, 2012 6:09 PM

  • Problems for next week now available.

  • The lecture schedule is revised; the cancellation November 1st (room occupied for other purposes) made it necessary to shuffle a bit around on things in order to have seminars on (nearly) everything. So the last ordinary lecture, November 22nd, will be one hour seminar and one hour lecture. Furthermore, the suggested time for a review lecture is revised, taking into account the exam dates for 4200 and 4310; the time of this could still be up for discussion though.

Published Sep. 21, 2012 3:02 PM

  • Problems for next week available.
  • Next week's seminars may or may not have a seminar leader, as announced in the lecture – this depending on Bjorn's recovery. That goes for all three seminars, as Alice is anyway unavailable this particular week.
  • Status: optimistic. So until further notice, you should assume that Bjorn will be back and lead the seminars.

Published Sep. 18, 2012 3:06 PM

A few messages, please read.

  • I was asked about time/place for the recommended Maths 3 lectures. They are Tue 1015 and Wed 1215, aud. 2; see the ECON4140 homepage. Fortunately, those who missed today's lecture, missed only the heavier and less Maths 2-relevant Kuhn–Tucker material; tomorrow is maybe more interesting.

  • It may (or may not) be necessary to cancel next week's seminar, and re-schedule it for week 41. Q: OK? (If nobody intends to show up that week, then we might as well cancel it completely.)

  • For this week's seminar problmes, there were some glitches in the solutions to the Autumn 07 set and Autumn 09 set. I have updated the former. The latter must wait until I get the source file; the issue is that we cannot settle for only the positive solution. It will be explained in the seminars.


Published Sep. 17, 2012 8:34 PM

I think the address to the contact students now works: . They are Ida Bentdal Amble, Aase Rangnes Seeberg and Maria Pedersen del Toro.

Published Sep. 14, 2012 2:23 AM

Problems for next week posted.

If you want an idea in advance what the problems will look like, then see the autumn 2011 web page. However, I have to make adjustments due to the progress. (Do not look at the spring 2011 problems, as the spring version is taught in a different order.)

Published Sep. 10, 2012 5:34 PM

Available: The (Maths 3) slides from the beginning of the lecture, and also the remaining solution to the last Kuhn–Tucker problem.

Published Sep. 10, 2012 2:03 PM

Starting this week, I (NCF) will have to move my consultation hours til Thursday.

Published Sep. 7, 2012 3:58 PM

Problems for next week: 43, 44, 53 (c), 54 and 110 (a), all from the compendium.

Published Sep. 5, 2012 4:50 PM

The lecture plan, the item for tomorrow, had a ?wrong reference? claim left from the time it was actually wrong. Please ignore.

Published Aug. 30, 2012 12:11 PM

There is lecture today; you only have to make your way past the event on the outside. (Sorry for the late call.)

Published Aug. 28, 2012 6:14 PM

Consultation hours posted as well (the Administration and teachers link). – NCF