Uploads and possible mock exam

Last thing first: 
In class we discussed a possible mock exam Thu 24th or Fri 25th (from the morning).  

  • If so, it will be the hand-in#4 problem set, and then the deadline needs to be changed. (Hopefully that is possible!)
  • Showing up for the in-class session won't at all be compulsory, and what you submit there and then cannot impair your rights to submit as has been decided, so therefore, I have the following idea: 
    • you could submit by paper and get feedback by paper;
    • we won't have time to give everyone the timely feedback that they need to change it before submitting it - but my hope was that we could start with those who had 2/3 approved, and hopefully give them a swift "improve this before you submit!" over the week-end.
  • Stay tuned for announcements. 

Rules and formulas: A reworked version is posted in Canvas. Please report any errors. 

  • Page view: If you print this out, you will have a single page and then page I on the left and II to the right (opposite of usual book pagination). 
    This is consistent with how the exam set used to be handed out: one front matter, then a double-page of problems. 
    Continuing that way, it will be
    • a double-page of logs/limits/derivatives/differentials/elasticities
    • a double page of optimization
    • a double page of integrals and diff.eqs (and approximations because it fits the page)
    • a double page of linear algebra
    • a "misc" single page.

Lecture note upload: Differential equations gathered in one document (18 pages), several megabytes due to colours. 

For next lectures, linear algebra: Please have a look in last year's notes: /studier/emner/sv/oekonomi/ECON4120/h18/lecturenotes/ , start on top of the alphabet with the filenames containing "LA" for linear algebra.
(I used slides then due to what functionality was available in the auditoriums. Might show some of them as "overview" - but generally, go on like this week instead?)

Next hand-in: The remarks document updated in Canvas. 

This hand-in: Results will be done by tonight and published by tomorrow Friday. (Less than ten percent fails.) But: 

  • Don't use the Canvas Android app! It can give wrong results, just like the iOS app did last time. Use a web browser.

Solution posted in Canvas: a note addressing common issues, and a hand-written proposed solution (except the margin notes therein are remarks, not what I would suggest to hand in). 


Phew. Long messages, aren't they?

- Nils

Published Oct. 3, 2019 9:53 PM - Last modified Oct. 3, 2019 9:57 PM