
Published May 23, 2007 9:40 AM

This is an invitation to participate in a periodic course evaluation for ECON3120/4120 - Mathematics 2: Calculus and linear algebra. The periodic course evaluation is in addition to the evaluation that has already taken place earlier this semester. The evaluation is done on internet, and you will have the possibility to give your answer until June 10. Please note that there are questions concerning exams, so it might be an idea not to answer until after your exam.

Click here to find the formula . Use your ordinary username and password. Your answer will be anonymous.

Published May 12, 2007 12:25 AM

Term paper 2 has been marked and "graded". All papers handed in were accepted as satisfactory. It seems that the problems were a bit too easy: 35 papers out of 76 scored 90 points or more (the maximum possible was 100), and another 29 papers got 80-89 points. The bottom score was 44 points. If you didn't get your paper back during last Thursday's lecture, you can pick it up together with solutions from the department office on the 12th floor. About the exam: Remember that you are allowed to bring all books, notes, and other written or printed matter with you, and pocket calculators too. Please don't try to save paper on the exam. That is not the time to think about protecting the environment. It is so much easier to read your papers if you allow yourself to write legibly and leave some white space between your paragraphs. If we cannot read what you have written, we assume that it is wrong!

If you have difficu...

Published Apr. 27, 2007 3:54 PM

Oops! In the list of seminar problems for Wednesday 2/5 I managed to include exam problem 121, which was also on the list for 18/4. There is no need to do that problem again (I hope). A.S.

Published Apr. 26, 2007 4:41 PM

A couple of "Kuhn-Tucker" problems that I discussed in the lecture on Monday 23/4 are available (with answers) from the link Kuhn-Tucker under the heading Extra problems on this page. Some recent exam sets are also available under Complete exam sets, with answers to most of them. Reminder: No lecture on Monday 30/4. The last two lectures will be on 3/5 and 10/5. Arne Str?m

Published Apr. 22, 2007 5:15 PM

If you did not collect your marked term paper ("obligatorisk oppgavesett") on Thursday 19/4, you can get it from the reception office on the 12th floor. All papers handed in were accepted as "satisfactory", although some were dangerously weak. Reminder: There are no seminars on Wednesday 25/4. The last two seminars this term are scheduled for the 2nd and the 9th of May. Arne Str?m

Published Mar. 26, 2007 2:51 PM

Mid-semester evaluation

We encourage all students to give their evaluation of the course. The evaluation form is available here Reply by clicking on the link

Published Mar. 8, 2007 1:24 PM

If you didn't get the first of the two compulsory term papers in class today, you can download it from the link on this page. From now on, we shall mainly use old exam problems for the seminars. The collection of old exam problems (in Norwegian) is available from "Kopiutsalget" in Akademika. If you have difficulty reading Norwegian, please ask me or Atle Seierstad for an English version. The English version is also available as a download from this web page. Remember, no lectures next week (week 11). Atle Seierstad will give the lectures in week 12, and then I will be back from the 26th of March. Arne Str?m

Published Mar. 6, 2007 11:06 AM

There will be no seminar for group 1 and 2 (with Marte Str?m) Wednesday March 7. These groups will be moved to Wednesday March 14.

Published Feb. 14, 2007 1:08 PM

Fra Fagutvalget: Fra mandag 19. til torsdag 22. har Fagutvalget organisert en aktualitetsuke med mange ulike gjesteforelesninger, foredrag, filmvisning og debatt. Alle studenter oppfordres til ? delta. Last ned programmet her

Published Feb. 14, 2007 1:36 AM

There will be no seminars on Wednesday 21/2. Instead I have selected a few problems for you to look at on your own before Thursday 22/2. You can find them under the same heading as the seminar problems. You will get answers to the problems on Thursday 22/2.

There will be a total of 10 seminars this semester, and the seminar schedule for the rest of the semester looks like this: 28/2, 7/3, 21/3, 11/4, 18/4, 2/5, 9/5. Arne Str?m

Published Feb. 8, 2007 2:50 PM

The contact student for this course is Tizita Sileshi, e-mail:

Published Jan. 16, 2007 5:45 PM

For the first few weeks, before the seminars get going, I will give a few problems in connection with each lecture. You will get answers to the problems at the next lecture. These problem sets will be posted under the heading Oppvarming/Warm Up on the ECON4120 web page. Arne Str?m