
Published May 12, 2010 2:52 PM

Answers to the problems suggested for this week can be found together with the answers to the seminar problems under the heading "11 May answers". Note that in the version handed out in class on the 11th there was a bad misprint in equation (6) on page 4. It should be z (y-x) = mu (y-x), with y-x as a factor on both sides of the equation.

One person still hasn't picked up his copy of the term paper from 13 April. If you are that person, you can get it back from the reception on the 12th floor.

About the exam: The exam in ECON3120/4120 is an "open book exam". This means that you are allowed to bring all written material that you want: books, notes, etc. (but books that you haven't read yet are unlikely to be of any help). You are also allowed to use calculators (but not laptop PCs!).

Good luck!

Published May 4, 2010 12:16 AM

There will be two extra lectures in this course: Monday 10 May, 14:15-16:00 in Auditorium 2, ES; Tuesday 11 May, 14:15-16:00 in Auditorium 3, ES. Note the change in time and place for the Tuesday lecture - it will not be 12:15-14:00 as previously announced. In addition to discussing elasticities I will also discuss the solutions of the following exam problems: 48, 67, 79, 106, 111, and 143(a). You might also like to try your hand at problems 16, 39, 118, 130, 141. Arne Str?m

Published Apr. 6, 2010 2:33 PM

Do you have any questions or need to talk about mathematics? You are welcome to knock on my door (room 1119) at any time. I'll not always be in, but I will try to be available on Thursdays between 11:15 and 12:00. A.S.

Published Mar. 23, 2010 10:40 PM

You are invited to hand in a voluntary term paper for marking. It is a good idea to hand it in even if you have not managed to do all of the problems. If you did not get the paper in class today, you can find it on this web page. Deadline: Tuesday 13 April.

Published Mar. 4, 2010 4:45 PM

I am going to be away from Blindern until Monday 22 March. Knut Syds?ter will give the lectures on the 8th and 9th. The are no lectures or seminars in this course during the "lecture free" week, 15-19 March, but I have put together a few problems that you may work on that week. You will find them among the seminar problems under the title Do-it-on-your-own 15-19 March.

Because of the Easter holiday there are no lectures or seminars in the week 5-9 April either, but before Easter you will get a voluntary term paper that I would like you to work on and hand in for marking on 13 April.

Arne Str?m

Published Feb. 16, 2010 10:03 AM

The contact student this term is Maren Harby Nygaard, whose e-mail address is

Published Feb. 9, 2010 10:19 AM

In order to give you a little practice Knut Syds?ter has kindly put together a problem set that you may try your hand at and hand in for marking on Tuesday 16 February. The problems will be handed out in class today, and you can also find them on this page under the heading Voluntary assignments and term papers. Later this term you will get a "voluntary term paper" where you can show your calculations and arguments in "free style".

These problem sets are voluntary and what you do on them has no influence on your grades for the course (except indirectly through their effect on your learning!), but our impression is that students who hand them in tend to do a little better on the exam.